Your Weekly Color Correction News [Tao Newsletter]

Published: Sun, 03/26/17


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The Tao Colorist Newsletter

Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

            Issue CCCXIX                                                                 A Publication

       Publisher: Pat Inhofer                                                   Managing Editor: Jim Wicks

From The Publisher

In the last two editions I talked up the Colorist Mixer, so I won't mention it again

  • But now that you've asked, we started with 300 tickets two weeks ago. Less than 60 tickets remain (and then the Wait Listing begins). You do the math.
The staff and friends of the Tao Newsletter are busy doing other things at NAB as well
  • And I wouldn't bother you with the details - but now that you've (again) brought the subject up...
  • If you want to do some edumatcate'n while at NAB, Team Mixing Light is doing a full-blown day of Color Correction learnin' at Post | Production World.
Our Keynote speaker, mid-day, is Hollywood's very own Mark Todd Osborne, CSI
  • He'll be breaking down a recent film he graded and doing a Q&A for attendees. If you want insights into the mind of a Hollywood A-List colorist, this is the session to attend (and none of the sessions are recorded or streamed).
  • Most of the rest of the day is a breakdown of Case Studies - designed to teach how colorists think, interact with clients, figure out workflows, and color ourselves into corners (that we paint ourselves out of).
  • I really appreciate you asking and giving me this opportunity to share with you!
Now, relax with the Newsletter and scan. Then select what you want to read, watch or listen! Never stop learning.
  • Enjoy this week's Newsletter! We'll see you next week.

Happy Grading!
The Craft
  • The Basic Properties of Color - “What does (visible light) have to do with color theory? The answer is everything.” A primer on color for those to new to grading and a refresher course for old hands. (
  • Meet Colorist Martin Klein - “I prefer to take a natural approach with continuity and I always try to make sure the grade does not distract the viewer.” (
  • On The Set of Rogue One - an interview with DP Greig Fraser, ASC, ACS and some great shots of the set. Including massive dimmable LED lighting banks (with almost zero use of anything else but one set of HMIs). And why he prefers these lights over using gels with traditional lights. ( via Marc Wielage)
  • Here Are the Winners of the 2017 SXSW Film Festival Awards - "it's time to see which of the 130 films screened at SXSW rose to the top. Here is the full list of winners of the 2017 SXSW Film Festival." (
  • Special glasses give people superhuman colour vision - glasses that trick the brain into showing us what the world would look like if we had a fourth colored cone in our eyes. A shortcut for shot matching, we wonder? ( via Bram Desmet)

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference Monitors

Flanders Scientific DM250 OLED
and DM240 LCD Reference Monitors

The DM250 24.5” OLED and DM240 24” LCD color critical reference monitors feature FSI’s most advanced feature set
and highest level of color accuracy.

FSI DM250 OLED only $7,995 and DM240 only $3,995​​​​​​​

Learn More About the FSI DM Series Monitors

Visit Us At NAB Booth: SL6328

The Tools
  • Correct Localized Color Issues Using Photoshop - a simple tutorial to help photo retouchers change the saturation and hue of a zone, and modify the color of individual objects. (
  • Lightroom Mobile’s new HDR Mode - “the new HDR mode works by automatically scanning the scene to determine the correct exposure range and then capturing three DNG files which are then automatically aligned, merged, de-ghosted, and tone-mapped in the app.”  (
  • [video] Blackmagic Design Mini Panel Review - Josh Petok, CSI, goes one on one with BMD's new mid-level grading panel. “I found plenty of things to be excited about with the panel, as well as some things I was missing.” (
  • Day for Night Conversion with Adobe AE, mocha Pro, & Sapphire 10 - good example for digital colorists showing tools they can use to enhance their opportunities to add value. ( via Marc Wielage)
  • Avid: BBC Lens Flare 3D Advanced Techniques - "in this lesson, I’m going to show you how you can extract tracking information from an unrelated effect, and apply it to Lens Flare 3D." (
  • Speed Up Your Editing In Resolve with These Quick Tips - because Colorists are always being asked to make last-minute trims. (
  • New Pricing Matrix for Sapphire Effects - "For the first time in Sapphire’s history, the high-end VFX plug-in collection is offered as eight separate categories with a lower price point aimed at individual artists, editors, and compositors." Colorists, you need to focus on Lighting and Stylilze. (
  • DaVinci Resolve: Fix Out-of-Focus Footage With This Simple Tip - i betch'a there are some experienced Resolve users who don't much venture into the Scaling portion of the blur / sharpen tool shown here. (

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Perfect end titles. Unlimited Renders. And a week of your life back.

Endcrawl is the world's only dedicated tool for making your end roller. Join the nearly 1,000 film productions that have used Endcrawl.

We're free to try.  $499 flat, per project, for unlimited 2k DPX renders. Yeah, that's unlimited DPX do-overs. (You know you're gonna need them.)​​​​​​​

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The Business
  • Introduces Coffee Break Film School - "film school for those born without an attention span." More details at the link. (
  • Is That UHD Content Really UHD? - "a new IHS study is showing that while 4K content is increasing at the production end, the delivery of that content, particularly OTT (over the top) through subscription based video on demand (SVoD), is often not in true UHD resolution." (
  • QLED: Quantum Dot By Yet Another Name - Samsung has the trademark for the QLED moniker. They are releasing the trademark to any display using 'quantum dots', expecting it to be used to define a class of displays like CRT, LED, and OLED. Click through to read why QLED might be the tech that actually gets us to Rec. 2020 in the home. (
  • World Wide Web Consortium Proposes HTML5 DRM Standard - " W3C has formally moved its Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) anti-piracy mechanism to the stage of Proposed Recommendation." (
  • Five 4K/UHD Trends to Watch at NAB 2017 - "here are some industry trends generating buzz around 4K and UHD that we think will help drive adoption of high-resolution workflow tools at the show." There are some really good tidbits in here. (
  • Why the new Mac Pro might never come - the thrust of this opinion piece is that whenever the new Mac Pro is released, it's likely to be in a form factor that creative pros won't be satisfied with. (
Pushing Photons

The stories featured in this section are from, companion color correction membership website to and paid sponsor of this Newsletter. Want to read a story listed here but not a member? Sign up for a free 24-hour Test Drive.

  • Becoming a Better Colorist: Stop focusing on shots - "It’s important to remember that almost everything in grading is relative. What looks nice and bright on its own could look totally lifeless compared to a sunny exterior shot. We need to spend more time looking at timelines as a whole." (
  • DaVinciResolve: Green Screen Keying & Managing Transparency - "I want to explore using the 3D keyer for a green screen key . . . I’ll then show how to add an alpha output so your foreground can be composited over a background plate . . . then [we'll render] out the background & foreground while maintaining the alpha channel."  (​​​​​​​
  • What is the essential software for on-set date wrangling? Part 1 -  "From testing drive speeds to setting up my folder structure, these bits of software ensure I’m not wasting time in the morning . . then we’ll move on to the core of the Data Wrangler’s day, doing the actual copying across from the camera cards to my hard drives. Hard. Drives. Plural." (

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official Shared Storage Optimized for 4K Workflow

LumaForge : Jellyfish Shared Storage​​​​​​​

We've spent the last 3 years designing a killer little shared storage device for color, editorial, and VFX workflows: we call it the Jellyfish.

Jellyfish Shared Storage Systems start at $7,500​​​​​​​

Learn About the Jellyfish

Edumacate Yer'self
  • Look Development with Prelight: Helsinki - showing FilmLight's MacOS look development app plus new features in Baselight. Helsinki: Wednesday 29 March, 2017 at Post Control. 18:00 - 21:00. (
Secondary Thoughts
  • The Busier You Are, the More You Need Quiet Time - Duke Medical School found that "taking time for silence restores the nervous system, helps sustain energy, and conditions our minds to be more adaptive and responsive to the complex environments in which so many of us now live, work, and lead." (
  • How to Shoot Log on Your iPhone - (and in high bitrates, using Filmic Pro). Pass this along to your client’s since you’re going to have to grade it anyways. (
  • [video] 6 Tips for Still Photographers - who want to try shooting video. Our personal favorite is #3: “Keep your picture profile neutral to preserve the most color and dynamic range for grading later.” (​​​​​​​
  • How To Set Up Two Factor Authentication for Your Apple ID - and iCloud account, "Hackers who claim to have millions of stolen iCloud credentials are demanding Apple pay a ransom or they’ll release them—and ZDNet obtained a sample set of credentials and determined they’re real. But guess what? Using two-factor authentication should protect you completely. It’s easy to set up, so take a minute and do it now." (
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
JL Cooper Eclipse: Software v3.7.2 | Updated Jan. 17, 2017
Tangent Design: HUB v1.3.1 | Wave Firmware v1.12 | Updated Jan. 2017
Avid Artist Color: Mac v3.5 | Win v3.5 | Updated Oct. 17, 2016
Sunday Morning Funnies
  • Color and Doodling - 7 ways they benefit your brain. “And the best part? You don’t have to be remotely good at it to reap the benefits.” (
  • [video] The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - why was it so successful? Clint Eastwood thought it would either be a huge hit or a huge flop. As it turned out, it was a huge hit. A video essay explains why. Fun. (
  • [video] Nerf John Wick - Stay with it. It's fun. And the head-shot thing? Authentic. (
  • [video] Mouse - this is a commercial for a Japanese computer. It’s eye-catching. It’s fun. It has a definite color palette. But we’re not sure how this sells computers? Hypnotic? Girls? Cats? Or all three? (
  • [video] Car Curling - it’s a thing now. Apparently. What’s involved you ask? Russian skating rinks. Vintage cars. Teams. And, also (wait for it. wait for it. wait…). Auto insurance companies. Fun? Wow. (
  • [video] The Economics of Airline Class - including the history of how different classes were introduced to the flying public. Fascinating. (
  • [podcast] Monopoly: You're Playing It Wrong - apparently, no game of Monopoly should ever take more than 45 minutes. Otherwise, you're making up your own rules. Fun discussion if you have a long drive today for some listening. (
Gear Heads
  • [bench] Premiere Pro CC 2017 Mac Pro vs PC Performance - if you don't want to read the reams of data in this comparison, they've got an 8 minute video overview. Interesting results that should also apply to grading apps - especially considering they've limited the PC configuration to match the hardware of a Mac Pro tube. (
  • QNAP: New Thunderbolt NAS Solutions - "the first and only Thunderbolt 3 NAS on the market that leverages a 7th Generation Intel 14nm Core i5/i7 processor, features four Thunderbolt 3 ports, provides Thunderbolt/NAS/iSCSI SAN triple solution" (
  • Color Volume Dominates 2017 4K Ultra HDTV Comparisons - "The International Committee for Display Metrology (ICDM) has named this new method of evaluating TV performance VCRC (volume-color reproduction capability) . . . Various workflows are now being perfected to let TV calibrators and product reviewers accurately measure this aspect." (​​​​​​​
  • Atomos announce free CDNG Raw recording firmware update for Shogun range - like the headline says. (

Does DaVinci Resolve make you feel un-talented? & Presents 
DaVinci Resolve 12 & 12.5 
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NAB Preppers
  • Focus On Color Day: Team Mixing Light - at NAB, your Tao Publisher with the other founders of are giving a full day session on color grading (for the 5th year in a row). This time around we're doing a series of Case Studies to framework the teachings. And our Keynote Speaker? Mark Todd Osborne, one of the most in-demand freelance colorists in the world! Session details will be fully updated soon, at the link. It part of the paid Post | Production World training event. (
  • Visit the LumaForge Workflow Suite @ Encore - "Our team will be showing off cross platform workflow on Mac, Window’s, & Linux machines running the latest NLE’s, VFX, finishing, and audio software. We’ll also have developers of some of the most popular post plugins with us showing off their latest updates and apps." And bring your own gear to get some editing done. Registration required. (
  • LumaForge On Stage: Faster, Together - separate from their Suite, "we’re rounding up all of our favorite people for three days of back-to-back, short and to the point, presentations and panels on all things post." Including your Publisher demoing the Collaborative Workflow on DaVinci Resolve. Looks like a good roundup of presentations. (
  • 5th Annual NAB Colorist Mixer - it started with 25 people who only knew each other on Twitter, meeting at a bar in the bowels of the Monte Carlo. Five years later, we're 300 strong at the top of the Las Vegas in the Stratosphere Tower. Join us and mingle with your peers. Newbie or veteran, creative or vendor - you are all welcome! (​​​​​​​
  • The Official Toolfarm Guide to NAB - updated for 2017, lists most events and vendors of interest to readers of this Newsletter. (
  • 16th Annual Las Vegas SuperMeet - a classic staple of NAB attendees in the digital post-production space. Catch demos from vendors big and small and win in the mega-big raffle. Tuesday, April 25, 7pm. (​​​​​​​
  • 20th Annual Media Motion Ball - "Attendees will enjoy a fine multi-course sit down dinner & dessert, mingling with their industry friends & peers and also participate in the drawing for our huge prize pool." You're likely to find the Tao Newsletter staff here. (
  • [video] Northbound in 4K - skateboarding along the cold Norwegian coast. It’s a visual mashup of urban skills on a frozen beach against pastel skies. Shot using RED Dragon with Zeiss Ultra Prime lenses. Color graded by Jørn Nyseth Ranum and Lukasz Zamaro in DaVinci Resolve.  (
The Next Step Is A Doozy
  • Google may distrust a third of the web's SSL certificates - " Google Chrome developers announced plans to drastically restrict transport layer security certificates sold by Symantec-owned issuers following the discovery they have allegedly mis-issued more than 30,000 certificates . . . More gradually, Google plans to update Chrome to effectively nullify all currently valid certificates issued by Symantec-owned CAs." Good in-depth article. ( via Glenn Rempe)
A Step Too Far?
  • Dell’s 32-inch 8K UP3218K Display Now For Sale - check your wallet. And your eyes - if you can see that kind of detail at that display size? Click through to find out how to actually hook up one of these displays to your computer. (

Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! We'll see you next week. 
Happy Grading!
11,750'ish Stories Shared

The Book Shelf
  • Color Correction Handbook, Updated - Alexis Van Hurkman has updated his Color Correction Handbook, which has set the standard for learning all things color correction. (
  • Color Correction Look Book - This is the second part of the Color Correction Handbook, exploring the creative techniques for over 200 different visual looks. A sort-of recipe book for colorists. (
  • The Art and Technique of Digital Color Correction - Read how a dozen different colorists grade the same footage with the same gear, differently. A fantastic approach to learning the craft of color grading by Steve Hullfish. (
  • Color Grading with Avid and Symphony - Written for version 6. Fully applicable to version 7. I was a contributor. (
  • Digital Cinematography: Fundamentals, Tools, Techniques and Workflows - Don't let the title fool you. I'm only a third way through this book and its explanations of how digital images are recorded, sampled and viewed is essential knowledge for anyone who's craft intersects with digital images. Not light reading. But not filled with math either. I highly recommend this book. (
Have a book you think should be in this list? Reply to this email and let me know!

FCC Disclaimer: Links in this email to, B&H Photo, or ToolFarm are Affiliate links that help support the FSI is a paid sponsor. Tao of Color, Inc. is part owner of—which is a sponsor. BlackMagic Design is sometimes a client.

We thank you for your support.

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Patrick Inhofer
Managing Editor:
Jim Wicks, CSI
Patrick Inhofer
Published by:
Patrick Inhofer, CSI
Colorist, Coach: |