Last week I mentioned a small kerfuffle broke out as Disney+ was accused of delivering 'Fake HDR' in the Start Wars serial 'The Mandalorian' as well as the newly remastered trio of Star Wars trilogies. I also shared with you the source material so you could decide for yourself if the accusations had merit?
The short take of my response is: Balderdash. If you don't understand HDR, dynamic range, and the creative choices that go into creating HDR cinematic content then maybe you could be forgiven for making the false accusation. But the folks at HDTVTest should know better.
For a longer response, you can
listen to me, Robbie Carman, and Dan Moran chat about it in a podcast over on Mixing Light (we've put it in front of the paywall).
The Star Wars Triple Trilogy is coming to a conclusion!
I've got my seats selected and tickets booked. I saw Episode IV with my dad when I was 11. That movie, along with the Sinbad flicks (with the animated skeleton fight scenes), began my love of cinema. 42 years later, it closes a very long loop.
I've long ago stopped walking into these films with expectations. My favorites are the classic Episodes IV and V. But tied with those is Rogue One.
The Tao Treasurer and I have been watching the entire series on Disney+. I didn't hate Episodes 1-3 as much as I remembered (though Anakin is as hard to watch today as he was 20 years ago). I look forward to watching the remastered IV and V this weekend and the rest of the series this week. If you're like me, here's to hoping that the saga finishes strong!
The holidays are here.
Since the next two weekends are holiday weekends, this is the final Newsletter of 2019! I hope you finish it strong. May the force be with you.
I'll see you on the first Sunday of 2020. Happy Holidays and of course...