[TaoColorist] Sunday Newsletter: The Machine Overlord Christmas Edition

Published: Sun, 12/21/14

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The Tao Colorist

Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

         Issue CCXXIII                                                                           A TaoOfColor.com Publication

     Publisher: Pat Inhofer                                                            Managing Editor: Jim Wicks

From the Publisher

  • Jim Wicks, myself and the Tao Treasurer wish you...
  • Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
  • This is the last Tao Colorist Newsletter of 2014.
  • We'll be back in two weeks with our 'Best of' edition.
  • It's been a pleasure serving you.
  • We've enjoyed every minute of it.
  • Now is a good time to thank our sponsor, Flanders Scientific.
  • Through the years their unceasing support has been an inspiration.
Happy Grading!

The Craft

  • Grading Gravity - "we had to complete two entirely separate 3D grades: one at 3 foot-lamberts and another at 6 foot-lamberts. Essentially, these were separate projects with totally different data sets". Why, you ask? Click through... the read is well worth it! (splicecommunity.com)
  • Color, Coffee, and Your Mug - the Tao Colorist Newsletter staff are coffee aficionados. So when we read about a study that found the color of your coffee mug can change the way your coffee tastes? Hello, Craft. Now, pour yourself a cup of Joe, and click through to discover if you’re using the 'right' colored mug. (washingtonpost.com)
  • Artisan Color - "Squeezing colour data to the point of no return has become a primary tool in compression which maybe needs questioning . . . Are we throwing out the baby of creative colour with the bathwater of technology?" A great question the industry should be asking. (redsharknews.com)
  • The Color of Money - want your company to make more money, your employees to be happier and more productive? Google says the right can of paint can boost employee creativity and productivity. (news.yahoo.com)
  • Five Top Tips For Colorists - globetrotting Colorist Warren Eagles details his top five tips for Colorists. They’re all good. Our favorite is number 4, because you’re only ever as good as your last job. (redsharknews.com)
'Tis the Season
You can never have too many holiday gift ideas.
  • 1,000 piece CMYK Color Gamut Jigsaw Puzzle - the perfectly maddening gift for the colorist in your life (o, maybe,r the colorist you want out of your life). (thisiscolossal.com via  @tparish)

  • 7 Gifts Ideas For A Man’s Shower - because it sets the tone for the rest of your day. (artofmanliness.com)

  • Malaika For Life - buy a braclet. Save a life. Ebola gets the headlines. Malaria is the epidemic. A nice gift that supports a great cause. The group is founded by a woman who travelled to Tanzania to make a documentary (which I color graded) and almost died from Malaria while filming. (malaikaforlife.org)

  • Gifts for Her - a recommendation by the Tao Treasurer for all the females in your life. (uncommongoods.com)

  • 9 Fantastic Gifts That Aren’t Just Clutter - (mashable.com)

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference Monitors

Flanders Scientific CM250 OLED Reference Monitor

The CM250 OLED color critical reference OLED monitor featuring a 10bit panel, 12 bit, 4:4:4 and XYZ signal format support, 3D Calibration LUTs and 3D DIT LUTs ,  3G/ Dual-Link/ HD/ SD-SDI Inputs, plus 14 onboard scopes and meters on all inputs.

FSI CM250 OLED Only $6,495

Learn More About the FSI CM250

The Tools

  • Assimilate Scratch Update - Assimilate has updated its dailies and DI tools, Scratch and Scratch Lab, to Version 8.2. (postperspective.com)
  • [video] How to Create (and Export) LUTs From Photoshop - Adobe slipped in a new feature into Photoshop CS 2014... LUT exports. Get the details! A free tutorial (no login required) from Team MixingLight. (mixinglight.com)
  • How To Use Dynamic Media Folders In Avid Media Composer - Assign specific actions to specific folders to streamline your workflow. (avidblogs.com)

The Business

  • 4K in Space - that bright shiny object you see in the night sky might just be DirectTV’s new 7-ton 4K satellite which was launched into orbit recently. Services to U.S. subscribers to begin in Q2 2015.  (redsharknews.com)
  • Dolby Cinema - the audio company is making big noise about its plans to completely revamp the movie going experience. Visual, audio, and esthetically designed cinemas are part of Dolby’s vision for the future. (blog.dolby.com)
  • Google+ Gains Automatic Video Quality, Stability, and Audio Enhancement - if you use their Auto Backup feature to store your mobile phone videos, you can selectively add these enhancements. (9to5google.com)
  • The Sony Hackers Are Terrorists - "What’s remarkable is the sheer destruction leveled at Sony and its employees. For perhaps the first time, a major American company really did suffer a worst-case cyberassault scenario." This article presents a perspective that, I think, is getting under-reported in favor of all the gossip. (slate.com)
  • On the Sony Hack: A CTO Speaks - An interesting perspective from someone working the trenches on the defensive side of cybersecurity. (powerlineblog.com)
  • Preservation and The All-Digital Future - While digital has replaced celluloid, the irony is that celluloid may be the best solution to preserving our digital future.  (vulture.com)
  • EOL for JPG? - French programmers have designed a new picture format that is attracting noteworthy attention. It’s called BPG - Better Portable Graphics. They claim better quality at half the size. (fstoppers.com)
  • HBO: We’re Not Releasing Overnight Ratings Anymore - "Game of Thrones’ fourth season was typically seen by 6.6 million viewers during its Sunday night 9 p.m. debut airings. But the season’s average viewership eventually swelled to 19.1 million viewers per episode once encore episodes, DVR playback, On Demand and streaming viewership was included." (insidetv.ew.com)
Friends and Family
The stories featured in this section are from MixingLight.com, a companion color correction membership website to TaoOfColor.com. Want to read a story listed here but not a member? Sign up for a free 24-hour Test Drive.
  • 5 Things Keeping You From Becoming Better Colorist - learn to overcome these shortcomings - and practice these skills - to help you excel as a colorist. (mixinglight.com)
  • [audio] From The Mailbag: Encoding For YouTube / Vimeo + Using An SSD As A Render Cache Drive - The three founders of MixingLight.com answer two more questions from their members. (mixinglight.com)
  • [video] Advanced Beauty Grading - Part One: The Corrections - Beauty grading is all about the details. There are no shortcuts. Dan Moran offers an intermediate level Insight showing how he evaluates an image for beauty grading. (mixinglight.com)
  • [video] Why Final Cut Pro X’s Exposure Slider Is More Complicated Than You Think - if you do color correction in Final Cut Pro X, you probably don't fully understand the impact of that Global Exposure slider and how you've been fighting it. (mixinglight.com)
  • [video] Advanced Beauty Grading - Part Two: The Fashion Look - beauty and fashion. Get some tips from our Commercial Colorist, Dan Moran. (mixinglight.com)
  • [video] FInal Cut Pro X & Primary Corrections: What’s The Best Way To Add Color? - I continue my in-depth look at an organized color correction workflow using Final Cut Pro X. This time: When do you reach for the saturation control? And why do I recommend adding it using a new filter?  (mixinglight.com)

Outside the Box

  • HDR Video - The Walt Disney Company has come up with a technique that solves most of the problems that tone mapping introduces when it interprets HDR images for conventional television sets. The video does a great job showing common artifacts (and their solution).  (youtube.com)
  • [video] The History of Photography - the George Eastman House presents a 12-part series covering the science of photography from the first experiments to digital photography. Links to the next 11 parts are available on the right side of the page. (youtube.com)
  • Flying A Camera On A Quadcopter? Let’s See Your License - "The bad news? The FAA wants to require that all operators of commercial drones be certified to fly manned aircraft in addition to tiny drones." One word: ridiculous. (studiodaily.com)
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
JL Cooper Eclipse: Software v3.0 | Updated October 20, 2014
Tangent Design: HUB v1.1.7 | Wave Firmware v1.12 | Updated July'ish 2014
Avid Artist Color: Mac v3.2 | Win v3.2 | Updated Sept 29, 2014
Sunday Morning Funnies
  • [video] Percussive Maintenance - if machines ever rise up, like the Terminator movies say they will, this video may explain the reason for their insubordination. (vimeo.com)
  • [video] A Symphony of Vintage Computers - old Macs and Commodore computers don’t die, and they don’t fade away. They just sing, in a creepy, erie way. It’s a symphony of vintage computers performing ‘Carol of the Bells’. (vimeo.com)
  • [video] Shift-Faced: An Interactive Guide for Holiday Cooking - a long-time Tao Colorist Newsletter reader shares this holiday card... with two streams of video, with two very different methods of perfectly cooking a holiday bird. Be sure to press the Shift button while playing down the video. It probably won't work on mobile touch devices. (brutonstroube.com)
  • 16 Origins Of Holiday Traditions - from artificial snow to professional dradel spinning...  (youtube.com)
  • The Origins of 10 Popular Christmas Songs - where did 'Silent Night', "All I Want For Christmas', 'Jingle Bells' and other Christmas classics come from? (neatorama.com)

Gear Heads

  • Get your old Mac Laptop to Work with An External DVD Drive - if you have one of Apple’s new USB 3.0 DVD Superdrives and an older MacBook that has a dead internal DVD drive... good luck with that. Unless you follow this tip. (jonnyelwyn.co.uk)
  • 1TB SSD - Australia-based Angelbird has added to its WRK line of SSD’s to include a new, larger (but slimmer) 1TB for Mac and PC.  (redsharknews.com)
  • [review] Nvidia GeForce GTX 908 & Titan Black on DaVinci Resolve - A good writeup to get you up to speed on the latest graphics cards. But the conclusion is kind'a buried in the copy. (redsharknews.com via Marc Wielage)
  • [audio] Apple iMac With Retina 5K Display Calibration Review: How Good Is It? - get the gritty details in this discussion. (avical.com)

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Getting Ahead

  • Procrastinating? Try This Quick, Easy Trick To Get On Track - the key is not put off starting the trick. (forbes.com)
  • 10 Easy Ways To Be More Productive At Work -  (forbes.com)

Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! See you in 2015. 

Happy Grading!
7,500+ Stories Now Shared

The Book Shelf
  • Color Correction Handbook, Updated - Alexis Van Hurkman has updated his Color Correction Handbook, which has set the standard for learning all things color correction. (amazon.com)
  • Color Correction Look Book - This is the second part of the Color Correction Handbook, exploring the creative techniques for over 200 different visual looks. A sort-of recipe book for colorists. (amazon.com
  • The Art and Technique of Digital Color Correction - Read how a dozen different colorists grade the same footage with the same gear, differently. A fantastic approach to learning the craft of color grading by Steve Hullfish. (amazon.com)
  • Autodesk Smoke Essentials - Walk through grading a short sci-fi film (with downloadable ProRes4444 source material) while learning the ultimate online finishing app...  Autodesk Smoke. (amazon.com)
  • Color Grading with Avid and Symphony - Written for version 6. Fully applicable to version 7. I was a contributor. (amazon.com)
  • Adobe Speedgrade CC: Classroom in a Book - A solid book for a solid grading app. (amazon.com)
  • Digital Cinematography: Fundamentals, Tools, Techniques and Workflows - Don't let the title fool you. I'm only a third way through this book and its explanations of how digital images are recorded, sampled and viewed is essential knowledge for anyone who's craft intersects with digital images. Not light reading. But not filled with math either. I highly recommend this book. (amazon.com)
    Have a book you think should be in this list? Reply to this email and let me know!

    FCC Disclaimer: Links in this email to Amazon.com, B&H Photo, or ToolFarm are Affiliate links that help support the TaoOfColor.com. FSI is a paid sponsor and BlackMagic Design is a current client. We thank you for your support.

    Patrick Inhofer
    Managing Editor:
    Jim Wicks, Colorist: jimwicks.com
    Patrick Inhofer
    Published by:
    Patrick Inhofer: Photon-Wrangler, Fini.tv | TaoOfColor.com | MixingLight.com