🎨 Colorist Newsletter #478

Published: Sun, 04/11/21

Issue CDLXXVIII: The Virtual Vegas Edition
The Tao of Color Grading Newsletter
Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sundays.
From The Publisher
Last week's edition of the Newsletter didn't ship since it was the Easter holiday weekend.

But we're back and with more stories than I can fit this week. That's why - with the support of readers like you, attracting this Newsletter's Sponsors - we'll be back next Sunday!

Enjoy, and I do encourage you to check out the links to the Colorist Salary Survey and the Colorist Mixer (it's virtual and happening this Saturday). They're both in the Craft section.

Happy Grading!

I'll see you next Sunday.
(and remember - if you have a story that's a fit for this Newsletter, hit reply or email it to 'newsletter@taoofcolor.com'! Include a quick reason for the suggested link.)

- Patrick Inhofer
Colorist | Publisher | Coach

Join the 'Color Cartel' Protein Folding Team - Rosetta@home allows you to donate the spare CPU cycles of your rig to the scientific fight against coronaviruses and cancers! The Tao Newsletter's Color Cartel is a Top 5% team and climbing. Join Rosetta@home, set up an account, start 'folding', and connect to The Color Cartel team.
The Craft
Featuring the work of creative craftsmen, the theory of color, and industry news. Learn practical workflows, useful theories, and actionable insights from existing (and emerging) leaders and teachers in our industry.

NAB in April isn't happening in 2021. But the Annual Colorist Mixer is: "Sessions will include discussions on grading in a new country and the new normal, HDR monitors, questions for successful working colorists, grading tips and techniques from instructors plus two quizzes, many prizes and social hours." Saturday, April 17, 3pm - 9pm New York Time. $10 US.

The physical NAB show in Las Vegas is postponed until October. But you can sign up for their virtual event, running April 12-23.

Help a friend out! In 2019 the Berlin-based colorist community did a salary survey. In 2020 they expanded their survey to make it global. Help them out by participating! Your answers will help newcomers to the field understand going rates, based on city, and will help sustain colorist salaries.

(video) "The [embedded] video includes never-before-seen BTS clips from the making of season 2 and dives into StageCraft 2.0 and Helios, the ILM real-time cinematic render engine used to create the in-camera visual effects and environments in the volume for the series."

These visualizations are worth holding on to. They map emotions to colors, which I think work quite well. A good thing to share with production teams during prepro.
You can also keep this as a handy list of emotions to build up your vocabulary. Personally, I find talking about the 'emotion' of a scene can really open up clients who aren't comfortable talking color. So rather than throwing out 'happy' for the mood of a scene this chart offers 'cheerful', 'triumphant', or 'proud' - to get the conversation started.

A good, short read.

Flanders Scientific XM310K Professional HDR Grading Display
The XM310K has a peak luminance of 3,000cd/m2 making it one of the brightest HDR mastering monitors on the market.

It supports both PQ and HLG EOTFs, multiple color gamut selections, and a contrast ratio in excess of 3,000,000:1. The XM310K is ideal for a wide variety of demanding HDR workflows.
SHOP NOW at ShopFSI.com
The Tools
Our craft keeps changing. And growing. Learn about updates to your favorite software. Discover new tools to help you work faster or more creatively. Build your tool chest with new techniques and approaches. 

(video) Luke Ross is adding video tutorials to his free PDF guide on conforming: "In the first video, we'll learn how editors should correctly hand over files to a colourist for online finishing."

If you don't prefer using Resolve's integrated Frame.io markers then this will be useful to you, created by colorist & editor Nikolai Waldman: "When you download the comments in a Resolve EDL they are based on a 00:00:00:00 start time . . . CommentSlip will let you set your start TC and slip all comments to the correct timecode."

A review: "Let’s look at CineMatch, a new plugin from FilmConvert. We’ll discuss how to use it and if it’s actually worth your time."

This is an interesting article. You can sign up for a free account at Display Daily. But that only allows you to read one or two articles a month. That said, I used my monthly allotment for this article to see what Charles Poyton has to say about what 'scene referred' actually means?

"Silverstack Lab helps DITs automatically manage media, color, and metadata, and now it connects to Frame.io for faster and easier dailies." Click through for the details.

For my on-set brothers and sisters: "This article describes a comprehensive dailies workflow that can make life simpler for the editor and the sound mixer while maintaining the highest quality."

Personally, I find Resolve Fairlight to be very empowering on my personal projects. Editors will likely feel the same way. I haven't checked out this training but Ripple is reputable and it should be high-quality. It's currently on sale.

Side note: I have gone through the free Fairlight PDF training book on Blackmagic's website. It's a fantastic workbook by Mary Plummer and I very much recommend it.

Get it done, Faster, Better and Cheaper with the OWC Flex 8
OWC's New Award-Winning ThunderBay Flex 8 Powerhouse Solution Is Now Shipping

This Industry-first Thunderbolt™ 3 storage, docking, and PCIe expansion solution (with 85w charging) is dollar for dollar, the best way for serious media professionals to handle their storage, connectivity, and PCIe expansion needs.

All eight bays can utilize SATA 6Gb/s 2.5-inch SSDs or 3.5-inch HDDs. To take advantage of 40Gb/s PCIe technology, the top four bays are NVMe U.2 SSD ready.

The OWC ThunderBay Flex 8 is a recipient of the 2020 Future Best of Show Award, presented by Video Edge. Video Edge awarded the ThunderBay Flex 8 their Special Edition Best of Show Award in the store, charge and connect category.
Learn more at MacSales.com
Pushing Photons
These stories are from MixingLight.com's membership Library of color grading articles, tutorials, and podcasts (Tao Of Color is co-Owner). Do you want to read a story listed here but not a member? Sign up for a free 7-Day Test Drive.​​​ There's also color correction Practice Projects for purchase.

Mixing Light continues running its 'Work From Home' permanent discounted pricing offer as our industry is still trying to find its footing after the year-long lockdowns.

(video) "In Part 1 of a new series, Jason Bowdach shows you how to get projects to ColourLab AI and how to build a match across a scene using this powerful tool."

(video) "Learn how to massively expand the functionality of Premiere's Lumetri panel by custom-mapping multiple disparate controls with an external control surface."

(video) "Learn to use DaVinci Resolve's Fusion page to build custom, reusable transitions to work inside a node-based ACES pipeline."
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Gear Heads
Stay updated on the latest hardware that's shipping - because the craft of color grading isn't just about software. Plus, keep an eye on future equipment trends and hardware odds and ends.

"As is common, they gave four months grace to allow QNAP to develop and distribute a fix for the flaws and that time has now expired so they published their results, which The Register posted details on."

"Whether the new 11th Gen Intel Core processors are a good investment for DaVinci Resolve depends on a number of factors including your budget and how important Fusion performance is in your workflow."

"If you’re energy-conscious, you might be wondering if you’re wasting power by putting your Mac in Power Nap mode instead of turning it off. Well, it turns out that your Mac uses energy even when it is plugged in and turned off!"

(video) A regular Newsletter contributor writes in: "Here’s a fascinating 44-minute YouTube video podcast called “The Display Show,” featuring an interview with Ajit Ninan of Dolby Labs. Fascinating discussion, particularly about their early efforts to avoid [displays] melting down (literally) from the heat involved in reproducing very high nit values…" (via Marc Wielage)
Sunday Fun(nies)
Random thoughts, tidbits, and fun stuff that caught my attention this week. Maybe it's color grading-related. Maybe not. Ya got'ta read to the end of the Newsletter to find out.

If you think remote collaboration isn't temporary then you may be wondering how much it'll cost to buy a home in a different city? This visual map is fun to look at. But depending on where you want to move, it may not be very funny. (via Robbie Carman)

On a colorist chat on Clubhouse, Luke Cahill turned me on to this YouTube channel dedicated to the craft of art restoration. It's really well done. This is the first one I started watching. Definitely fun. I'm hooked.

Th- th- th- that's all folks! I'll see you next Sunday.