[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading (The Chase Audio Edition)

Published: Sun, 06/16/13

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The Tao Colorist

Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.
Issue CXXXIV                                                           Brought to you by: Tao of Color.com

Editor's Note: It's shaping up as an extremely busy summer for your Newsletter editor, including touring around the United States offering nearly one-on-one multi-day color grading workshops. As a result, this Newsletter is going to a twice-a-month format for July and August
Here at Tao HQ, July starts in June! This edition of the Tao Newsletter is rather rare in that it's a blog post rather than a collection of industry news items. I figured if I was going to slack off this summer, you might as well know 'the why of it'.
I'll see you with a full edition next week! (and then I'll be on hiatus the following week)

Who Slipped Me a Mickey?

Here at Tao HQ, the Hurricane-Formerly-Known-As-Sandy keeps on giving... in the form of a team of roofers walking on top of my head and making it nearly impossible to get any work done. They're repairing the work done by a tree going through our roof.

Who's walking on my head???

Unfortunately, with one of the wettest Junes on record here in the New York / New Jersey area... these roofers can't seem to get their job done. And so Team Tao gets to live under 3,000 quadrillion square feet of mismatched blue and brown tarps . . . giving us an understanding of both the effectiveness of tarp roofing and the constant fear of wind + water shredding that effectiveness.

Did I mention its been one of the wettest Junes on record?

And that my grading suite is directly below that section of the roof?

Yeah. My head hurts. And it wasn't that 12-Year Tawny Port from last night.


Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference Monitors

Flanders Scientific Broadcast Monitors

The LM-2461W is an affordable 24" color critical reference monitor featuring 10bit color depth, 3G/HD/SD-SDI Inputs, 12 onboard scopes, and DCI P3 support. All standard and all for just $4,995. 

Learn More About the LM-2461W


Teaching, nearly One-on-One

Aside from the joys of home ownership . . .
June 2013 also marks the first (and, soon, second) of my small group workshops teaching color grading via the rubric of DaVinci Resolve. Walter Biscardi Creative was our host in Atlanta and everyone raved about his support of the event.
Colorist Flight School LIVE!, Atlanta, GA - Hosted by Walter Biscardi Creative
I had 5 students, resulting in a nearly one-on-one experience for them all. They were comprised of editors and finishers who are integrating Resolve into their workflow. One student had been working on Resolve almost since the day Resolve Light was released, another student had never touched it but was tasked with learning as much as he could so he could train the rest of his post-production team.
About half were existing Tao of Color MasterClass and Grade-Along members, looking for an intensive, methodical re-examination of the app.
All of them seemed to be learning something new, hourly. As a teacher, it was immensely gratifying. Especially considering the wide skill gap between the students--and that the skill gap didn't slow anybody down.
We were color grading the short film "Death Scenes". Yes, that's a Flander's Scientific 10-bit display!
Surprise, Surprise
Two things really surprised me in working one-on-one:
1. The 'Cancel' button on Resolve's Project Preference pane frighten the heck out of everyone
Seriously, I don't think I was able to convince any of them that once you press 'Apply', the Cancel button is really a Close button. NO ONE pressed that cancel button in the 3 days we worked together! They all refused! Instead they'd press 'Apply' and then mouse aaallll the waaaaay to the 'close box' icon ... to avoid the off-chance of un-doing what they had already applied. Talk about the power of words!
2. I literally induced cheers of joy, which was an eye-opener in how the smallest of tasks can be so utterly frustrating and impossible to discover on your own. 
What was the task that everyone was talking about for days--out of relief that they finally knew how to do it? 
Working with reference audio for playback while grading. Simple, right? 
Think again. 
Once we get rolling, this is a fairly common occurrence... Patrick playing client, asking for revisions and offering suggestions.
I quickly decided that we'd start the next two mornings going through the entire routine of pulling in an XML, adding and lining up the reference picture, extracting the audio, setting the audio to chase and then sync that up with the picture. I think the students appreciated repeating this routine across several days - helping them acquire this fundamental skill. 
We spent an hour walking through this process (and the various ways it can kill you) on Day 1. Then again for twenty minutes on Day 2, including lots of follow-up questions on where people were getting stuck. By Day 3 they were doing this in under ten minutes with almost no instruction from me.
This multi-day routine is now officially part of the Colorist Flight School curriculum.
I want to thank (from left to right) Steve, David, Rob, Jeff and Greg for being such great students. Plus Walter and Kelly for being terrific hosts!
The Inaugural Class of Colorist Flight School LIVE! at Atlanta, Georgia.
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Avid Artist Color Tangent

Software: v2.9.3

Mac: v2.7.1

Hub: v1.0.9

Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.7.1
Wave Firmware: v1.9

Jan. 2

Updated: April 15 Updated: Feb. 7, 2012

Teaching: Adobe SpeedGrade CC

What else has been soooo occupying me that I didn't have time for a regular newsletter this week?

I've been fortunate to beta test SpeedGrade CC for the past few months. And, with the help of Robbie Carman and Dan Moran, I've been working on a 3+ hour video training title to be released at the end of June on MixingLight.com. This means I've been digging pretty deeply into this app (doing marathon-length recording sessions all week) and I thought I'd share some thoughts about this new version.
Does SpeedGrade CC have potential?
Since the start of 2013, the Mixing Light Team spent several hours discussing what our first self-contained training title might be. And several more hours discussing if SpeedGrade 'Next' was useful enough to a broad enough audience that we should spend a few weeks development time on this title?
The answer we came up with: Yes. 
But . . .
In many ways SpeedGrade CC (SGCC) didn't remove any of the barriers that kept us from adopting SpeedGrade 6. It still had: Single track of video, no XML import, codec support not on par with Premiere Pro, its tuned to a very niche DPX workflow, multiple frame rates not supported, tracking that's very accurate but dog-slow.
Two things DID grab our attention: Matrox & AJA support for external monitoring on reference monitors (BlackMagic support is supposedly on the way). And The Lumetri Effect 
Lumetri = SpeedGrade Inside Premiere Pro CC
The Lumetri Effect is a filter in Premiere Pro CC that does one thing only: It opens SGCC's native .look files (essentially, saving off all the parameters of the full color correct of a shot... all its layers, masks, LUTs, motion tracks, everything), applies them to a shot in Premiere and renders that shot using SGCC's high-quality render engine inside Premiere Pro CC.
In other words, SpeedGrade is now inside Premiere.
Now, this isn't live dynamic linking. Not by a long shot. And there are no controls inside Premiere to modify the .look file (you'll need to jump into SpeedGrade, make the change, re-export the .look file and reimport into Premiere). But given that so many other feature requests on our Wish List for SGCC didn't get executed, and since it must have taken A TON of development time to get this simple little integration to work as it does, Team Mixing Light decided this is a harbinger of much closer integration between SpeedGrade CC and Premiere Pro CC.
And once we decided this seems to be the direction Adobe is going with SpeedGrade, we decided we wanted to be on the front edge of the coming SGCC wave. And so a month ago we started development of our training title.
SpeedGrade CC: A Capable, Fast Grading App
After working with it rather extensively, I've finally come to the conclusion that anyone trying SpeedGrade for the first time must take its name at face value. 
SpeedGrade is about SPEED. It's 12-way color corrector allows for very targeted corrections - the sort that most colorists would either use Curves or try to pull a narrow luma key.
In fact, I'm now finding myself sitting in Resolve and reaching for the Midtone Gamma or the Shadow Gain contrast wheels only to realize . . . damn, wrong app! And I do that at least twice every session. Standard 3-Way color wheels suddenly seem very limiting. The first time that happened to me I KNEW SGCC is on to something and our decision to do training for this app on MixingLight was the correct one.
And for mouse-based colorists, the gimmick'y looking Warm / Cool and Green / Magenta tinting sliders are a great solution for fixing color casts in one mouse movement that control surface colorists would do with a simultaneous move on both the Gamma and Gain trackballs using two hands. They're nifty, quick tools.
As DaVinci Resolve roadmaps itself into a full-blown finishing app (which I applaud), SpeedGrade CC clearly enjoys being a very fast grading app that doesn't overwhelm the interface but still has a ton of deep complexity if you decide to go looking for it.
SpeedGrade Training: Coming to MixingLight.com!
Team MixingLight still hasn't decided what we're going to call our series of self-contained training titles. But the SGCC title is a good example of what we're shooting for:
  • 3-4 hour length (think: Deep QuickStarts)
  • Be relatively inexpensive (no more than $70 for non-members, less expensive for monthly members)
  • 90% of the 45-55 videos in the SGCC training title will be under 8 minutes... just like the Insights Library.
I'm looking forward to wrapping up all my recordings this week. And Team MixingLight is working on getting the title in all your hands ASAP.

Tired of fiddling and want to start color correcting?

Check Out:

Tao of Color's
Colorist Flight School LIVE!

Next: Austin, Texas - June 24, 25, 26
Also: California, Illinois, Massachusetts,
New York, Washington DC, Florida

If you want to dig deeper than the buttons,
then this 3-day workshop is for you!

 One More Thing...

Colorist Flight School LIVE! in Spain has been postponed. The original timing, the end of August - which is also the end of the European summer holiday season - just wasn't right. 
As always, if you want to request a city for me to teach in Colorist Flight School LIVE!, reach out to me at this link.
Patrick Inhofer
Your Most Appreciative Newsletter Editor

Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! See you next week. Happy Grading!
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FCC Disclaimer: Links in this email to Amazon.com, B&H Photo, or ToolFarm.com are Affiliate links that help support the TaoOfColor.com. FSI is a paid sponsor and BlackMagic Design is a current client. We thank you for your support.

Curated + Edited by: Patrick Inhofer, photon-wrangler & founder, TaoOfColor.com
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