[TaoColorist] The Dr. Strangelove Edition

Published: Sun, 03/27/16


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The Tao Colorist Newsletter

Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

             Issue CCLXXVI                                                                          A TaoOfColor.com Publication

       Publisher: Pat Inhofer                                                            Managing Editor: Jim Wicks

From The Publisher

Quick reminder for those you headed to Las Vegas for NAB...

The 4th Annual 2016 NAB Colorist Mixer is now open for registration.

And registration is required!

Fewer than 30 tickets remain, of the 190 that are available (which means we almost sold out in under a week).

A couple of new Sponsors joined us, so we think we'll be able to put more tickets for sale... but that's not a guarantee and if it does happen, those tickets will hit the people on the Waitlist first. So don't procrastinate...

Click for details and to register at EventBrite

Jim Wicks and I hope to see you Sunday April 17 at 7:30pm!

Let us know you're a reader and you'll get a big hug.

Now, on with the Newsletter. We'll see you next week.

Happy Grading!
The Craft
  • [video] Kubrick in Color - looking back on the famed director’s filmography, one thing is clear. He loved the color red.  (visualnews.com)
  • Meet the Colorist - “I love the fact that I can be involved from the early stages of choosing the camera and lenses to the final delivery.” Profile of Steven Bodner, Light Iron’s New York supervising colorist.(postperspective.com)
  • Creativity Is Not An Accident - "when an accident happened, they chose not to ignore it, as most of us would. They chose to study the accident. Who among us studies our accidents?" Includes a link to a cool idea... a throwable 360 degree panoramic camera. (scottberkun.com | Swerveball Video)
  • Set The Mood With A Silhouette - "Many directors and cinematographers have made legendary film sequences using silhouettes. Here’s a look at how silhouettes can be used to create suspense, a feeling of isolation, or a romanticized view of the world." (premiumbeat.com)
The Tools
  • [video] ACES Color Tutorial - colorist Andreas Brueckl goes in-depth on a ‘kind of’ ACES workflow. ‘Kind of’ because Andreas’s method gives you a more flexible way of mixing multiple RRTs (Reference Rendering Transforms). The end result is an ACES workflow that gives you more possibilities. (vimeo.com via Gray Marshall)
  • [video] Ending Avid's 'Never-End Sync' - having trouble getting Avid software out of the 'sync' loop when downloading updates? Watch this. (youtube.com)
  • More LUTs from IWLTBAP - editor Oliver Peters reviews a new batch of LUTs available from the  French filmmaker IWLTBAP, that were inspired by numerous famous movie looks. (digitalfilms.wordpress.com)
  • [Sale] EditShare Lightworks Pro 40% Off Through March - and March is almost over, "Perpetual License includes Boris FX and Graffiti." (toolfarm.com)
  • [Resolve] Workflows: How Colorists Work With Graphics Departments - some tips on effective collaboration and working with VFX plates. (nofilmschool.com via Marc Wielage)
  • [Nucoda] Calibration Integration of (insert your calibration software) - someone asks about using Nucoda as a pattern generator for reference display calibration, a la DaVinci Resolve. (liftgammagain.com)
  • [video] Boris Effects & Mocha: Visual Effects & Finishing Tips - using the integration between the two apps. (youtube.com via Michael Horton)
  • Intro To Film Emulation - intro, because there's more to it than this... (nofilmschool.com)
  • [Resolve] How To Convert Color Video To Monochrome - if you set Saturation to zero and call it a day, Resolve's RGB Mixer is a much more interesting set of tools. (vimeo.com)
  • [video] Davinci Resolve: Help With The Middle Click - for those few newsletter readers who are middle click challenged and don’t know what or where a middle click button is. This might help. (youtube.com)
  • [videos] VR Post-production - a 3-part recording of a live event, "cover the latest live action VR post production techniques which are currently being used to realize the dream of VR." Panels include some heavy hitters. (youtu.be)
  • [videos] How to Be a DIT Part 16 - “It’s been a while since my last How To Be a DIT post, so this one’s a bit beefy as a result.” So begins Jonny Elwyn’s latest update to his continuing series.  (jonnyelwyn.co.uk)​​​​​​​
  • How to Be a DIT Part 17 - “Some jobs you’re just a tool.” Some, perhaps, but not all. Editor Jonny Elwyn interviews Robert Trim, author of Digital Imaging Technician. (jonnyelwyn.co.uk)

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official Shared Storage Optimized for 4K Workflow

LumaForge : Jellyfish Shared Storage

We've spent the last 3 years designing a killer little shared storage device for color, editorial, and VFX workflows: we call it the Jellyfish.

Between now and NAB we are releasing a small run of Jellyfish storage systems to seed them into the community.
Have a look, we think you'll dig it. 

Jellyfish Shared Storage Systems start at $7,500

Learn About the Jellyfish Early Release Program

The Business
  • Stefan Sonnenfeld Named CCO of Deluxe - the famed colorist moves into the executive suite. Stefan is now Chief Creative Officers at the company who bought out the company he founded, Company 3. (btlnews.com)
  • Keynote With Mark Duplass From SXSW - "He also talks on . . . why carving out your particular corner of the sandbox is going to be the key to maintaining creative control in the future." (filmmakeriq.com)
  • I Love VR / I Hate VR: The Janus Incidence - "the year 2016 has been heralded as the long foretold 'year of VR'. But if you read between the lines—hidden among all the bluster—there’s an ill wind blowing. Please allow me to make my case, prove my point." Point taken. (displaydaily.com)
  • Mixed Reality: What does AR + VR Mean for the Display Industry? - do you think Augmented Reality displays with Virtual Reality capabilities are here? Not so much and this article lists the challenges. (displaydaily.com)
  • Nielsen to Start Tracking Set-Top Boxes By Device - "starting on April 25th, Nielsen will make data available for Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Google Chromecast, Microsoft Xbox, Sony PlayStation and Nintendo Wii." This is much more detailed info than they presently track. (9to5mac.com)
  • VR: The Moment of Truth Is Now - "Oculus will ship the much-anticipated Rift VR headset next week, HTC will deliver its Vive VR headset one week later, and Sony is also readying the launch of its PlayStation VR headset." And consumers seem to want these devices but what about the cost? And the content? (etcentric.org)
  • A New Weapon in the Battle Against Cellphones in Theaters - it's both high-tech and low-tech at the same time. (nytimes.com)
  • Avid 2015 Revenue and Profitability Decrease - "products represented 66.5% of overall revenue in 2015." Many more details at the link. (blog.devoncroft.com)
Friends & Family
The stories featured in this section are from MixingLight.com, a companion color correction membership website to TaoOfColor.com and paid sponsor of this Newsletter. Want to read a story listed here but not a member? Sign up for a free 24-hour Test Drive. 
  • [video] The Premiere Pro Color Correction Protocol: Part 1 - "I’ll lay down [color correction] guidelines for you to follow, with a few common variations." Using the built-in toolset of Premiere. (mixinglight.com)
  • [podcast] NAB 2016, FilmStyle Grading & sRGB Web Deliverables - three colorists chat about three different topics based on questions from Mixing Light members. (mixinglight.com)
  • [video] From The Grading Room: Grading Underwater Footage - "I recently graded a music video that featured some beautiful underwater footage and after seeing some great discussion over on LiftGammaGain I thought it would be great to share some of my personal experience and tips" (mixinglight.com)
  • [video] Dealing With Revisions In The DaVinci Resolve ‘Flat File Workflow’ - part 3 in the series on advanced finishing techniques in Resolve. (mixinglight.com)
  • Getting to Know ACES Part 1: ACES Specification Overview - "I want to share some of that research that helped me demystify ACES and can hopefully help you in getting to know the essentials, vocab, and what problems ACES attempts to fix." (mixinglight.com)

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference Monitors

Flanders Scientific CM250 OLED Reference Monitor

The CM250 color critical reference OLED monitor features a 10 bit panel, 12 bit signal processing , 4:4:4 and XYZ signal format support, 3D Calibration LUTs and 3D DIT LUTs,  3G/ Dual-Link/ HD/ SD-SDI Inputs, plus 18 onboard scopes and meters on all inputs and flexible calibration solutions.

FSI CM250 OLED only $6,495

Learn More About the FSI CM250

Visit FSI at NAB booth #SL6325.
Get your free exhibits-only access to NAB with VIP Code LV8353

NAB Preppers

Items in this special section of the Newsletter will recur until after NAB, which is April 16 - 21 in Las Vegas.

  • [event] 4th Annual Colorist Mixer UPDATED - the colorist annual meetup is happening again, so make your travel plans accordingly. Registration is now open! Sunday, April 17, 7:30 PM (eventbrite.comcoloristmixer.com)
  • NEW! FCP Exchange Presentations - with Apple non-existent at trade shows, FCPWORKS and FCP.co have teamed up for two days of FCPX-centric workshops, in the hotel directly next to the South Hall. The current line-up and registration (required) is at the link. (fcp.co)
  • Free Exhibit-Only Access Pass - Get your free exhibits-only access pass to NAB with VIP Code LV8353. Courtesy Tao Newsletter Sponsor, Flanders Scientific. (registration.experientevent.com)
  • [edumacate] Post | Production World : Overview - "In addition to the general sessions, P|PW offers multi-day, certification-prep and hands-on training that allows attendees to dive deeply into [software]. New this year, P|PW offers a track dedicated for graduating students to provide them a leg-up in navigating the industry."  Runs April 16 - 20th. Use this Discount Code to save $100: PPW06 (nabshow.com/attend)
  • [edumacate] Team Mixing LIght: Full Day Color Correction - Tao Newsletter Publisher Patrick and his Mixing Light business partners are leading a full day of color correction training, with a Keynote by Colorist Juan Salvo on grading a Virtual Reality film that screened at Sundance. At the bottom of the listing, click through our names for more session listings. (nab16.mapyourshow.com)
  • The Official ToolFarm Guide to NAB - from Exhibit hours to various social meetups to Exhibitor Booths you'll probably want to visit, a good collection of NAB information. (toolfarm.com)
  • [event] Media Motion Ball 2016 - a sit-down dinner with stage presentations. A great place to meet your favorite industry notables. Monday, April 18,  5:30 PM (eventbrite.com)
  • [event] SuperMeet 2016 - Watch stage presentations and then participate in NAB's biggest give-away of software and hardware. It's also a good place to launch a meet up with friends for late night festivities. Tuesday, April 19, 4:30PM (eventbrite.com)
  • NAB Show To Host Kaleidoscope Virtual Reality Showcase - "NAB Show attendees will have the opportunity to travel to virtual worlds and experience the most innovative narrative, environmental and interactive content." (displaydaily.com)
Second(ary) Thoughts
  • [video] Why I have not Switched from Premiere to Resolve, Yet - highlights some of the bugs of using Resolve as an NLE and why one editor wants to make the switch - but has not. (youtube.com)
  • The Negatives Of Shooting On Film - Roger Deakins: "I never really remember having those kind of problems before. But it makes me nervous now. I don’t want to do that again, frankly." The 2nd half of this article spells out the problems filmmakers are having shooting film. (premiumbeat.com)​​​​​​​
  • Dr. Strangelove: Coming To Criterion Collection - the single most influential film on me. Ever. (criterion.com)
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
JL Cooper Eclipse: Software v3.5.2 | Updated June 29, 2015
Tangent Design: HUB v1.2.1 | Wave Firmware v1.12 | Updated Jan.'ish, 2016
Avid Artist Color: Mac v3.3.2 | Win v3.3.2 | Updated Nov. 10, 2015
Sunday Morning Fun(nies)
  • [video] ‘Eclipse Chasers’ - "a small team of photographers . . . set out to capture an image of a skier silhouetted against the backdrop of a solar eclipse in the Arctic. This 31-minute film about the difficult, uncertain undertaking . . . earned its fair share of awards on the outdoor/mountain film festival circuit." (studiodaily.com)
  • [video] Why Cocktails Are Served In Different Sizes and Shapes Of Glasses - because the Newsletter staff has next month's Colorist Mixer on its mind. (lifehacker.com)
  • Meet Ruger: The American Dog Who Put 150 African Poachers Out Of Business - turning un-adoptable dogs into Guardians of the Wild. Happy story. (theguardian.com)
Gear Heads
  • Testing Thunderbolt 3 - benchmark tests with a pair of SSDs against legacy Thunderbolt storage products. (barefeats.com)
  • On The Road With Final Cut Pro X and A Jellyfish - if you've been wondering about this Newsletter's newest Sponsor, here's a real-world field test. (fcp.co)
  • Apple Just Made Client Approval More Shaky - i actually like this newest Apple innovation. You'll just need to save instructions you can email clients when they review your work on an iDevice. (niwa.nu)
  • Atomos Goes HDR With Flame Series - a 7-inch, 10-bit field recorder with a 1500-nit display for HDR monitoring. (studiodaily.com)
  • AMD Announced GPU Roadmap for 2016-2019 - "AMD has a confident product roadmap marks a dramatic change for a company that has had a rather rocky few years" (arstechnica.com)

Does DaVinci Resolve make you feel un-talented?

MixingLight.com & TaoOfColor.com Presents 
DaVinci Resolve 12: Fundamentals & Advanced Training

=> Download 200+ iPad-ready movies + a documentary promo to grade

=> Learn the Hero Shots Workflow for communicating color efficiently

=> Watch 47 minutes of FREE previews, then buy the entire series

Click for full details

The Next Step Is A Doozy
  • AR vs. VR Turns Into AR + VR - a Microsoft patent application promises, "If the [lens] is open the device acts as an AR device, and when the [lens] is closed you have a VR device." (displaydaily.com)
A Step Too Far?
  • Apple Designing Servers to Avoid Snooping - because they think their hardware is being intercepted and tampered with in transit to their server farms. (arstechnica.com)

Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! See you next week! 
Happy Grading!
9,700'ish Stories Now Shared

The Book Shelf
  • Color Correction Handbook, Updated - Alexis Van Hurkman has updated his Color Correction Handbook, which has set the standard for learning all things color correction. (amazon.com)
  • Color Correction Look Book - This is the second part of the Color Correction Handbook, exploring the creative techniques for over 200 different visual looks. A sort-of recipe book for colorists. (amazon.com
  • The Art and Technique of Digital Color Correction - Read how a dozen different colorists grade the same footage with the same gear, differently. A fantastic approach to learning the craft of color grading by Steve Hullfish. (amazon.com)
  • Autodesk Smoke Essentials - Walk through grading a short sci-fi film (with downloadable ProRes4444 source material) while learning the ultimate online finishing app...  Autodesk Smoke. (amazon.com)
  • Color Grading with Avid and Symphony - Written for version 6. Fully applicable to version 7. I was a contributor. (amazon.com)
  • Adobe Speedgrade CC: Classroom in a Book - A solid book for a solid grading app. (amazon.com)
  • Digital Cinematography: Fundamentals, Tools, Techniques and Workflows - Don't let the title fool you. I'm only a third way through this book and its explanations of how digital images are recorded, sampled and viewed is essential knowledge for anyone who's craft intersects with digital images. Not light reading. But not filled with math either. I highly recommend this book. (amazon.com)
    Have a book you think should be in this list? Reply to this email and let me know!

    FCC Disclaimer: Links in this email to Amazon.com, B&H Photo, or ToolFarm are Affiliate links that help support the TaoOfColor.com. FSI is a paid sponsor. Tao of Color, Inc. is part owner of MixingLight.com—which is a sponsor. BlackMagic Design is sometimes a client.

    We thank you for your support.

    Patrick Inhofer
    Managing Editor:
    Jim Wicks, Colorist: jimwicks.com
    Patrick Inhofer
    Published by:
    Patrick Inhofer: Photon-Wrangler, Fini.tv | TaoOfColor.com | MixingLight.com