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This edition of the Tao Newsletter is shortened for personal reasons. And if you've email us in the past few weeks, you probably didn't hear back. We'll get back to our normal business on Monday.
This weekend, TaoHQ needed to power down so we're running with a shortened edition, courtesy your Managing Editor Jim Wicks.
Next week's edition is already under construction.
We'll see you then in full force!
- The 10 Best Film Color Systems - “do you know your Technicolor from your Kodachrome?” Check out this list which runs down the top 10 systems. (
- The Timeline of Historical Film Colors - "Access detailed information on over 230 individual film color processes via the classification system". i found this at the end of page from the previous item. Very cool. (
- Color Off The Wall - “working on a documentary has its challenges.” Colorist Roman Hankewycz talks about his craft and grading Spike Lee’s ‘Off The Wall’ film for Sundance. (
- Color Correcting Sony A7SII footage - a tutorial
on one person’s method of grading S-Log-3 for a more natural look. (
S P O N S O R E D M E S S A G E Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference
Monitors Flanders Scientific CM250 OLED Reference Monitor The CM250 color critical reference OLED monitor features a 10 bit panel, 12 bit signal processing , 4:4:4 and XYZ signal format support, 3D Calibration LUTs and 3D DIT LUTs, 3G/ Dual-Link/ HD/ SD-SDI Inputs, plus 18 onboard scopes and meters on all inputs and flexible calibration solutions. FSI CM250 OLED only $6,495 Learn More About the FSI CM250
- Last Call: FinalDCP Group Buy (30% Discount) - as mentioned two weeks ago, the DCP creation software FinalDCP is running a deal on the forum LiftGammaGain that ends today! The more people who buy, the bigger the discount. Currently they have 10 people committed for a 30% discount. The offer ends at the end of this day, Sunday. (
- In Search of The Best Chair - no butts about it: one of the tools we all use every day is the chair. How’s your chair fairing? Editor Scott Simmons wants a better one and does all the research for you. (
- [video] Avid to Daylight Roundtrip - friend of the Tao, colorist Josh Petok, shows you a renderless workflow roundtriping between Avid and FilmLight’s Daylight. (
- X-Rite's Revamped Color Chart - a review of the pocket-sized ColorChecker Video Passport. (
- 4K or not 4K? - have you seen those commercials with Hannah Davis and a talking horse claiming DirecTV delivers the best 4K Ultra HD? Whoa Nellie, hold your horses. A watchdog group says the commercial was deceptive. Why? You'll have to click through but it
does prove, in this horse race 4K is the nag. (
- Hail, Caesar! And Roger Deakins on Film - the much nominated and heralded DP is back in the news again as he explains why he’s no longer a fan of film and why digital is the now …and the future.
- Sundance, Netflix and Amazon: It’s complicated - doing pre-buys can create challenges down the road for smaller films wanting to get theatrical distribution. (
- [video] Digital vs Film - is the secret of emulating film all in the display prep? Or, as Steve Yedlin, ASC, asks in this intriguing video of a side by side comparison: “are these actually two different looks or has film been well
enough characterized that we can say the substantial attributes of the look come from the way the image is prepped for display and not from the capture format?” A must watch for colorists. (
- The 2000mm Lens - “creating tension and dramatic moments in filmmaking can be accomplished in many different ways. Lens choice and cinematography are the tools used in this specific example.” Although not mentioned, color is also
important. (
- [video] The Force Awakens Breakdown - for the Star Wars fan who loves to ask, ‘how did they do that’? The answers in the nearly 5 minutes it will take you to watch the VFX video. (
- [video] Restoring Star Wars - lifelong Star Wars fan Mike Verta is attempting to restore the original Star Wars film to all its technicolor glory and preserve it in 4K. In this clip Mike geeks out as he restores the scene of Luke’s landspeeder from the film print. (
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers |
- DIT Workshop - if you’re in California this week you might want to check this out. Filmlight and Sony present DIT: On-Set and Near-Set Color Workshops. Wednesday Feb. 3 7PM Culver City, CA. (
- This Grandpa Had A Sense Of Humor - can you find the hidden message? (
Does DaVinci Resolve make you feel un-talented? &
Presents DaVinci Resolve 12: Fundamentals & Advanced Training
=> Download 200+ iPad-ready movies + a documentary to grade => Learn the Hero
Shots Workflow for communicating color efficiently => Watch 47 minutes of FREE previews, then buy the entire series
Click for full details
Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! See you next year! Happy Grading! 9,350'ish Stories Now Shared
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The Book Shelf- Color Correction Handbook, Updated - Alexis Van Hurkman has updated his Color Correction Handbook, which has set the standard for learning all things color correction. (
- Color Correction Look Book - This
is the second part of the Color Correction Handbook, exploring the creative techniques for over 200 different visual looks. A sort-of recipe book for colorists. (
- The Art and Technique of Digital Color Correction - Read how a dozen different colorists grade the same footage with the same gear, differently. A fantastic approach to learning the craft of color grading by Steve Hullfish. (
- Autodesk Smoke Essentials - Walk through grading a short sci-fi film (with downloadable
ProRes4444 source material) while learning the ultimate online finishing app... Autodesk Smoke. (
- Color Grading with Avid and Symphony - Written for version 6. Fully applicable to version 7. I was a contributor. (
- Adobe Speedgrade CC: Classroom in a Book - A solid book for a solid grading app. (
- Digital Cinematography: Fundamentals, Tools, Techniques and Workflows - Don't let the title fool you. I'm only a third way through this book and its explanations of how digital images are recorded, sampled and viewed is
essential knowledge for anyone who's craft intersects with digital images. Not light reading. But not filled with math either. I highly recommend this book. (
Have a book you
think should be in this list? Reply to this email and let me know!
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Published by:
Patrick Inhofer: Photon-Wrangler, | |