[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading (The How Hollywood Says Yes Edition)

Published: Sun, 08/04/13

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The Tao Colorist

Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

Issue CXXXXI                                                                        A TaoOfColor.com Publication

  Publisher: Patrick Inhofer                                                   Managing Editor: James Wicks

Last Week's Treasure Hunt Winner : The correct answer to last week's treasure hunt (the name and breed of the Tao Canine) is Chester, a Rat Terrier. The first three correct answers were Tweeted by @jchichignoud, @jonnyelwyn and @cdel89. Runner up: @WILLYB0B  We'll announce in two weeks precisely which book you won from good friend of the Tao, Alexis Van Hurkman.

From the Publisher: Have you blogged about one of your color grading projects? Would you like to see it featured here in the Tao Colorist newsletter? No problemo, here are our guidelines: 

  • It can't read like sales copy or a press release: Which are usually written as if the moon is made of goat cheese and all you need to do is reach out with a whole wheat cracker to get yourself a taste. 
  • Specifics are Awesome: Pick a real workflow problem or shot that needed to be overcome and then tell us specifically how you overcame it. This newsletter is geared to making all of us work smarter - contribute to that by including actionable specifics.
  • Pictures Please : Words are good. Pictures + Words are a winning combination. Before / After, interface stills, whatever... we're in a visual business and it helps to cater to that predilection.
  • Email Us - The Tao Newsletter now has two colorists scouring the web for stories (plus a several beloved stringers who email us stuff) but we can't see everything. The best way to reach us with a story is to reply to this newsletter and send us your link!
I can guarantee - if your blog post contains all the above elements... you've got a spot in this newsletter.

See you next week. Happy Grading!
The Craft

  • Elysium: Integrating VFX into Color Grading - Elysium is the new VFX-heavy film graded in 4K. Colorist Andrea Chlebak discusses how she worked from pre-viz through the IMAX master. Lots of good detail in this article. Side-note: Is it appropriate to call a film shot digitally, conformed digitally and primarily delivered digitally a DI? Or has DI now turned into a 'term of art' for use by deep-pocketed post companies? (studiodaily.com via @achlebak)
  • [Video] The Artistic Process - Cinematographer Christopher Doyle says the craft of filmmaking is not about making art, but becoming an artist and choosing who you work with. These videos are short'ish and food for thought. (youtube.com Part 1 | Part 2 )
  • The Art of Color Grading - An oldie but a goodie. A short primer on color grading. Fast, easy read. (digitalproductionme.com)
  • Making the Grade: "I Am Soldier" - A quick post by Colorist Pat Wintersgill on grading the upcoming Lionsgate release. I particularly like the image of the 'mood board'. Very cool. ( makingfilmslookgood.blogspot.co.uk/)

The Tools

  • Using ACES - Colorist Mark Wilenkin on why he's using ACES in his RAW workflows. (studiodaily.com)
  • [Video] The 'Fast Color Corrector' Filter in Premiere - VERY basic tutorial. I love the line, "How do the pros get their images looking so rich and beautiful..." ( reelseo.com)
  • [Video] Get the Hollywood Film Look in Sony Movie Studio 12 - I'm not a big fan of the 'color-by-numbers' style of training. But this video is in here because I always find it interesting to see how well, or poorly, apps I've never seen implement color correction. (youtube.com)
  • [Review] FxFactory Pro 4: Effects Bonanza - Or Option Paralysis. A quick overview of this curated plug-in package. Back when I did a lot of color grading in the NLE, FxFactory was one of my go-to plug-in sets. (definitionmagazine.com)


Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference Monitors

Flanders Scientific Broadcast Monitors

The CM series is an affordable line of color critical reference monitors featuring 10bit panels, 12 bit signal processing, 3D LUT support,  3G/ Dual-Link/ HD/ SD-SDI Inputs, 12 onboard scopes on all inputs and world class support.  

All standard and starting at only $3,295.


Learn More About the FSI CM Series Monitors

The Business

  • The Truth About 2k and 4k - This is an older article that recently popped up in online discussions. Worth a read. (library.creativecow.net)
  • Miramax, Weinstein Co. In Merger Talks - Haven't seen many movies from Miramax lately? That's because the new ownership team was focused on licensing its back catalog. It seems they've now figured out that that mountain can be only be mined so deep and its time for fresh content. ( variety.com)
  • 300GB BluRay - Panasonic and Sony have issued a statement that they are jointly working to release this new format in under two years. They're thinking: 4K BluRay films. Click for more details. (digital-digest.com via @tparish)
  • Will Bandwidth Kill UltraHD? - A story with several links about the bandwidth restrictions that need to be overcome to deliver UltraHD to the home. (hd-report.com via @tparish)
  • BlackMagic Cinema Camera Gets ⅓ Price Cut - While announcing that their Pocket Camera has started shipping in quantity, BlackMagic also announces a 30% price cut in their Cinema Camera. (slashgear.com)
  • RotoLight, F-Stop Academy and a Vimeo TakeDown - Rotolight didn't like F-Stop Academy's video review of one of its products. So they issued a Take Down with Vimeo and had the review removed from its website. What got this Newsletter's attention: Rotolight says they didn't issue a DMCA takedown (reserved for copyright infringement) but neither did they say precisely the route they used to have the video removed. Let's hope it wasn't under DMCA. If they did, and Vimeo complied, there's a much bigger issue here than this little spat. (nofilmschool.com)
  • X-Games: 4 Camera 4K Production - Testing out the 4K workflow. ( sportsvideo.org)

Outside 'The Box'

  • [Video] AES Oral History: The World's First 'Instant Replay' - The man who demo'ed the first public demonstration of the video tape recorder at the 1956 NAB recounts that experience. Only an engineer who loves what he does could tell this story with tears in his eyes. (youtube.com)
  • [Video] Violence as Fantasy - Director Nicolas Winding Refn on why he thinks violence is the ultimate fantasy. And the difference between depicting violence and being violated. (youtube.com)
  • Documentary Shooting with the BM Cinema Camera - Don't think you can rig a BlackMagic Cinema Camera for efficient ENG-style shooting? Marco Solario wants you to think again... (onerivermedia.com)

Friends and Family

  • [Audio] Tao of Color Interview - The Tao founder and newsletter publisher Patrick Inhofer was interviewed recently by Eric Wise from SpliceVine.com. Check out it. (SplicVince.com Part 1 | Part 2)
  • [Mixing Light Members] Trimming RED Footage - How to use Resolve to copy footage from your client's drive to yours... while also trimming down the camera originals. (mixinglight.com)
  • [Mixing Light Members] Color Matching to A Reference - A great tip for how to match a color from a color swatch you might get from an Ad Agency or corporate client. (mixinglight.com)
  • Two Months, One Post and A Confession - For two months the MixingLight team (which includes your humble Tao Publisher) didn't send an update email to its members. Yikes! When we did send that that email, it was a mondo big update. For a good look at the productivity of the MixingLight team, read this (free) blog post. (mixinglight.com)

Edumacate Yer'self

  • New York City: BlackMagic Demo Day - Sign up to check out the upcoming release of Resolve 10 and chat with Tao founder, Pat Inhofer who will be demoing on the floor. Be sure to register to get in. August 8. (invite.blackmagicdesign.com)
  • [Videos] The Evolution of Modern Non-linear Editing - This lesson is part of a larger FilmmakerIQ course. There are a ton of great embedded videos throughout these two parts. (filmmakeriq.com Part 1 | Part 2)
  • [Video] The Cooke Look - Know your DP's lenses. A short but detailed primer from Abel Cine on the Cooke Look - lenses that cinematographers covet. Very well done. ( youtube.com)

  • Tao of Color 3-Day Workshop: Grade A Film, Learn DaVinci Resolve - Intensive workshops offered by the Publisher of this newsletter. Put theory into action grading a real-life project. And we'll be moving to Resove 10 just as soon as it's released. Hitting multiple cities in North America. Click through to find your nearest city. ( fmctraining.com |  for additional details: TaoOfColor.com)
  • Southeast Creative Summit: Make your plans now. The Tao and MixingLight will be doing a half-dozen workshops on color grading plus a few on business. The overall agenda is much broader than our craft, from pre- through post- production. Some very interesting workshops. Save $100 with the code: tao2013 (southeastcreativesummit.com)
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
JL Cooper Eclipse: Software v2.9.4 | Updated July 17, 2013

Tangent Design: HUB v1.1.2 | Wave Firmware v1.9 | Updated June'ish, 2013

Avid Artist Color: Mac v2.7.1 | Win v2.7.1 | Updated April 15, 2013
Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

  • [Video] John Williams on Returning for the New Star Wars Ep. 7 - Why wouldn't you have John Williams on board for the next Star Wars movie? ( youtube.com)
  • A SuperGraphic Look at the World of Comics - Underwear on the outside? Check. Cape? Check. A new book that maps out the world(s) of comic books via Infographics. (fastcocreate.com)
  • [Video] Lasers Through A Campfire - What do you get when you point a couple of lasers at a campfire? A nifty YouTube video where you wonder how no one was injured. Yes, this really does look cool. But trying it can easily burn your retina and fry your camera sensor. Which I guess is the recipe for a pseudo-viral YouTube video. (youtube.com)

Gear Heads

  • [iApp] CTRL+Console: For FCP and Premiere - This is a new iOS app for your iPad that takes editing to a new level.  Turn your iPad into a touch controller for FCP 7, FCPx, Premiere Pro. The app comes with a free QuickTime Controller, but the other controllers are $29.99 in-app purchases. (ctrlconsole.com)

New Kid on the Block

  • [Update] Resolve 9.1.5 - Adds improved compatibility with Avid Media Composer 7.0 round trip, supports reel names in Final Cut Pro X XML, improves handling of multi track Quicktime audio files and adds improved Cinema DNG file format support. (blackmagicdesign.com)
  • Red Giant BulletProof: Now Available - Manage your video from offload to prep to delivery. The Mac version is now shipping, Windows version is available 'soon'. ( redgiant.com)
  • LUTnado!: Speedlooks Releases Two New LUT Packages - For SpeedGrade and Resolve v9: Big SL 3535 and Clean SL 3500. You can buy them direct:  (www.looklabs.net) Or, you can buy them at a discount though Denver Riddle's site: (colorgradingcentral.com )

Is it time to stop fiddling with filters and to really start color correcting?

Tao of Color's
Colorist Flight School Online

=>What are the Essentials of Davinci Resolve?

=> How does a colorist ACTUALLY color grade, step-by-step—on a real job?

=> Where can you Get Personal Feedback on your training?

Click and discover the answer

Getting Ahead

  • You Are Building a Brand - Brands have nothing to do with a cool logo or a catchy tagline. It's all about the work. Your work. (marcbarros.com)
  • Gardens, Not Buildings - Great projects start out feeling like you're creating a building. But if its worth doing, instead, think of it as creating a garden. ( sethgodin.typepad.com)
  • How to Succeed As A Creative Over the Long-Term - Filmmaker Vincent LaForet with some sage advice on staying in the creative game over the long haul. The key is know your C.O.D.B. (blog.vincentlaforet.com)
  • Can Clients Judge You in 2 Seconds? - Got a website selling your services? How long does it take for your client to judge whether you're good or not? The results are surprising. (psychotactics.com)

Tweet of the Week

"Found a bug in Baselight for Avid, emailed @martintlaskal... Bug fixed and update released within 12 hours! #postchat"


  • [Video] "Coward" - David Roddham, known for his Special Fx work on A-list films (including Saving Private Ryan) turns Director for this 30 minute short film. It's a powerful WWI story. Roddham chose to shoot on film with anamorphic lenses. Watch the film here:  (vimeo.com) Here's the Behind The Scenes Featurette: (vimeo.com via @droddham)

The Next Step Is A Doozy

  • Making money with your own social data - With global brands selling advertising against all the content created by others on the web... some thoughts on letting even the smallest content creators cash in - if they create something others find useful to read. (fastcolabs.com)

A Step Too Far?

  • [Video] OstrichCopter - The person who created a drone from his dead cat turns a dead ostrich into the world's first flying OstrichCopter: half ostrich, half helicopter. Way too much time on his hands? Definitely ridiculous.(youtube.com)

Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! See you next week. Happy Grading!
4,450+ Stories Now Shared

FCC Disclaimer: Links in this email to Amazon.com, B&H Photo, or ToolFarm.com are Affiliate links that help support the TaoOfColor.com. FSI is a paid sponsor and BlackMagic Design is a current client. We thank you for your support.

Patrick Inhofer
Published by:
Patrick Inhofer: Photon-Wrangler, Fini.tv | TaoOfColor.com | MixingLight.com