[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading (The Dematerializing Workflows Edition)

Published: Sun, 09/02/12

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The Tao Colorist

Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.
Issue CIII                                                           Brought to you by: Tao of Color.com

Coming Soon to the Tao of Color.com

Are you dying to color grade a horror film? - I've waited a long time for this opportunity to come along. I'm talking about grading a genre short film. A film that was shot on an Arri Alexa... as LogC and recorded to ProRes 4444. It's a pleasure to grade.

Is the film any good? Take a look at examples of the filmmaker's previous work at their horror film anthology site, BloodyCuts.co.uk. My two favorites from them so far... Suckablood and Mother Died. And the sixth film of their anthology? The upcoming 'Dead's Man Lake'? Yeah. It's good.

I can't (won't?) say much more about this project... yet. Other than Ben and Anthony at BloodyCuts are amazingly courageous filmmakers.

So, when will I have more details from this upcoming project on the Tao? Click through the link to a recent blog post detailing the release date of 'Dead Man's Lake'. You can be sure I'll have more to say at that point.  (Bloodycuts.co.uk)

The Craft

  • [Video] 'Side by Side': Keanu Reeves on the transition from Film to Digital - Tavis Smiley interviews Keanu about his new documentary. Looks fascinating. I'll have to hunt it down on VOD. (video.pbs.org)
  • Download RAW CinemaDNG Files and have fun color grading - Recorded with Blackmagic's new Cinema Camera (BMCC), these RAW files have a ton latitude. Click on the link to visit the post that allows you to download all 5 of the initial files released to the world. (forum.BlackMagicDesign.com)
  • Predefining a Movie's Color - An interesting article about adding Color Decision Lists (CDLs) as metadata to camera dailies. This metadata then travels with the footage as it passes through post-production. (DigitalCinemaReport.com)
  • [Video] How to manage color temperature effectively to produce better looking video - It's a primer on color temperature; something every colorist needs to understand. (ReelSEO.com)

The Tools

  • [Video] The Lightbox: Why Warren Eagles Likes This New DaVinci Resolve 9 Feature - The Lightbox is very nifty. Warren shares a few tips and tricks on how to get the most out of it. (Vimeo.com)
  • [Review] Looks, Presets and PowerGrades for DaVinci Resolve - Producer and Colorist Jim Wicks, friend of the Tao, reviews two different sets of 'Preset Packs' for use in DaVinci Resolve. (JimWicks.com)
  • [Video] Avid Media Composer to DaVinci Resolve (and back) - This tutorial uses the AAF workflow. Start at 4:30 for the meat of this process. (BlackMagicUser.net via @IAmColorist)
  • Color Correction Basics: Working with waveforms - And we do mean basics here. Again, this is foundational color grading material. If you don't understand waveforms, click through for a basic overview. (blogs.adobe.com via blog.abelcine.com)
  • [Video] Using Waveforms for Artistic and Creative Purposes - This is the excellent presentation that Steve Hullfish gave at Tektronix's booth this year at NAB. I found this stream to be a bit... wonky. Unlike the previous two items, this is very in-depth. Excellent content. The link takes you directly to the stream. (BCove.me)
  • Why should you color correct in DaVinci Resolve 9? Here are five reasons - A pithy blog post by Clay Asbury on his top reasons you should be using DaVinci Resolve. (SpliceVine.com)


Tao of Color's Official LCD Reference Monitors

Flanders Scientific Broadcast Monitors

The LM-2461W is an affordable 24" color critical reference monitor featuring 10bit color depth, 3G/HD/SD-SDI Inputs, 12 onboard scopes, and DCI P3 support. All standard and all for just $4,995. 

Learn More About the LM-2461W


The Business

  • The Digital Dillema 2: Why film may be the key to backing up digital assets - A follow up report on digital archiving for indie and documentary filmmakers highlights the risks of digital archiving. Read this article for an insight in how Kodak has developed film stocks specifically for the long-term storage of digital assets. (DigitalCinemaReport.com)

  • How Cinesite Is Re-booting Their VFX Business - A nice overview on this veteran London-based VFX house and how it's making a comeback after being spun out from under Kodak's wings. (FXGuide.com)

The New Kid on the Block

Note: Would you like to see stories on the Blackmagic Cinema Camera become a part of the Tao Newsletter? Given that it ships with Resolve, I'm considering pulling in feeds that focus on this camera as, well, a camera. Rest assured: This will not become a color grading AND camera newsletter--but I'm willing to widen this Newsletter's perspective if you, my dear reader, thinks it's appropriate. 

Hit reply and let me know your thoughts. Yea or Nay?
  • BlackMagic's Big Three August Announcements - This post wraps up the big news from Blackmagic at the end of August. Including new (and very active) forums on Blackmagic's website. (ProVideoCoalition.com)
  • More BMCC Feedback (plus Footage to Download & Grade) - Another hands-on diary with footage to download. This footage is shot intentionally in Low-Light. I recommend downloading the footage and working with it yourself. (FrankGlenCairn.wordpress.com)
  • Blackmagic Cinema Camera: Beautiful and Befuddling - HDSLR pioneer Vincent | Laforet gets his fingers on the BMCC and offers his insights. Mostly: he wants a 35mm sized sensor, different lens mounts and swappable batteries. But he loves the images and the price point. (blog.vincentlaforet.com)
  • [Video] The C47: Putting the BMCC in its place - Jem Schofield places Blackmagic's new camera in context of the array of other choices filmmakers have. He offers a simple, refreshing point of view. Definitely worth the watch, especially if your eye are tired reading the print about this camera. (thec47.com)
  • Prolost.com on the BMCC - Stu Maschwitz opines on this camera. Unlike Laforet (who looks at this as a shooter), Stu looks at this camera as a post guy... and loves how malleable the image is. (prolost.com)
  • Why the BMCC Interests Me As a News Shooter - If you've read all the posts above, it'll definitely seem strange that a run & gun type shooter likes the form factor of the BMCC. But he does--for very specific types of shots. Interesting. (DSLRshooterNews.com
  • BMCC Lens & Accessory Roundup - AbelCine has put together a list of the all the gear you can use to make your BMCC, um, usable. (blog.abelcine.com)

Edumacate Yer'self

  • REDucation Worldwide - Want to get hands-on training direct from the experts? Here's a listing of REDucation dates and locations in L.A., Hong Kong and London. (RED.com)
  • Learn DaVinci Resolve 9: Hands on with Warren Eagles (and a guest appearance by your humble Tao Newsletter Editor) - Warren Eagles is in NYC this week offering his hands-on training. I've proctored his classes before... they're excellent - especially if you walk in with the attitude of asking questions and trying things out. His New York two day workshop still has openings as does his 'Looks' class. And I'll be at his 'Popular Looks for Resolve' next Sunday (which is a very affordable 1-day workshop). Join us! (MEWShop.com)
  • MultiCamp: A Multi-Camera LiveStream Workshop - One of my favorite people in the world is multi-hyphenate Producer / Director / Editor / Colorist Mitch Jacobson. He wrote the popular book "Mastering Multicamera Techniques". He's finally launched his multi-city multicam 2-day workshop. Congrats Mitch on making it happen! (MultiCamp.tv)
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Avid Artist Color Tangent

Software: v2.8

Mac: v2.6.2

Software: v3.8

HUB v1.0

Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.6.2
Firmware: v1.9

June 5

Updated: October 20 Updated: Feb. 7(ish)

Sunday funnies

  • The Sounds of a Sony Umatic - Yes kids, this is a tape deck. No you won't want to go to sleep to this. Scroll down the page for an AWESOME demo video showing how to edit with this deck. Who knew 8 buttons could be so complicated? I'll take the RM-440 any day. And what, no DT head? Sheesh, how 70's... BTW, for many years one of my job requirements was to clean the heads of those machines. (ProVideoCoalition.com)
  • Old Spice's Muscle Music - There's a reason this thing has 5.5 million views... on Vimeo! f-f-f-FUNNY! (Vimeo.com via @digitalpostink)
  • Made from Beer - It's one of the best commercials in a long time... colorist Rob Bessette says so. :-)  Yes, it's funny. (YouTube.com via @robsbessette)

Gear Heads

  • OLEDs: What we know (and what we don't know) - An interesting look at the technology behind OLEDs and the details of the differences between manufacturers. (reviews.cnet.com)

Beyond the Interface.  Learn Technique.     Includes: Resolve 9*

Color Grading MasterClass: DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve Lite : Mac & Windows!
Also available: Colorista II | Apple Color | FCP 7
*Resolve 9 Training available after the software's officially out of Beta

What I Do on my Vacation

Tweet of the Week

"To be a good colorist, you must be a director, a photographer, a DoP, a cameraman, an engineer, a programmer, a compositor, a..."  (via @DonatoCasale)

A Step Too Far?

Th- Th- That's ALL Folks! See you next week. Happy Grading!
3,050+ Stories Now Shared

FCC Disclaimer: Links in this email to Amazon.com, B&H Photo, or ToolFarm.com are Affiliate links that help support the TaoOfColor.com. FSI is a paid sponsor and BlackMagic Design is a current client. We thank you for your support.

Curated + Edited by: Patrick Inhofer, photon-wrangler & founder, TaoOfColor.com
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