[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading (The Great Colorist Edition)

Published: Sun, 09/22/13

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The Tao Colorist

Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

Issue CXLVIII                                                                           A TaoOfColor.com Publication

  Publisher: Patrick Inhofer                                                   Managing Editor: James Wicks

From the Publisher

September is nearly wrapped and we've all now settled into the daily grind in the gap between Summer and Christmas. Take some time to slow down, reflect and catch up with our business. We've got a little something for everyone.

And on Tuesday, I'll be sending out that email to you (promised last week) from SpectraCal. It's an offer for a bundle of hardware & software that I think you'll find interesting.

And to our friends in the Hong Kong region - be smart and stay safe during Super Typhoon Usagi! Tao HQ is thinking of you...

See you next week!

The Craft

  • [video] The Great Colorist - Julian Stanczak truly deserves the title 'Great Colorist of the 20th Century.' In this short video, Stancak talks about losing the use of his right arm during WWII, the painful process of learning how to use his left arm, and how this influenced his art. Very moving. (youtube.com)
  • The History and Science Of Color Film: From Isaac Newton To The Coen Brothers - What's 2-Strip Technicolor, why did it fail? Is film additive or subtractive? How were early films colored and what iconic film was spared Ted Turner's colorization process? This 25+ minute exploration of color film is the best I've ever seen. Kudos to John Hess. (vimeo.com via @FilmmakerIQ)
  • [video] The art of color design - Lionel Kopp has a long imdb credit list, encompassing numerous key positions in the production and postproduction workflow. Since 2006 he has worked as a Colorist and Color Designer on such films as, The Fall and Immortals. This is a brief interview from 2012 when he was grading Mirror Mirror in Nucoda. (youtube.com)
  • A Question of Color - An interesting blog post about the use of color in science... including some ethical considerations of using color where none exists. ( blogs.nottingham.ac.uk via @moomoobull)
  • Color Grading Breakdown: Bellevue Avenue - Step by step thought process, color grading a shot for a music video. (iseehue.com)

The Tools

  • [download] Light Leaks for the low, low price of FREE! - A compilation of 121 free film grain & light leaks for film and video editors from a half-dozen different venders. Yours to download for free. Nada. No charge. (vashivisuals.com via @vashikoo)
  • [download] I see your LUT and raise you 8 more - VisionColor is selling a collection of 9 high quality cinematic film LUTs under the product name, Osiris. The LUTs are optimized for color spaces of all current generation cameras and color grading applications. Introductory price of $49 (US). Available at VisionColor's website, here and also available at Colorist Denver Riddle's site, here.
  • [app update] Light me up - the next time you open Lightroom 5 on your computer you should see a pop up box with info to download the new update to v5.2. New features include: improvements to auto exposure, spot healing tool, and color noise reduction. (fstoppers.com )
  • Blog Roundup: DaVinci Resolve 10 Beta Update - Featuring a variety of opinions on Resolve 10 Public Beta. Good reading and watching in here. (jonnyelwyn.co.uk)
  • Resolve 10 Top 5 Creative Features - Boston colorist Rob Bessette shares his Top 5 Creative Features in this new update. His Top 3 are my Top 3. (robbessette.com)
  • [Forum] A Few Favorite Things About Resolve 10 - Have you been using Resolve 10 Public Beta and have a favorite feature (or 5) that you'd like to share? Head over to this thread at LiftGammaGain and share your thoughts. ( liftgammagain.com via @leeNiederkofler)

S P O N S O R E D    M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official Calibration Software

SpectraCal Professional Monitor Calibration Solutions

Your professional integrity is utterly dependent on the fidelity of your monitors. If your monitors aren't right, there's no way you can do what your customers pay you to do.

SpectraCal is in the business of making
sure your monitors tell you the truth

Whether you're calibrating LCDs, plasmas, projectors, Macintosh workstations, PCs, or building ColorCubes (3D LUTs) for fine-grained monitor profiling, SpectraCal has a solution tailored to exactly your needs.

Learn More About SpectraCal Display Calibration Solutions

The Business

  • And, you can quote me on this - This is a collection of quotes from Filmmaker David Zucker, one third of the production team behind the Airplane!, Naked Gun, and Scary Movie films. Lots of sage advice for those just starting out in the business. (quotes.lifehack.org)
  • [infographic, kind'a] Average Shot Length - A visual comparing the average length of an edit over the past few decades... (vashivisuals.com via @vashikoo)
  • [profile] Worlds apart - Growing up in northern Ontario and loading mags for his nature photographer stepfather - these are part of Cinematographer Trent Opalochare's journey to Halo, District 9, and Elysium. Very nice story about lensing one of the year's top box office hits and working with RED Epic.  (theasc.com)
  • Hollywood's Biggest Bang For Its Buck - A look at the most profitable genres of films... with some important caveats on the raw data. ( economix.blogs.nytimes.com)

Friends & Family

  • [blog] From Editorial to Color Grading - A guest post on MixingLight from editor Scott Simmons... with his advice to editors on how to prep for a color grading session. Man, I'd LOVE to have Scott prep one of my sessions! (MixingLight.com)
  • [blog] Son of From Editorial to Color Grading - MixingLight's Robbie Carman posts over on ProVideo Coalition a companion article... with advice on how to prep for a color grading session - from the colorist's point-of-view. It's cool how they give a lot of the same advice but with unique tweaks and considerations.(ProVideoCoalition.com)
  • [members only] Dan's Secondary Corrections - Colorist Dan Moran recently recognized that he relied on some rules when deciding when to do selective color corrections. In this video, he shares his recent Insight into how he works. (MixingLight.com)
  • [members only] Resolve 10: Power Windows and Node Resizing - A quick introduction into working Resolve's new Power Window toolset. And how to combine it with Node Resizing to do some actual re-touching and repair. (MixingLight.com)
  • [members only] Resolve 10: Where's My Master Session? - In a nod to the influx of newbies attracted to Resolve, Team DaVinci decided to bury the confusing concept of Local vs Remote Grading... and killed the Master Session timeline in the process. Or did they? Here's how to get it back, along with all your shot linking. (MixingLight.com)
  • [members only] Merging Color in Symphony - Josh Petok takes a look at one feature in Avid Symphony  that has set it apart from the competition for a decade. (MixingLight.com)
  • [blog] DaVinci Resolve 10 Public Beta: Late-breaking New Features - Colorist Alexis Van Hurkman takes us through a bunch of features that no one has seen until the Public Beta. One that I *completely* missed and is super-cool... Gallery Grades! If you've installed Resolve 10, you've got to read this post. (VanHurkman.com)

S P O N S O R E D   M E S S A G E

Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference Monitors

Flanders Scientific Broadcast Monitors

The CM series is an affordable line of color critical reference monitors featuring 10bit panels, 12 bit signal processing, 3D LUT support,  3G/ Dual-Link/ HD/ SD-SDI Inputs, 12 onboard scopes on all inputs and world class support.  

All standard and starting at only $3,295.


Learn More About the FSI CM Series Monitors

Outside 'The Box'

  • [video] Canon C300 vs C500 - What's the diff? The cameras are based on the same design, same frame and same sensor. So what is the difference? Watch and find out. (youtube.com)
  • [video] Your co-pilot into darkness - Andrew Kramer, the brains and talent behind Video Co-Pilot, takes you behind the scenes for an overview of how he created the end title sequence for JJ Abrams' Star Trek into Darkness. (youtube.com via @videocopilot)
  • [pdf download] This little light of mine - ARRI has put together a nice pdf handbook of lighting basics, free to download. The examples use ARRI lighting kits (naturally). This is good, basic info designed to help you create the best possible images with your kit on location or in studio. Good information here for Colorists to know. Reminds me a lot of the Quantel Handbook. (arri.com)
  • [book] 10th Edition: American Cinematographer Manual - Known as the 'Filmmaker's bible,' this edition has been completely re-imagined to reflect the sweeping digital changes that our industry is experiencing. (ascmag.com)

Edumacate Yer'self

  • "Inspiration" Cinematographers Forum - A structured dialogue between the guest DPs and the audience - Vienna, Austria October 18 to October 20th (imago.org
  • Getting Started With Baselight For Avid - A one-day hands-on seminar. Hollywood, September 28th (filmlight.ltd.uk )
  • Editor's Lounge: DaVinci Resolve 10, Avid and Intelligent Assistance - Looks like a night of Color Grading and workflow goodness. September 27 - Burbank, CA (editorslounge.com)

  • Tao of Color 3-Day Workshop Fall Tour: Grade A Film, Learn DaVinci Resolve 10 - Intensive workshops offered by the Publisher of this newsletter. Put theory into action grading a real-life project. We'll be using Resove 10 Public Beta. The workshop is in DC in two weeks, Chicago two weeks after that and Orlando in November. ( TaoOfColor.com)
  • Southeast Creative Summit : Make your plans now. The Tao and MixingLight will be doing a half-dozen workshops on color grading plus a few on business. The overall agenda is much broader than our craft, from pre- through post- production. Some very interesting workshops. Save $100 with the code: tao2013  ( southeastcreativesummit.com)

Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
JL Cooper Eclipse: Software v2.9.4 | Updated August 26, 2013

Tangent Design: HUB v1.1.2 | Wave Firmware v1.9 | Updated June'ish, 2013

Avid Artist Color: Mac v2.7.1 | Win v2.7.1 | Updated April 15, 2013
Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

  • [video] - I'll take birthdays for $200, Alex - Jeopardy turns 30! This post has a bunch of video embeds highlighting some of its most interesting moments during the show's long run. (thedailybeast.com)
  • [Infographic (kind'a)] The Creative Process - As a single bar graph. From a colorist. (@Davehussey)
  • [iApp Review] Thunderspace Provides Your Own Private Storm - For when you just want to kick back, relax and listen to Mother Nature's fury. (tidbits.com )
  • How Did Shakespeare Pronounce It? - It turns out, there's a ton of hidden wordplay in his plays... but you'd only know it if you pronounced the words like he did back in his day. Fun stuff. (filmmakeriq.com)
  • [video] The Hauntening - A house infested by an evil spirit that just can't get its act together. (youtube.com)

Gear Heads

  • International Verify Your BackUps Day - Two weeks ago we lived through yet another Friday the 13th. This tech blog is proposing turning around the bad tidings of that day... and use it to verify your backups - because a backup is only useful if you can *actually* restore it. You know the axiom: Trust. But verify. (tidbits.com)
  • Boost Your Mac Pro: GeForce GTX 680 GPU - Including instructions on how to save some cash by buying the PC version and 'flashing' it to work on a Mac. (fcp.co)
  • Crazy Fast GPUs For Mac Pro: GeForce GTX Titan and 780  (barefeats.com)
  • ASUS Reveals Thunderbolt 2 Equipped PC Motherboard - No word on pricing. (redsharknews.com )

Getting Ahead

  • [comic] A field guide to procrastinators - Bet you didn't know procrastination is the prelude to productivity. Well, it's not. So, don't put it off any longer. Read this. Not later. Now. Then move on to the next article. (20px.com)
  • [advice] I used to - say those three words, and then finish the sentence. What did you used to ...? It's only one of the probing questions that you'll be prompted to ask yourself as this short blog story about learning how to live. This is a good read if you're the type who finds their free time away from work terrifying. (newstatesman.com)
  • Messy is as messy does - Do creative people work better in a messy environment? A new study says, yes. So, sell that vacuum cleaner, put your feet up on your messy desk, kick back, and relax. It's going to be okay. ( creativitypost.com)
  • 70-year-old Creative Book, Re-Discovered - A long forgotten, but still in print, little book is causing a big stir. The book, written by one of the original New York admen more than 70 years ago, is gaining popularity again with creative techniques that are still relevant today.  (creativitypost.com )
  • Mama, don't take my Kodachrome away - What old family photo albums teach us about creativity. The line I like in this article is, "Creativity in general doesn't come from perfection, it comes more from imperfection." In a business where we are all trying to make things look perfect, this is a good advice. (fastcocreate.com)
  • Advice from an 'Angel' - One of the most famous and successful financial angels in the world has led startups for years. In that time he has seen plenty of mistakes. Here is his list of the four biggest mistakes startups make.  (www.businessinsider.com)

Are you looking for an intensive color grading workshop?

Tao of Color's
Colorist Flight School Workshop: The Fall Tour

=> Learn DaVinci Resolve 10 & Resolve 10 Lite
(taught by the Publisher of this Newsletter)

=> Develop a repeatable color grading workflow

=> Grade a 130-shot short film... that you can take
home and keep practicing with!

"I didn't know what level we would start at. I was kind of worried that it would a lot of review information that I really knew already . . . [But] there was beginner, intermediate, and even advance techniques that I haven't see anywhere else after digging through every tutorial I found online."Jeff Walsh / Atlanta, Ga.

Sign up now for Washington DC, Chicago and Orlando!

Click for full details

Tweet of the Week

The freelancer's paradox:  I'm looking forward to a little time off while simultaneously petrified I'll never work again.


  • [video] The Red Valentine - Two young lovers are found dead in 1944 Australia. What follows is a tangled web of deception. Take 15 minutes and watch this short film that is a festival favorite. We spoke with the filmmakers who said they shot it on RED Epic, edited in FCP 7, and graded in Apple Color. Very nice work.  (vimeo.com via @mindscapefilms)

A Step Too Far?

  • [video] Who owns the moon? - Seriously, that's not just the headline - it's the question being asked (and answered) in this quirky video. Fun to watch, and loaded with lots of weird tidbits like: The guy who sent NASA a $20 parking ticket for landing a probe on an asteroid that is registered in his name... And could you build a house on the moon without breaking any laws? A fun way to launch into the rest of your Sunday! ( youtube.com)

Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! See you next week. Happy Grading!
4,700+ Stories Now Shared

FCC Disclaimer: Links in this email to Amazon.com, B&H Photo, or ToolFarm.com are Affiliate links that help support the TaoOfColor.com. FSI and SpectraCal are paid sponsors and BlackMagic Design is a current client. We thank you for your support.

Patrick Inhofer
Published by:
Patrick Inhofer: Photon-Wrangler, Fini.tv | TaoOfColor.com | MixingLight.com