🎨 Colorist Newsletter #435

Published: Sun, 03/15/20

Issue CDXXXV: The Lemons & Lemonade Edition
The Tao of Color Grading Newsletter
Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sundays.
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Sour, like lemons. That's how this feels.

NAB is canceled. So is international air travel for the next 2-4 weeks. Plus, pro and college sports. And this is just the start of the list.

Is all of this an overreaction? I'm withholding my judgement for at least a year. We just won't know until a full cycle of Earth's orbit passes us through our three seasons (in Central and Southern Florida, we skip winter).

If this tastes like lemons, we might as well see if we can make lemonade.

What are some bright points we can look for right now? I'm going to take a moment to first remind you how the Tao Newsletter (and its supporters) can help you in this regard. Then, I'll offer up more altruistic actions we can all take in this moment of disruption and unease.

Assuming we are not all out of work for an extended period of time, this 'disruption' means that travel budgets will free up money for other uses - such as physical gear upgrades.
In the context of this Newsletter, consider taking a fresh look at Lumaforge and Flanders Scientific - sponsors of this weekly information email. They solve problems for the types of organizations that need shifting of their travel expenditures.

Travel dollars can also be shifted to hiring external services that may have been considered a luxury - but solve a big pain point. Again, in this context, Tao Newsletter sponsor EndCrawl does just that - creating top notch end credits that can be altered on a whim and timed precisely to your clock, without the typical visual artifacts of title crawls (wasting the valuable time of your artists cleaning up those artifacts and shifting the burden onto less expensive but talented assistants).

Near and dear to my heart is Mixing Light (in which I'm a co-founder), serving the educational needs of creative professionals. This may be the time to deepen the educational budget using a corporate or educational account giving teams of creatives a deeper understanding of color grading workflows and techniques (at a deep discount to individual memberships). All of it online and available according to the needs of your creatives.

Broadening the view beyond this Newsletter, we can also look to giving back to the community around us.

The Folding@home team have closed down the search for extraterrestrial life (they are now analyzing a decade's worth of data) and shifting their platform to fighting disease. You can install their software, and use your dormant CPU cycles to help run simulations on how COVID-19 interacts and binds to proteins on our cells.

Closer to home, if you've ever used Rampant Design's templates, VFX overlays, or music then you'll be sad to hear that Rampant's Sean Mullen has been diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Sean and his wife have been forced to self-fund his treatments, to the tune of $150,000. They have set up a Go Fund Me page and are 1/3 the way there. Join me in helping this micro business husband/wife creative team overcome their very own critical emergency.

Would you like to help Sean Mullen but need to do it within a corporate budget?

Flanders Scientific is offering 50% of the gross sales of their famous cleaning kits to Sean and Stefanie's Go Fund Me account. With NAB being canceled, FSI found themselves with a truckload of these kits. Click here for their Tweet with the link to buy a handful of kits while helping our peers in need.

Lemons and lemonade.

That's how my mind is rolling this week. But I'm keeping the rest of this week's content squarely on our craft! Keep in mind, NAB / COVID-19 events seemed to have slowed down hard news related to color grading software & hardware. But I found some interesting things to share.

I'll see you next Sunday. Stay healthy.

Happy Grading!

(and remember - if you have a story that's a fit for this Newsletter, hit reply or email it to 'newsletter@taoofcolor.com'! Include a quick reason for the suggested link.)

- Patrick Inhofer
Colorist | Publisher | Coach
ENDCRAWL.com is the only good way to make end credits.
Want to see what we're all about?

 TAO newsletter subscribers get to skip the waitlist. 
Get your free ENDCRAWL demo project.
The Craft
Featuring the work of creative craftsmen, the theory of color, and industry news. Learn practical workflows, useful theories, and actionable insights from existing (and emerging) leaders and teachers in our industry.

Just in case you missed the official news, this story offers a summary and some links.

This article talks about the PSE - photosensitive epilepsy and the steady rise of the size of the population coming down with this condition. People's initial episode is very frequently induced by video and can become a lifelong condition. The article has more information.

I like it when Stephen tackles these tropes with actual data sets. This is a good one.

"The study revealed that the three areas of marketing hit hardest by this are agency fees, research and production." This is ridiculous. Companies are pushing marketing payment terms beyond 90 days. It's all done to artificially inflate balance sheets by using much smaller suppliers (such as post-production companies) as a source of extended credit. I'm a libertarian by nature but this sort of crap drives me insane that Wall Street thinks this is 'smart business'. A serious culture change or awakening is required at the C level.

Flanders Scientific Professional 4K HDR Reference Monitor
With 3,000 nits peak luminance, 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio, 2,000+ LED zones, and professional 12Gbps SDI inputs the XM310K is exceptionally well suited for Dolby Vision mastering applications.

On sale for a limited time for just $22,500! 
SHOP NOW at ShopFSI.com
The Tools
Our craft keeps changing. And growing. Learn about updates to your favorite software. Discover new tools to help you work faster or more creatively. Build your toolchest with new techniques and approaches. 

"If you use a Stream Deck device or Touch Portal software to speed up your workflow, these collections, along with pre-built Stream Deck and Touch Portal profiles, will get you up and running fast."

Color Finale 2 is intended to give Final Cut users similar grading control to that of Resolve, Avid Symphony, or Adobe Premiere Pro’s Lumetri panel.

For the next 60 days.

This is an open source codec project driven by an Intel and Netflix collaboration, "we report on the current status of the SVT-AV1 project, as well as the characteristics and performance of the encoder and decoder."

I've been thinking about what to do with my PC Resolve system now that it's semi-retired by the new New Mac Pro. Whaddyathink? Do this or dive into the whole Plex server thing?

Pushing Photons
These stories are from MixingLight.com's membership Library. It's a color grading website (Tao Of Color is co-Owner). Do you want to read a story listed here but not a member? Sign up for a free 7-Day Test Drive.​​​ There's also a free Resolve 14 Course and color correction Practice Projects.

Colorist Robbie Carman takes a look Screen - an affordable, color managed video player for the Mac from Video Village.

In this insight Dan reviews submissions and shares his own Sci-Fi look using primarily Baseilght Base Grade.

(podcast) In this From The Mailbag we revisit some key aspects of a Resolve remote workflow as we try to answer questions from a member on the same subject.

LumaForge + Resolve = Collaboration
We've spent the last 3 years designing a shared storage device for color, editorial and VFX workflows. We call it the Jellyfish. With an integrated database server, it's perfect for Resolve's groundbreaking Collaborative Workflow.

It can now be purchased on apple.com.
Jellyfish Shared Storage Systems start at under $10,000.
CLICK to LEARN MORE about the Jellyfish at Lumaforge.com
The Gear
Stay updated on the latest hardware that's shipping - because the craft of color grading isn't just about software. Plus, keep an eye on future equipment trends and hardware odds-and-ends.

I'm such a DIT cart voyeur. Another good one in this series.

I so desperately want one of these super-wides. But I also desperately love the reference display directly in front of me at eye level, so the super-wide is out. I've put this here in case this type of display might work for you.

Do you love mechanical keyboards? Do desire a streamlined keyboard to minimize desk space but maximize comfort? Then click through. Warning: The price is much bigger than its size.

If you accept client drives then this article will get you up to speed on how to handle mismatches between Thunderbolt 1, 2, and 3 (there are glitches you need to know about).

Houston - we have a problem, "the report describes how one Apple Store Genius tried to power the machine by plugging a MacBook PRO USB-C charger into one of the Mac Pro’s Thunderbolt ports."

A premium product with premium performance and is also the "very first liquid-cooled external graphics card solution".

Sunday Fun(nies)
Random thoughts, tidbits, and fun stuff that caught my attention this week. Maybe it's color grading related. Maybe not. Ya got'ta read to the end of the Newsletter to find out.

I've never seen this footage before. It looks fantastic. Especially because it's been stabilized and the source audio is kept intact, even through the videotape drops out. It really keeps you in the moment. Definitely fun.

Hey! Chalk one up for the good guys.

Th- th- th- that's all folks! See you next Sunday.