[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading (Multi-Touch Goodness)

Published: Sun, 06/19/11

Newsletter Issue LII Tao Of Color.com
      The Tao Colorist
Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

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Looking to reach an engaged targeted audience of professional Colorists and Finishing Editors? No other publication on the 'Net can speak so precisely to them. Our Sunday Morning newsletter gets opened - while other newsletters are snoozing.

The Craft

  • Prepared Looks - Impress your clients by having a nice selection of different 'Looks' and 'Treatments' to show your clients when they walk in the room. It helps to establish a common language and what they like (or don't like). This post includes some suggestions for a few initial looks you might want to have at your fingertips. (AaronWilliams.tv)
  • Music Videos and Epic Go Together Like Peanut Butter and Chocolate - Mmmmm... Sandwiched by two pieces of DaVinci Resolve. Yummy. (VanHurkman.com)

The Tools We Use

  • Auto-Function Cheat Sheet: Part 2 of 4 - This time Avid Media Composer's auto- commands get documented. (MasteringFilm.com)
  • The Simplest Test Chart You'll Ever Need - Amen, brother. Now all we need is for a test chart to actually make it into our suites... (ProVideoCoalition.com)
  • New Arrival: Assimilate Scratch Lab - It's in the house. Get 'em while they're hot! (BHPhoto.com)
  • Gradiest: Wireless iPad Multi-Touch Color Correction Surface - For use with Cineform's Neo and Neo 3D (NOT for Go Pro's Cineform Studio). The link is for the Vimeo demo. (vimeo.com)
  • Chromagic: Wireless iPad Multi-Touch Color Correction Surface - For use with FCP 7. A fantastic implementation. Check it out. (nattress.com)
  • Win A Red Rocket Card! - You read that correctly. But you need to sign up via Facebook. And explain why you deserve it. (FaceBook.com)
  • Little Frog Stumped - Why outboard scopes? To make you aware of problems like THIS. (LFHD.com)
  • Avid: Exporting Split Multi-Track Quicktimes - Workaround for getting 4-channel splits into a self-contained Quicktime. (Community.Avid.com via @digitalreb)

Tools You *Should* Use

  • 'Crash Analyser' Saves the Day - This is a terrific tool from one of my favorite software vedors, Digital Rebellion. On the Apple Support Site you can see first-hand the kind of insights it provides into otherwise inscrutable Crash Reports. (discussions.apple.com via @digitalreb)

Tools You *Might* Use

  • NextLAB: On Set Data Wrangling and Post-Production - This is a Press Release, but it'll be interesting to anyone dealing with file-based acquisition during production. (DefinitionMagazine.com)

Outside 'The Box'

Edumacate Yer'self

  • The Great Camera Shootout: Episode One - The 2011 edition of Zacuto's wildly successfully Emmy Award Winning 2010 shootout has been posted. This year, the focus is on cinema cameras. (Zacuto.com via @bkmvincent)
  • Technicolor's CineStyle for Cannon 5D, Explained, Visualized with Recommendations - FXGuide does its typical excellent job in this video - exploring why you'd want to load up and use the recently released Technicolor CineStyle Log profile.

    Including using LUTs and Red Giant's LUT Buddy. Plus, the advantage of the Technicolor profile for green- and blue- screen VFX work. Plus, an interview with one of the folks from Technicolor explaining what this picture profile does, and does not, do.

    If you or your clients do ANY 5D work, you owe it to yourself (and to your clients) to watch this. (FXGuide.com)
  • Archiving For Indies v002 - Sacramento, California based VAR, Silverado Systems, has released an update to their White Paper on Archiving for Indie content creators. I never read v001 but just downloaded v002. It's almost free (requires a Tweet or Facebook shout-out) and a quick glance proves it's worth way more than you're paying. Read it and learn. Oh, and when you Tweet - let them know the Tao sent you! (Silverado.cc)
  • Review: Fellowship of the Rings, Extended Edition - Another informative post comparing the original BluRay release to a new, completely remastered Extended Edition of this, the final film in the Trilogy. The grading is substantially different. They've got the screenshots. (BluBrew.com)
  • CineGear Expo Roundup - NoFilmSchool.com does a good job rounding up videos from people who attended the Expo. (NoFilmSchool.com
  • Large Corporate Installs of OS X Lion May Be Pretty Easy - The link is a direct PDF download from Apple about how to image Lion from an App Store download. (dl.dropbox.com via @silveradosys)
  • DSLR Video: High-End Looks On A Middle Class Budget - From a live presentation. 1 hour. (vimeo.com)

Take a Deep Breath

  • Job Posting: Colourist, New Media - It's a RED 4k gig. You must have a reel. You must have an IMdB credit. They will pay you nothing. Can you feel the collaborative spirit here? Yeah. Me neither. (Exhale, Slowly... and no, no link)

Commencement Season

  • Sir Joshua Reynolds: The Royal Academy, 1796 - "The more extensive, therefore, your acquaintance is with the works of those who have excelled, the more extensive will be your powers of invention;" Good thoughts on the power of studying those who are successful. (Underpaintings.blogspot.com)
  • Conan O'Brien: Dartmouth College, 2011 - "Whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity; and with clarity comes conviction and true originality." True, for much of the speech Conan's very funny. But the second half is very personal. A strong speech. (YouTube.com via Lifehacker.com)
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave

Software: v2.1.6

Mac: v2.5.7

Software: v3.8

Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.5.7
Firmware: v1.9

March 7

Updated: Feb. 18 Updated: Jan. 28(ish)

Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

  • Harry Potter: The Final Trailer - Get your fix (YouTube.com)
  • 1999: Final Cut Pro 1.0 Overview - True story: As I was watching this, my wife was listening and asked if this is the promo piece for FCPx! The more things change... (YouTube.com via @lafcpug)
  • Spot the Sony F3 - Extra bacon with your eggs for anyone who can see the camera buried in this rig... from a BBC shoot. (DefinitionMagazine.com)
  • Richard Dreyfus: A Dramatic Reading of the iTunes "Terms of Service" Agreement - Just plain silly... and too cool for school. (FilmMakerIQ.com)
  • Top 10 iPhone Passcodes Revealed - If you're using one of these... time to get a bit more creative. (PCWorld.com)
  • SMPTE Color Bar T-Shirts and MousePads - A perfect (belated) Father's Day gift. (store.smpte.org)

Weekend Warrior

  • Make a Duct Tape Hammock - Personally, I prefer Gaffers tape. (LifeHacker.com)
  • DIY Magnetic Silly Putty - The gauntlet has been set... who's going to be the first to make a film using the remarkable abilities of Magnetic Silly Putty? (FilmmakerIQ.com)

Gear Heads

  • Reaching for 3,000 MB/s - What's it take to get that kind of through-put from a RAID? (Barefeats.com)
  • HTML 5 Outperforms Flash on Mobile Devices (Gigaom.com)


  • Wait! The MacPro Is the Fairest Of Them All... - Last week I linked to an article claiming the newest iMac, with an SSD installed, beat the most recent MacPros.

    BareFeats is saying, "Not so fast." Their benchmarking is showing the MacPro handily beating the iMac in all tests... except the one test performed by that 'other' publication. Go figure. Still, the fact the the iMac is in the running tells me the MacPros are due for a refresh. (BareFeets.com)
  • First They Dropped "Computer", Now They're Dropping "Mac"? (HardMac.com)

What? No FCPx Stories?

  • Tao Newsletter Ignores FCPx - The net has worked itself into a slathering rabid frenzy over the imminent release of FCPx. It's truly mind-numbing.

    I'm taking the Tao approach. It'll get here when it gets here. Until then, it's all navel-gazing and I'd rather spend time finding new work, doing existing work, developing new skills, or taking Chester (my Rat Terrier) out for a walk.

    BUT - if you MUST get a fix, try this discussion thread on the Apple's Discussion Forum. It's got 65,000 views and almost 800 responses across 52 pages. Knock yourself out while the rest of us do something... well, *anything* else.   ;-)  (discussions.apple.com)
  • One Word 'Apple Geniuses' Can't Use - And other interesting tidbits about how Apple trains and pays its Geniuses. (HardMac.com)

Informed Speculation

  • OpenCL in OS X Lion to Give FCPx Huge Performance Gain? - HEY - this is NOT an FCPx story, but an OpenCL story that uses FCPx to get some Google Juice. For a variety of reasons, don't take this article as gospel. They've probably got the broad strokes correct, but the details don't sound quite right. It's more... for your consideration. (EOShd.com via @ericstm)
  • Apple Holding New Hardware Until OS X Lion Ships? (MacRumors.com)

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Yelling Into the Wind

  • Update in the IRS Case Against Documentary Filmmakers - The battle is joined. (IndieWire.com)
  • Nine Ways Independent Filmmakers Can Fight The IRS - If this Newsletter isn't published next week... it'll be because of this link. (IndieWire.com via @FilmmakingDude)
  • Illegal Video Streaming Elevated to Felony Under U.S. Senate Bill - If at first you don't succeed... keep those Lobbyists on the payroll. Oh - no word if the Bill differentiates between watching the video or uploading it. (Bloomberg.com via @stevensantos)
  • UnViral-ize Your Video - How one man tried to undo a video going viral. (ReelSEO.com)

The Business

  • The Business of Our Business - Terrence Curren and Philip Hodgetts tackle pricing, figuring out your rate, and what it takes to stay employed. On the podcast page is a great calculator to figure out how much you should charge. AND, how much you'd charge if you were a Plumber (as a point of comparison). (TheTerenceAndPhilipShow.com)
  • Goodbye to Drama - A very interesting infographic showing the disconnect between Academy Award Nominees and Box Office Receipts. (VerySmallArray.com via Kottke.org)
  • RealD Posts Q4 Profit, Stock Price Drops - An analyst on the conference call questioned the drop off of Box Office revenues derived from the 3D format of recent tentpole films. (blog.devoncroft.com)

Being A Better You

  • The Only Way To Get Important Things Done - Once you decide what are the important things you need to get done... turn it into a ritual and then get out of the way. With some good examples of powerful rituals. (blogs.hbr.com)
  • Fix Bad Habits - This is strong companion reinforcing the previous item on getting important things done. (the99percent.com)
  • Are You Torn Between Different Creative Ambitions? - An interesting article on the value of Creative Generalists... with links to resources celebrating this species of creative professional. (LateralAction.com)
  • An Important Thing No One Will Ever Tell You - Seeking advice is important. But some decisions can't be outsourced. (ChrisGuillebeau.com)

Stating the Obvious

  • 'Pretty Little Liars': Halloween Episode to Air Later This Year - Because Halloween is? Later. This. Year. (HollywoodReporter.com)

Looking Forward

  • The Next Stage of Human Civilization - A fun short video by futurist Michio Kaku about where we exist on the continuum of Advanced Civilizations. (BigThink.com via @macangel)

The Next Step Is A Doozy

  • 'Mobius Ship' Art Installation - You've got to see it believe it. (kottke.org)

A Step Too Far?

  • Invasion of the Body Hackers - Amassing massive amounts of data... on your body and your routines so you can 'hack' your way to a better, more obsessive-compulsive, you. (ft.com)
Stories Now Shared : 1,100+

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