Tao Colorist Newsletter #389: The Bogus Brand Guides? Edition

Published: Sun, 01/27/19

Issue #389: The Bogus Brand Guides? Edition
The Tao of Color Grading Newsletter
Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sundays.
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I've got not much to say this week other than enjoy the Newsletter, see you next Sunday, and...

Happy Grading!

- Patrick Inhofer
Colorist | Publisher | Mentor
The Craft
Featuring the work of creative craftsmen, the theory of color, and industry news. Learn practical workflows, useful theories, and actionable insights from existing (and emerging) leaders and teachers in our industry.
Brand guides have always driven me insane. Their color definitions rarely reflect reality - especially when translating from reflected mediums to emissive mediums. Now we have the proof about the over-simplistic nature of brand color guides. Should share this article with your best corporate and commercial clients? I leave that answer to you!
From its most recent Quarterly Report, detailing their main competitors and what they need to do to succeed.
A good summation of an HDR presentation recently given to the New York SMPTE chapter.
I'd probably have a slightly different mix. But these five are important. Especially if you have clients that don't understand the need for controlling your physical space when evaluating tone and tint.
(infographic) Plus a ranking of most the popular cameras and lenses used by nominees.
A short article on the virtues of failure and why you need to be willing to fail if you want great success.
Flanders Scientific XM310K True 4K HDR Reference Monitor
The 31” XM310K is a true 4K resolution HDR reference monitor that qualifies as a Dolby Vision mastering monitor. With a peak luminance of 3,000nits it is the brightest commercially available professional HDR monitor on the market.
LEARN MORE About the FSI XM310K 4K HDR Reference Monitor
The Tools
Our craft keeps changing. And growing. Learn about updates to your favorite software. Discover new tools to help you work faster or more creatively. Build your toolchest with new techniques and approaches.

(video) Part 5 of this free course takes you through the fundamentals of the Deliver page.

The online review & approve space just added a new player: Dropbox. At higher tiers of their service, you can now add timestamped comments. It's not Frame.io but it's a move in that direction.

A good pithy article on what software to use to calculate copy speeds, accurately.

A terrific visual roundup of how different lenses render bokeh differently. Even if you never shoot, this is worth the read so you can chat with your DP clients and understand how to simulate the effect. 
LumaForge + Resolve = Collaboration
We've spent the last 3 years designing a shared storage device for color, editorial and VFX workflows. We call it the Jellyfish. With an integrated database server, it's perfect for Resolve's groundbreaking Collaborative Workflow.

It can now be purchased on apple.com.
Jellyfish Shared Storage Systems start at under $10,000.
CLICK to LEARN MORE about the Jellyfish at Lumaforge.com
Pushing Photons
These stories are from MixingLight.com's membership Library. It's a color grading website (Tao Of Color is co-Owner). Do you want to read a story listed here but not a member? Sign up for a free 7-Day Test Drive.​​​ There's also a free Resolve Course and color correction Practice Projects.
(video) In Part 1 you learned how to build a Fixed Node Structure in Resolve's node tree when color grading. Now learn its huge time-saving benefits.

Contributor Katie Hinsen adapts her popular seminar on this topic. It's in front of the paywall. A terrific read about the intersection of computers, creativity, and the craft of filmmaking.

(video) Dan shares the reasoning behind his new showreel and also gives some tips on when and where to share it for maximum views. The comments point to additional reel building tips on Mixing Light.

A successful commercials colorist takes on color grading dailies. He shares his challenges, mistakes, and how it's different than commercials.

(video) In Part 1 you learned how to remove an object. Now, rotoscope the motion of foreground elements using Polyline masks and keying.
The Gear
Stay updated on the latest hardware that's shipping - because the craft of color grading isn't just about software. Plus, keep an eye on future equipment trends and camera odds-and-ends.

Thinking of powering your high-end laptop with an eGPU? This article runs through several scenarios with the Sonnet box.

Why is this article included here? I just think it's cool. And maybe you're already grading for it?

The new 'True Black' moniker seems to be reserved for OLED displays and has two tiers of performance. Click through for the nitty details.
Sunday Fun(nies)
Random thoughts, tidbits, and fun stuff that caught my attention this week. Maybe it's color grading related. Maybe not. Ya got'ta read to the end of the Newsletter to find out.
The best part of this launch is how a fireball ignites around the exterior of the rocket before launch (it's an intentional design decision).   

An article about the mission of CBS Films, including their plans to shoot the Super Bowl in 8K, 4K, and an AR stream.

Th- th- th- that's all folks! See you next week!