[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading (The Codec Edition)

Published: Sun, 09/07/14

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The Tao Colorist

Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

         Issue CCVIII                                                                             A TaoOfColor.com Publication

     Publisher: Pat Inhofer                                                            Managing Editor: Jim Wicks

From the Publisher

  • August went fast!
  • Mixing Light's upcoming Resolve 11 training?
  • THAT feels like it's taking forever to record.
  • Not surprising since it's 3 times the length of the SpeedGrade CC training we recorded last year.
  • Luckily, the last 10% will be recorded over the next week.
  • And maybe finally I'll be able to get out of Tao HQ and start enjoying our new Orlando Home Base.
  • Of course, now that we're in September - this Newsletter will start shipping on our normal weekly schedule.
  • Have a great Sunday and Team Tao Colorist Newsletter will see you next week!

Happy Grading!

The Craft

  • [video] Understanding the Color Managed Workflow - aimed at photographers and those whose medium is prin, there is still much good info here for the Colorist. Put on a pot of coffee for this one it times out at nearly 50 minutes. (youtube.com)
  • Color Grading Breaking Bad - shot in New Mexico, graded in Los Angeles. Colorist Tom Sartori recounts his experience on Breaking Bad.  (fotokem.com)

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference Monitors

Flanders Scientific CM250 OLED Reference Monitor

The CM250 OLED color critical reference OLED monitor featuring a 10bit panel, 12 bit, 4:4:4 and XYZ signal format support, 3D Calibration LUTs and 3D DIT LUTs ,  3G/ Dual-Link/ HD/ SD-SDI Inputs, plus 14 onboard scopes and meters on all inputs.

FSI CM250 OLED Only $6,495.

Learn More About the FSI CM250

The Tools

  • [videos] Baselight Tutorials - it's been a while since we mentioned it: New Zealand-based Colorist, Paul Lear has created a very nice site that teaches all things Baselight. Drop by and check it out. Registration is required but free. (baselight-tutorials.com)
  • [video] Chroma Dark in DaVinci Resolve - so, your client gives you a piece of video to grade and the shadows are messy. watch this tutorial on a hidden feature in DaVinci Resolve that can help you in a pinch.  (premiumbeat.com)
  • [video] Matching Skin Tones in Photoshop - a simple and accurate way to match skin tones with Selective Color in Photoshop. (fstoppers.com)
  • Kodachrome LUT - award-winning Cinematographer Frank Glencairn created a 3D LUT that mimics (as good as possible) the look of vintage Kodachrome film. Free to download. (frankglencairn.wordpress.com)
  • [video] Color Correcting Log Footage Basics - features grading the Blackmagic Pocket Camera and the basics of color balancing. (youtu.be via @tparish)
  • Prolost Light Leaks For Lightroom - "it was only a matter of time before I tackled something I'd always wanted to figure out-randomly-generated light leaks for Lightroom." (prolost.com)
  • How to Breakdown the Lighting of a Photo - I love this blog post. A great skill for any colorist to have. (diyphotography.net)
  • Here Are My Rules Of Thumb When Choosing A Codec - "Some cameras record less than 10-bit, and there are situations where I can get away with that... but this kind of footage often falls apart faster when graded or composited. Any sort of contrast enhancement will often result in banding, and most color grading is contrast enhancement." Good article, great advice. (provideocoalition.com)
  • [video] Video Compression As Fast As Possible - If you are fuzzy on the concept between 'intraframe', 'interframe', 'temporal' or 'spatial' compression then this video will get you up to speed on concepts that anyone dealing with compressed footage needs to understand. (filmmakeriq.com)
  • [video] Codecs - everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask. Filmmaker David Kong goes 43 minutes in depth on codecs. Whether you're a Colorist, Editor, or Cinematographer this is stuff you need to know. (philipbloom.net)

The Business

  • ARRI does ProRes UHD - the new ARRI camera, AMIRA, now has the option to shoot all ProRes codecs in Ultra High Definition 3840 x 2160 resolution. Available as a license purchase and with a sensor calibration. (arri.de)
  • The Future of Network TV - it's not quite dead man walking, but the future of network television is certainly a 'challenged business.' Changing times and viewing habits are only two of the pressures bearing down. Click through for the whole story. (thewrap.com)
  • [video] The Dos and Don'ts of Eating Sushi - do you ever go out to client lunches? Then you need to be prepared - and look like you know what you're doing. (laughingsquid.com)
  • Japan Moves 4K Broadcast date forward 4 Years - to coincide with the 2016 Olympics. (redsharknews.com)

Friends & Family

MixingLight.com is a companion membership website to TaoOfColor.com. Want to read a story listed here but not a MixingLIght member? A free 24-hour test drive is available.

  • Shot Matching: The Importance Of Matching Skies - "When it comes to skies, my starting point is watching the video through and finding my favorite sky. I then I'll use that as my reference - really this is no different than finding other hero shots, but what I'm really trying to do is find a sky that has starting characteristics that I can ripple through to other shots." (mixinglight.com)
  • [Video] Shot Matching: Working With Skintone -  since everyone knows what skin color 'should be', it becomes quickly obvious when skin grades go wrong. Colorist Dan Moran shares his method to keep it both simple and consistent." (mixinglight.com)
  • [Video] DaVinci Resolve Keyframes: From Newbie To Ninja - what are the different types of keyframes? How to add or remove them? This is an essential guide to avoid common mistakes that lead to messy grades, and quickly master keyframed grades in Resolve. (mixinglight.com)

Outside 'The Box'

  • [video] Video Editing in Davinci Resolve v11 - Theo from MiesnerMedia goes 5 part deep on how to edit video inside Resolve v11. (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5)
  • Editing in Resolve - Alexis Van Hurkman explores the world of editing in Resolve v11. He writes about the new editorial functions on his website and has a new training series focused on editorial workflows in DaVinci Resolve 11. (vanhurkman.com | rippletraining.com).
  • [podcast] Why Avid is #1 in Hollywood - at least, that's the belief of reality TV editor Austin Flack who opines about Avid on a FCPX production blog. His opinion: FCPX and Premiere Pro are not quite ready for Hollywood. (alex4d.com)
  • A view from the edit bay - editor Jonny Elwyn opines about the 11 things that video editors wish they could say to camera operators and DPs. Our favorite: 'Fix it in Camera.' (redsharknews.com)

Edumacate Yer'self

  • IBC 2014: Colorist Mixer - While Team Tao or Team Mixing Light won't be at this year's IBC tradeshow in Amsterdam. ICA's Warren Eagles will be leading the Colorist Mixer festivities. Bringing together colorists, their assistants, their bosses and vendors it's a relaxed evening of social mingling. Saturday September 13. Free registration. (eventbrite.com.au)

Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
JL Cooper Eclipse: Software v2.9.9.1 | Updated August 7, 2014

Tangent Design: HUB v1.1.7 | Wave Firmware v1.12 | Updated July'ish 2014

Avid Artist Color: Mac v3.1.3 | Win v3.1.3 | Updated June 30, 2014
Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

  • [video] Lake of Dreams - breathtaking is one word that comes to mind as you watch this timelapse. Fun, is another. (vimeo.com)
  • [video] Game Of Thrones: The Legend Of Zelda Style - If you played Zelda on Nintendo... and are a fan of the Game of Thrones open-then you can't pass this video up! (youtube.com)
  • Hanging Off the Edge of a Cliff - Design concept for a cliff-hanger of a house.  (neatorama.com)

Gear Heads

  • More Life for your Old Mac Pro - some people would like to update to Apple's new tubular Mac Pro but can't for a variety of reasons. Click through to see what editor Oliver Peters recommends to re-charge your old Mac Pro. (digitalfilms.wordpress.com)
  • Need for 4K Speed - Matrox Video introduces the world's first 4K SDI Cards. Two 4K SDI cards with 12 reconfigurable I/O's. (cinescopophilia.com)
  • Random Hard Drive Speed Tests - "If you have a production asking why you're questioning their use of a cheap little black Seagate drive from Target then send them to this blog post to see exactly what slow speeds that cheap drive will mean and how that will add time to editorial because of file transfers alone." (provideocoalition.com)
  • The Incredible Rise of the GPU - A walk through the history of GPUs and how they stole the thunder from the big chip manufacturers. (redsharknews.com)

    New Kids on the Block

    • [app] Hyperlapse - want to take smooth time-lapse videos with your iPhone? Instagram has an app that can do that. Free to download. (thenextweb.com)
    • [app] RED on your iPhone - want to control your RED camera via your iPhone? Well now you can. Designed by Cinematographer Mikael Lubtchansky to be used on set or on location.  (http://foolcolor.net)
    • Keeping your Health Secure - Apple has updated its developer agreements, disallowing developers from selling data acquired through it's new Healthkit app in iOS8. (9to5mac.com)

      Is it time to turn color correction into skill set you can sell?

      Remastering Mother Died:
      A Color Correction Home Study

      => Download a short film (shot on RED, 5K, 5:1)

      => Grade Along with TaoOfColor founder Patrick Inhofer

      => Send Patrick your work, he'll evaluate it as your Senior Colorist

      Click for full details

      Getting Ahead

      • Q & A: Fitness in Post (Production) - "it's not news to anyone reading this that the life of a editor is a bit sedentary. Enter Fitness In Post as it aims to be a both a resource and an inspiration for getting out from behind the edit desk and get to moving around."  This is a Q&A with the founder of FitnessInPost.com. (provideocoalition.com)
      • [audio] Seth Godin In Conversation - on creative courage, vulnerability and the move away from a 'scarcity economy'.  (soundcloud.com via @tparish)


        • [video] The Bear in NZ Winter - this is a collection of footage shot on a beta unit of the Blackmagic URSA. Mostly shot at 60fps ProRes 422 HQ in-camera and conformed to 24fps. edited and graded in Resolve v11. (vimeo.com)

        The Next Step Is a Doozy

        • Technology and You - Apple's new predictive text feature worries a technology philosopher who believes your devices shouldn't do the work of being you. Click through to read why he  believes you should re-think the concept of 'cool' features. (bigthink.com)

        Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! See you in two weeks. 

        Happy Grading!
        6,850+ Stories Now Shared

        The Book Shelf
        • Color Correction Handbook, Updated - Alexis Van Hurkman has updated his Color Correction Handbook, which has set the standard for learning all things color correction. (amazon.com)
        • Color Correction Look Book - This is the second part of the Color Correction Handbook, exploring the creative techniques for over 200 different visual looks. A sort-of recipe book for colorists. (amazon.com
        • The Art and Technique of Digital Color Correction - Read how a dozen different colorists grade the same footage with the same gear, differently. A fantastic approach to learning the craft of color grading by Steve Hullfish. (amazon.com)
        • Autodesk Smoke Essentials - Walk through grading a short sci-fi film (with downloadable ProRes4444 source material) while learning the ultimate online finishing app...  Autodesk Smoke. (amazon.com)
        • Color Grading with Avid and Symphony - Written for version 6. Fully applicable to version 7. I was a contributor. (amazon.com)
        • Adobe Speedgrade CC: Classroom in a Book - A solid book for a solid grading app. (amazon.com)
        • Digital Cinematography: Fundamentals, Tools, Techniques and Workflows - Don't let the title fool you. I'm only a third way through this book and its explanations of how digital images are recorded, sampled and viewed is essential knowledge for anyone who's craft intersects with digital images. Not light reading. But not filled with math either. I highly recommend this book. (amazon.com)
          Have a book you think should be in this list? Reply to this email and let me know!

          FCC Disclaimer: Links in this email to Amazon.com, B&H Photo, or ToolFarm.com are Affiliate links that help support the TaoOfColor.com. FSI and SpectraCal are paid sponsors and BlackMagic Design is a current client. We thank you for your support.

          Patrick Inhofer
          Published by:
          Patrick Inhofer: Photon-Wrangler, Fini.tv | TaoOfColor.com | MixingLight.com
          Patrick Inhofer
          Managing Editor:
          Jim Wicks, Colorist: jimwicks.com