[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading (Color's Demise)

Published: Sun, 06/26/11

Newsletter Issue LIII Tao Of Color.com
      The Tao Colorist
Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

The Final 2011 Pitch

  • The last 4 weeks has seen a 25% increase in subscribers to this newsletter. Welcome, one and all!
  • Thanks to everyone who has helped spread the word.
  • For Americans: Think, PBS. Every now and again (mostly again) they pitch for cash. And like PBS, viewer support helps gauge how much time to devote to this effort.
  • But... unlike PBS, there aren't government grants handed out to guys like me to keep people like you up-to-date and informed in our little niche of the world.
  • This is my last pitch for 2011.
  • The cost for a voluntary 1-year non-renewing subscription is $29.
  • Subscribe now!

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  • If the subscription would be a hardship for you, then help spread the word by visiting this page and pressing the reTweet button, or the Like button, or forwarding this newsletter to 3 of your color grading / finishing compatriots. Or any combination of the previously suggested actions. And we'll call it even until 2012!

Color Correction MasterClass Training Series

In remembrance of Apple's Color: The Tao of Color Grading is offering a $20 coupon for it's MasterClass Training series. Coupon code: ColorRocked Expires: July 3, 2011. Get in before prices rise in July.

Click to learn more: Master Your Skills, Advance Your Career, Accelerate Your Learning

Looking Backward, Looking Forward

  • Color 1.5: A Requiem - Is Color dead? Will there be a Color X? What was the *real* impact of Apple Color on the color grading industry? And thoughts about how desktop colorists should move forward. (TaoOfColor.com)
  • Has Apple's Color Been Merged Into FCPx? - Includes a tour of some of the color grading features in FCPx. (TaoOfColor.com)
  • DaVinci Resolve 8: Release Candidate 1 - RC1 has been seeded to beta testers. Typically this is done when software vendors feel they're almost ready to ship... assuming the beta testers don't find any show-stoppers. Sorry. No link. Or ship date.
  • DaVinci Resolve 8: Beta Testers Speak Out - With the un-announcement of the death of Apple Color, I thought it might be fun to share a thread of Beta testers talking about what they're seeing in the Resolve 8 beta. (CreativeCow.net)

The Craft

  • Sky Replacement in After Effects: Using Mocha - Also includes links to other AE video tutorials focused on Sky Replacement. (ProVideoCoalition.com)
  • Compositing VFX While Also Color Grading - Great tip from Red Giant's blog about how to color grade while you're also adding in your visual effects. (RedGiantSoftware.com)

Tools We Might (never) Use

Tools We Wished Our DP's Used

  • Tessive's Time Filter - Eliminating rolling shutter at the lens, before it hits post. (NoFilmSchool.com)

Edumacate Yer'self

  • DaVinci Resolve Classes: NYC - Hey! ICA is having it's first-ever training class in the NorthEast (they've got them all the time in LA). Warren Eagles is the instructor. (iColorist.com)
  • Interview: Warren Eagles, Colorist & Trainer - Speaking of Warren, here's a podcast interview I did with him earlier this year. (TaoOfColor.com)
  • HD Formats: Color Models & Color Sub-Sampling - I feel like I've shared this before. If I have and you haven't read it. Take this as a really big hint to digest these concepts. (blog.abelcine.com)

Lets Make A Deal

  • Tangent Wave For Sale: New York City - With carry case  (CraigsList.com)

Outside 'The Box'

  • 'Get': Now available for Spanish - The remarkable dialog search tool 'Get' has released an FCP trial version for the Spanish language. I used the English variant last year on a doc... friggin' brilliant. (av3software.com)
  • What I Do With My iPad, Part 1: Storyboarding (ProLost.com)
  • Motion 5 : Top New Features - Whatever you think of that 'other' app that was released this week... Motion 5 looks pretty compelling. (ProVideoCoalition.com via @markspen)
  • Shootout! Adobe's Warp Stabilzer vs FCPx's Stabalization - Test done by Adobe. You guess who wins. Koo has some interesting remarks surrounding the topic. (NoFilmSchool.com)

The Elephant In The Room

  • Directly From Apple: Proof That FCPx Is Really iMoviePro - Steve Hullfish tries his hand at a little flame bait... and it got a good chortle out of me. (ProVideoCoalition.com)
  • FCPx Debate: The Backstory - If you're confused why there's such an uproar, this article explains the origins of FCP and possibly why so many adopters feel betrayed. (Oynk.com)
UPDATE! Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave

Software: v2.1.6

Mac: v2.6

Software: v3.8

Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.6
Firmware: v1.9

March 7

Updated: June 14 Updated: Jan. 28(ish)

Sunday Morning Fun(nies

  • Final Cut Pro X: Hitler Reacts - This is a different version than I linked to after NAB. It's funnier. And I love the last line. (YouTube.com)
  • Hang On Woody! A simple story. A strong soundtrack. The first film edited on FCPx? What more do we need? ;-) (YouTube.com)
  • Who Says Golfers Aren't Humorous? I have to give tons of credit to these young PGA Tour golfers dressed as a fake boy's band in this silly music video. (YouTube.com)
  • 'True Blood' Recap: 3 Seasons in Under 5 Minutes - If you're a lapsed fan of this HBO series, this will get you up to speed for tonight's Season 4 Premiere. (YouTube.com)
  • Apple Could Buy the Mobile Phone Industry - Of course, after this past week, some in our industry might categorize this suggestion under 'Saturday Night Horrors'. (asymco.com)

Gear Heads

  • Did Last Week's Mac OS Update Break Premiere's Mercury Playback Acceleration? (forums.adobe.com)
  • Apple To Launch 16-Core MacPros - Rumor. (9to5mac.com)
  • Time Capsule v4: False advertising? - Apple claims Time Capsule v4 are server-class drives. HardMac claims the drives are exactly the same as Time Capsule v3. An article update suggests 'sever-class' is merely 'marketing speak'. (HardMac.com)
  • Sharp's Insanely High Rez Display Makes HDTV Look Fuzzy - 33 Megapixels. For sale in 2020. (dvice.com)

Pass The Link

  • Everything Is A ReMix: Part 3 - Copy. Transform. Combine. The third part of a fantastic series exploring where all of our ideas come from. If you missed Parts 1 & 2, you'll find links to them when you click through. (kottke.org)
  • The Formula for Perfect Constructive Criticism - How to be sure your criticism is taken seriously and without offense. (PersonalBrandingBlog.com)

Moving the Goal Post

  • Academy Changes 'Best Picture' Rules, Again - Also tweaked: VFX, Documentary, and Animation Rules (StudioDaily.com via @alexm13)

The Business of Being 'In Business'

  • Dangerous (in a good way) - Seth Godin on how to become someone that people seek out. (SethGodin.typepad.com)
  • Adopt vs. Adapt - They're not the same. And it's up to you to decide what you're going to do. (SethGodin.typepad.com)
  • Everyone Wants Better. No One Wants Change. - "Everyone wants to own the result. Not the Process." (JonathanFields.com)

Being A Better You

  • 3 Most Important Habits to Break If You Want to Lose Weight - Why is this in the newsletter? Long-time readers will understand when I mention Habit #3: Get More Sleep (DietsInReview.com via LifeHacker.com)
  • Make Time for What Matters - In our pursuit for career excellence, we often sacrifice a life beyond our careers. But in tough times, the first to be 'sacrificed' are often those who have finally made it to the top of their professions. And If all you've ever nourished is your career: What then? (blogs.hbr.org)
  • How To Write Books - This pithy post could have easily been titled, "How to Get Anything Done, Faster". (Kottke.org)
  • Dependency On External Motivation - In the coming years, motivating yourself will be the key to your own success. (SethGodin.typepad.com)
  • How Do You Know When It's Done? - I try not to put more than two Seth Godin articles in any one edition of this Newsletter. But I couldn't pass on Adopt vs Adapt, so excuse me for this, a fourth. This one is about 'Good Enough'. (SethGodin.typepad.com)

develop your skills        &         advance your career


an online color grading mentorship


Tweet Of The Week

Reality Bites

  • The Scoop on Rising Food Costs - A fascinating article on how global supply chains drive prices, using a simple scoop of ice cream as an example (which only has three ingredients). (article.boston.com)

The Next Step Is A Doozy

  • New Camera Allows Photos To Be Focused *After* They Are Taken - We linked to a Ted Talk about similar tech a while ago. K-Razy. (PhilipBloom.net)


Stories Now Shared : 1,150+

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