How NOT To Critique A Color Grade [Tao Newsletter]

Published: Sun, 11/20/16


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The Tao Colorist Newsletter

Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

             Issue CCCII                                                                             A Publication

       Publisher: Pat Inhofer                                                            Managing Editor: Jim Wicks

From The Publisher
This week we introduce our newest (and final) Sponsor,
  • If you're a Finisher/Colorist or Editor/Colorist then you've no doubt been pressed into End Credit duty. And we all know the supreme annoyance that work can be.
  • Wouldn't it be nice if you could take the several hours you'd spend working on Credit Rolls and have someone else assume that duty?
  • That's what does for you.
  • And they're happy to do different renders for multiple deliverables - at no additional cost. Including, unlimited revisions (because End Credits never stop changing).
  • And it's all cloud-based.
  • The other cool thing... their blog has been featured in this Newsletter many times. Perhaps their most well-know piece 2K Is Not 2048x1152 (or the title I prefer: Why 2048x1152 Is A Total Crock).
  • Welcome aboard EndCrawl!
In case you're wondering what I meant by 'final Sponsor'...
  • When I launched this Newsletter 5 years ago, it was designed to carry no more than 3 Sponsors.
  • And with, we've finally hit that limit (I'm not aggressive when it comes to Ad Sales).
  • Well - technically, with we're at 4 sponsors but really, Mixing Light is an off-shoot of what I started with the Tao—so I consider them an 'internal client'.
  • Between these 4 Sponsors, this is as far as well take the 'Sponsorship Train'.
  • And if you like this Newsletter and run into one of our Sponsors at a Trade Show or Event then be sure to thank them for financially supporting this Newsletter. Trust me, you'll trill them.
Literally, without Sponsor support this Newsletter would have been put down years ago.
  • Passion alone isn't enough to spend 40+ Saturdays a year writing this.
  • Thank you Flanders Scientific
  • Thank you Mixing Light
  • Thank you LumaForge 
  • Thank you EndCrawl.
  • You'll never fully understand how much your support means to the Tao Treasurer and myself.
And thank you Managing Editor Jim Wicks
  • You're keeping me sane, week after week
  • Since this is the week of giving thanks here in the USA...
Thank you, dear reader - for supporting us and our Sponsors!
  • Thursday we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. As is this Newsletter's tradition, we're taking next weekend off.
  • Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow countrymen!
  • We'll be back in two weeks.
Happy Grading!
The Craft
  • Is Color Timing a True Art Form? - in this continuing series on the craft of film color timing at MGM in the late '70s, “When I first started my real training in the timing department, which only began after you paid your dues proving you’re worth the effort to train, I was shocked by what I saw.“ Dale Grahn, CSI Fellow, shares—at the link. (
  • [forum] Why Do Marvel’s Movies Look Kind of Ugly? - watch the embedded movie at the link. Be aware, if you're a professional colorist - it'll probably tick you off. Then read all the comments of the problems with this thesis and its critique. (​​​​​​​
  • [pdf] HDR Content Creation: Creative and Technical Challenges - grab this PDF while it's still available. From Siggraph 2016 a very detailed look at HDR workflows. By Technicolor. ( via Marc Wielage)

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Perfect end titles. Unlimited Renders. And a week of your life back.

Endcrawl is the world's only dedicated tool for making your end roller. Join the nearly 1,000 film productions that have used Endcrawl.

We're free to try.  $499 flat, per project, for unlimited 2k DPX renders. Yeah, that's unlimited DPX do-overs. (You know you're gonna need them.)

Learn More at

The Tools
  • [videos] DaVinci Resolve: Roundtripping Your Timelines - Your humble Tao Newsletter Publisher recorded a 1.5 hour series for Lynda / LinkedIn on moving timelines from your NLE to Resolve and back again. They offer a 10-day free trial - but do require your credit card info.  (
  • [Avid] Warning about AE CC 2017 - A major change from Avid, and potentially crippling bug/glitch, might leave you scratching your head!. (
  • [FCP X] “Where Are My F Keys?” -  "Apart from testing out the impressive specs of the machine, we were also interested to see how Final Cut Pro X worked with the new Touch Bar . . . how might the Touch Bar enhance your video editing?" (
  • AJA Releases Desktop Software v12.5 - “Our customers are looking to streamline and simplify their HDR workflows. The AJA update allows Adobe Premiere Pro CC users working with the high-end AJA products to monitor their HDR footage accurately while they work on their edits.” More details after the click. (
  • [Avid] Using BCC Remover - "how [to] remove unwanted objects with BCC Remover and the integrated Mocha planar tracking tools. BCC Remover is found in Boris Continuum Complete 10 and is available for Adobe, Avid & OFX hosts." (
  • Adobe Premiere Pro 2017 (and Creative Cloud 2017) Is Live - a run-down on the Premiere Pro features. Plus links to various videos, including the Keynote from AdobeMax. (
  • FAQ: Boris FX + GenArts Merger - "[in September] Boris FX announced the acquisition of GenArts, the developers of renowned Sapphire VFX plug-ins . . . now that the dust has settled, we’d like take the opportunity to address questions that our customers and partners have been asking." (
  • [book] Definitive Guide To Editing With DaVinci Resolve - a new book has been released... by Blackmagic. My copy arrived the other day. Once I've had chance to work through it I'll share my thoughts. This post is mostly highlights of what the book covers. (
  • Adobe Creative Cloud CC 2017 Compatibility - "With a big release of software, there are often plug-ins that don’t work quite right. We have compiled a list of what works and what has known issues with the latest Adobe Creative Cloud Release." (
  • [video] Resolve Editing 101 - "In the sixth episode of our exclusive 10-part tutorial series on how to edit video with Resolve, Darren Mostyn from Online Creative looks at working with multicam: syncing up clips, adjusting selections, editing multicam footage, and finishing a session." (

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official Shared Storage Optimized for 4K Workflow

LumaForge : Jellyfish Shared Storage​​​​​​​

We've spent the last 3 years designing a killer little shared storage device for color, editorial, and VFX workflows: we call it the Jellyfish.

Jellyfish Shared Storage Systems start at $7,500

Learn About the Jellyfish

The Business
  • In Defense of HFR - “Internally, we call the 4K 3-D 120fps version the “whole shebang,” or “HSTLA,” which stands for “Holy S*** That Looks Amazing.” A Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk post-production crew member defends 4K 3D 120fps. (
  • Why Film Has Not Been Disrupted (Yet), Part 3 - "So much [computer] code today is shared, forked, and redistributed that it’s virtually unthinkable to create a piece of software from scratch today. Filmmakers, meanwhile, are perpetually reinventing the wheel." From the continuing series of this Newletter's newest sponsor. (
  • China screens overtake US - but how long until they overtake at the Box Office? Apparently, that date has been pushed back. (
  • Why Isn’t Netflix Part Of Apple’s New TV App? - "Apple wants to make it easier to find and watch video content without requiring users to sift through a bunch of apps . . .   Netflix, which has worked closely with Apple in the past . . . won’t be part of the program". Why not? (
Friends and Family
The stories featured in this section are from, companion color correction membership website to and paid sponsor of this Newsletter. Want to read a story listed here but not a member? Sign up for a free 24-hour Test Drive.​​​​​​​​​​
  • [video] Warm Looks: Yellow vs Red - "I was watching the latest John Lewis Christmas ad here in the UK (which is our equivalent of the super bowl for advertising) and loved the yellow warm look. It made me realize that I almost NEVER go for a yellow warmth. I thought investigating this would make a fun Insight!" (
  • [podcast] Colorist Podcast: Rob Bessette - "Rob became a colorist though a more traditional path. He worked his way up from the ground level while working at night, and then mentored with a seasoned colorist. For several years, he had the opportunity to learn telecine and graded a lot of film." It's free, in front of the paywall. (
  • [video] When Do I Media Manage An XML for Color Correction? - "Typically, I’d import an XML into DaVinci Resolve, do the conform and then Media Manage the conformed timeline onto my drives. But with CinemaDNG image sequences, the client USB3 drive is super-sluggish. Everything takes forever. The question I’m asking myself is: At what point do I Media Manage this footage?" (


S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference Monitors

Flanders Scientific DM250 OLED
and DM240 LCD Reference Monitors

The DM250 24.5” OLED and DM240 24” LCD color critical reference monitors feature FSI’s most advanced feature set
and highest level of color accuracy.

FSI DM250 OLED only $7,995 and DM240 only $3,995

Learn More About the FSI CM250

Second(ary) Thoughts
  • [video] What Is ISO? - "we’ll cover what ISO is, and what happens when you change it." (
  • Household Items That Make Great (and Cheap) DYI Light Diffusers - like the title says. (
  • Why The Problem With Learning Is Un-Learning - "when we learn, we add new skills or knowledge to what we already know. When we unlearn, we step outside the mental model in order to choose a different one." An interesting read. (
Edumacate Yer'self
  • FilmLight Color Workshops #1 - Daniele Siragusano, FilmLight's workflow specialist, will be leading sessions on productive and creative workflows for both TV/Commercials and DI/VFX in Mumbai. Register online. Mumbai November 29-30, 2016 (
  • FilmLight Color Workshops #2 - FilmLight is holding demonstrations and talks designed to show the complete color pipeline from set to screen, using FilmLight's BLG format. Register online. Paris December 6, 2016  (
  • Apple, Inc. Presents at the Next LACPUG - "Apple itself will present all of the latest features of Final Cut Pro X 10.3. Following the Apple Presentation, our own Sam Mestman will present a comprehensive soup to nuts workflow highlighting [its] latest advancements." November 30, Hollywood (
  • Drone Day Afternoon With Brooklyn Drones and DJI - "Learn the basics then try your hand at flying a drone. No previous experience necessary. Brooklyn Drones may close registration if they reach a certain capacity so don't delay." November 27th, Thanksgiving weekend. (
  • New Mexico Post Alliance: On-Set DIT Workflows - full details aren't posted yet. December 10, Albuquerque, NM. (​​​​​​​
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
JL Cooper Eclipse: Software v3.6 | Updated March 31, 2016
Tangent Design: HUB v1.2.8 | Wave Firmware v1.12 | Updated Aug. 2016
Avid Artist Color: Mac v3.4.1 | Win v3.4.1 | Updated Aug. 29, 2016
Sunday Morning Fun(nies)
  • The 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' 3D Blu-ray is out and it's pretty awesome - the headline says it all. (
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens Extras - while we're on the topic. (
  • Re-creating The Past - a UK photographer spent the late 1970s and 80s taking candid shots of the people of his hometown. 40 years later, he tracked down the same people to re-create a photographic wormhole. (
  • [video] Adam Savage Tours Peter Jackson’s Movie Prop Collection - how can that not be fun? (
Gear Heads
  • DaVinci Resolve on Intel Driven VAIO Z Flip - “Why not take the Vaio Z Flip on the airport shuttle and double check your color grade for that environment?” Resolve On The Go? (
  • Sony Wants To Make HDR Painless: Here’s How - "with results that should have ripple effects into the film community." (
  • Rumor: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti With 10gb Memory - "I did my best to avoid GTX 1080 Ti rumors for quite some time now. Mostly because there was no evidence to back any of those claims up, well.. until now." (
  • HP Announces HO Z2 Mini Workstation - "Less Than 2.5 Inches Thick, New PC Can Be Mounted Nearly Anywhere". Think: Mac Mini. (
  • Sony 4K UHD TV Black Friday Rebate Promotions - "Sony’s Black Friday Promos actually begin Nov. 20, 2016, five days prior to the actual Black Friday and run through December 3rd." (
  • LG’s Lowest Black Friday 4K Ultra HDTV Prices - "some of LG’s Black Friday Promos have already been offered on early specials, but most of the best instant rebate deals will appear on Nov. 20, 2016, five days prior to the traditional Black Friday." (
  • In Search Of The New Mac Pro - "let’s assume we arrive at December 1st with nary a word from Cupertino. Once you’ve decided you can no longer wait for a refresh of the Mac Pro, what are your options?" Here's a run through the possibilities, and why. (
  • Should You Buy The 2016 MacBook Pro For Video Editing? -  "I was eagerly anticipating getting my hands on a sleek and powerful new [laptop]. That almost happened. Now I’m in two minds as to whether to snap one up, or wait a little longer. Hopefully the following resources and reviews will help you make up your own mind!" (
  • Are Desktop Stills Relevant? - "As we were thinking about a shootout starring the newest, fastest 'late 2016' MacBook Pro, it occurred to us that it might be instructive to compare it to the 'late 2013' Mac Pro cylinder with Quad-Core Xeon processor. We included the fastest 'late 2015' iMac 5K and fastest 'mid 2015' MacBook Pro." (

Does DaVinci Resolve make you feel un-talented? & Presents 
DaVinci Resolve 12: Fundamentals & Advanced Training

=> Download 200+ iPad-ready movies + a documentary promo to grade

=> Learn the Hero Shots Workflow for communicating color efficiently

=> Watch 47 minutes of FREE previews, then buy the entire series

Click for full details | Read A Review

  • [video] December 21st - this is a lovely commercial that has the look and feel of a heart-warming motion picture. It’s an ad for the Spanish Lottery. The story of a retired schoolteacher who mistakenly believes that she and her community have won the draw — the day before it actually happens - is helped by solid direction, cinematography, editing, and color. Produced by Leo Burnett Madrid. (

Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! We'll see you next week. 
Happy Grading!
11,000'ish Stories Now Shared

The Book Shelf
  • Color Correction Handbook, Updated - Alexis Van Hurkman has updated his Color Correction Handbook, which has set the standard for learning all things color correction. (
  • Color Correction Look Book - This is the second part of the Color Correction Handbook, exploring the creative techniques for over 200 different visual looks. A sort-of recipe book for colorists. (
  • The Art and Technique of Digital Color Correction - Read how a dozen different colorists grade the same footage with the same gear, differently. A fantastic approach to learning the craft of color grading by Steve Hullfish. (
  • Color Grading with Avid and Symphony - Written for version 6. Fully applicable to version 7. I was a contributor. (
  • Digital Cinematography: Fundamentals, Tools, Techniques and Workflows - Don't let the title fool you. I'm only a third way through this book and its explanations of how digital images are recorded, sampled and viewed is essential knowledge for anyone who's craft intersects with digital images. Not light reading. But not filled with math either. I highly recommend this book. (
Have a book you think should be in this list? Reply to this email and let me know!

FCC Disclaimer: Links in this email to, B&H Photo, or ToolFarm are Affiliate links that help support the FSI is a paid sponsor. Tao of Color, Inc. is part owner of—which is a sponsor. BlackMagic Design is sometimes a client.

We thank you for your support.

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Patrick Inhofer
Managing Editor:
Jim Wicks, CSI
Patrick Inhofer
Published by:
Patrick Inhofer, CSI
Colorist, Coach: |