🎨 Colorist Newsletter #421

Published: Sun, 11/03/19

Issue CDXXI: The Pay Survey Edition
The Tao of Color Grading Newsletter
Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sundays.
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The Blue Collar Post Collective are, in their words, "a group of over 7000 post-production professionals who [help others] get started in post, help people looking to advance in their careers, and help professionals who want to connect with more of their peers."

As part of their mission they've started an annual United States survey of post-production salaries.

The United States Pay Scale Survey is looking for experienced post-pros to participate.

Whether you're in a union, on staff, or a freelancer - the Blue Collar Post Collective needs your assistance for a real-world picture of professional pay scales. They've put together a survey that takes about 3 minutes to complete (I just did so myself).

Please help the BCPC (and our industry) by clicking on the link and taking their completely anonymous pay scale survey for the United States:


How is this data used?

I can't put it any better than Katie Hinsen, Chair of the BCPC's Board of Directors. Here's part of what she wrote in a recent email:

"[The Survey is] completely anonymous, collecting data from across the industry and across the US, which is then made available to all who want to be empowered or undertake research. People use it a lot for when they're negotiating their own rate or salary. Sometimes just finding the data from one other person who does similar work, and seeing their rate, can make a huge difference. Because it's all anonymous, we can avoid any uncomfortable conversations, while still offering pay transparency to our industry.

The more data we gather, the more people we can help and the more we can make our industry fairer and better. Please take a minute to fill out the survey, and please pass it on to friends and colleagues."

Why am I urging my Tao Newsletter readers working in the US to participate? 

Especially if you're a 'seasoned' pro? Because we all often complain about our rates dropping as pools of new talent are fed into the ecosystem. These new talent pools have no idea how to price themselves. The seasoned pros among us also know the employers who hire these young creatives often take advantage of their ignorance of industry pay scales.

If you take the survey then you are helping younger talent learn how much they're really worth. In the long run, contributing to the Survey is the smart play for all of us. We're informing the next generation the rates they should be targeting.

Have a great week. I'll see you next Sunday.

Happy Grading!

(and remember - if you have a story that's a fit for this Newsletter, hit reply or email it to 'newsletter@taoofcolor.com'! Include a quick reason for the suggested link.)

- Patrick Inhofer
Colorist | Publisher | Coach
Sapphire OFX Plugins for DaVinci Resolve
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The Craft
Featuring the work of creative craftsmen, the theory of color, and industry news. Learn practical workflows, useful theories, and actionable insights from existing (and emerging) leaders and teachers in our industry.
The Blue Collar Post Collective's annual (and anonymous) salary survey is open for US-based talent. Colorist salaries are traditionally under-reported. Let's help them out by clicking the link, fill out the one-page form, and press submit. When the results are released, I'll share them back to this publication. I've already filled in my details.
This week I found a few mentions of colorist Corinne Bogdanowicz. But none are more interesting than this one. Warning: The magazine layout of this article is difficult to read on a smartphone, try a desktop instead. It's worth the effort. (via Marc Wielage)

"No longer are [colorists] grading for content that will live on a 50-inch flat screen TV or a 9-inch tablet —they’re grading for wall-sized screens that dominate museum exhibits or public spaces."

"Netflix is testing variable playback speeds with a small group of Android users, much to the dismay of many Hollywood creatives." Netflix opens a new front line in the war between creatives, distributors, and their audiences.

But yet, the craft of color grading is left off the submission categories.
The tide has turned.
LumaForge + Resolve = Collaboration
We've spent the last 3 years designing a shared storage device for color, editorial and VFX workflows. We call it the Jellyfish. With an integrated database server, it's perfect for Resolve's groundbreaking Collaborative Workflow.

It can now be purchased on apple.com.
Jellyfish Shared Storage Systems start at under $10,000.
CLICK to LEARN MORE about the Jellyfish at Lumaforge.com
The Tools
Our craft keeps changing. And growing. Learn about updates to your favorite software. Discover new tools to help you work faster or more creatively. Build your toolchest with new techniques and approaches.

(forum) What's the best starting point?

This link is to the Read Me with the list of fixes. Personally, I've found switching between pages to be annoyingly slow on my Windows rig. I'm looking forward to 16.1.2.

(forum) This zombie thread is almost 2 years old and is still walking. I think I'll put it on my calendar to share this link every 3 months until BMD gets this feature properly implemented and slays this zombie!

Mark Spencer offers sage advice, and several links to help you through these updates.

What caught my attention in this article? How their subscription revenue is a strong area of growth - while their hardware sales are in decline.

DITs, sit down, refresh your cup of coffee, and click through for an in-depth analysis of the data transfer speeds between Shotput Pro, Siverstack XT, Hedge, and YoYotta. There are tests, break-downs, re-runs, videos, and excel spreadsheets - all to see if there's a clear-cut winner? There isn't. Instead, you find an interesting explanation of fundamental differences allowing you to intelligently choose the solution best for you.

An interview with the person running FilmDrives.com about their copy and verification tests - for greater clarity in the objectives and results of their tests.

ENDCRAWL.com is the only good way to make end credits.
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Pushing Photons
These stories are from MixingLight.com's membership Library. It's a color grading website (Tao Of Color is co-Owner). Do you want to read a story listed here but not a member? Sign up for a free 7-Day Test Drive.​​​ There's also a free Resolve 14 Course and color correction Practice Projects.

(podcast) A Mixing Light member has color graded for an internal team for years. But how does he know if he's ready for outside client color sessions?

(video) Learn how to use DaVinci Resolve to finish and output countless versions of broadcast promos, easy fast and without any mistakes.
(video) Dan answers some comments from members about why he adds his grain to the image at the very beginning of his node graph?
The Gear
Stay updated on the latest hardware that's shipping - because the craft of color grading isn't just about software. Plus, keep an eye on future equipment trends and hardware odds-and-ends.

Congrats to our Newsletter Sponsor on this announcement, "LumaForge and Puget Systems have collaborated on an extensive, system-wide testing and Certification Program, to assure content creators looking to invest in workflow servers have a stress-free experience." Click through for details.

Compatible with Adobe and FCPx, their promo video is worth the watch - but is the gear worth the price? We'll have to wait for the reviews to come in.

(forum) No sooner is the CT announced than requests for BMD to support this control surface. If you've got time to spare, it's fun reading the pro/con arguments of why this should/won't happen.

Gamers are happy. Post pros are watching very closely.

The takeaway? Your choice of boot SSD can have a dramatic effect on file copy times.

An interesting look at the challenges a mature OLED industry is facing as we head into the 2nd decade of this century.
Flanders Scientific Professional 4K HDR Reference Monitors
The DM240 SDR Mastering Monitor pairs perfectly with the XM311K HDR Mastering monitor.

They are an excellent visual match, allowing you to be certain that the differences you see between your HDR and SDR monitors are attributable to your grades rather than fundamental differences in display technology.
LEARN MORE about FSI's Professional HDR Reference Monitor
Sunday Fun(nies)
Random thoughts, tidbits, and fun stuff that caught my attention this week. Maybe it's color grading related. Maybe not. Ya got'ta read to the end of the Newsletter to find out.

You could say October 29, 2019 was the 50th birthday of the Internet. Get the low-down on this neat story by clicking through to link at the end of the article.

(video) It's fun to ponder if someone gets paid full-time to answer this existential question? If so, does that person's existence automatically negate the hypothesis?