[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading (2D Films: Now 87% Darker)

Published: Sun, 05/29/11

Newsletter Issue XLIX Tao Of Color.com
The Tao Colorist
Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

Looking to reach an engaged targeted audience of professional Colorists and Finishing Editors? No other publication on the 'Net can speak so precisely to them. Our Sunday Morning newsletter gets opened - while everyone else is snoozing.

Editor's Note: It's Memorial Day Weekend here in the Former Colonies. Join me and take a moment to reflect on the men and women who died in the service of the United States. And then go out, enjoy your family, NASCAR, and grilling on the BBQ!

On Craftsmanship

  • Combining What We Know With What We See & Feel - From a recent lecture, artist / musician Tom Nash shares his thoughts and philosophy on creating art. (UnderPaintings.blogspot.com)
  • How To Unlock Creativity - "No matter how smart you are most of your ideas will be crap." The wrap to the article is great - but I don't want to spoil it by quoting it here. Great read. (DigitalTonto.com via @Coleran)

Skill Up

  • Create A Realistic Tilt-Shift Effect with Final Cut Studio - A short tutorial on an effect that can be adapted to several grading apps. (FilmMakerIQ.com)

Tools We Use

  • Using A Tektronix Scope As A Still Store - Colorist Josh Petok returns to the Tao Of Color with a concise video tutorial showing how he uses a Tek 7020 to compare shots. He also puts its 'slice tool' to work. (TaoOfColor.com)
  • Unboxing Resolve Control Surface II - Author, Colorist Robbie Carman documents his Resolve controls surface unboxing. Feel free to drool. (RobbieCarman.squarespace.com)
  • Arri Alexa Post, Part 4 - A comprehensive look at dealing with Log-C ProRes files in a variety of different editing, compositing, and grading apps. Including different resources for creating LUTs and how those LUTs get applied. (DigitalFilms.com)
  • Arri Alexa Post, Part 5 - A terrific follow-up post from Oliver Peters documenting his workflow (from shooting through delivery) on a series of 10 spots he recently wrapped - including getting the ProRes444 files to colorist Bob Festa to grade on a Baselight. Note how even this 'native' FCP workflow required quite a few workarounds - including a trip to Premiere Pro and another trip to After Effects (the former for pure workflow reasons, the latter to solve image quality issues). I'm curious to see if this will continue to be the case with FCPx. (DigitalFilms.com)
  • Teradek Firmware Update - Teradek's wireless streaming to iPad video tap for DSLRs, RED just got a firmware update for the Canon 5D. And if you haven't seen it, the embedded promo video is pretty nifty. (blog.VincentLaforet.com)
  • Video Production Tools: Using Color Correcting Gels (GeniusDV.com)
  • Aspect Ratio Cheat Sheet -  Need to deliver your video at a smaller than native frame size? this cheat sheet lists the various divisible frame sizes to maintain your aspect ratio. (ImNotBruce.com)

Edumacate Yer'self

  • SIGGRAPH 2011 Technical Papers Video Preview - I can't imagine coming up with this stuff. (YouTube.com via @5tu
  • Comparing Two Transfers of '8 ½' - Nice write-up with comparison photos between two different transfers of Fellinni's '8 ½' (BluBrew.com)
  • ICA In-Person Training Dates / Locations - The International Colorist Academy is really ramping up their training dates. There are too many for me to keep listing. So, just visit iColorist.com and see what they have on tap in your neck of the globe. Note: So far, the East Coast of the US is out of luck. What's up Warren? End the drought! (iColorist.com)

Optical Delusions

Outside 'The Box'

  • Interactive Storytelling On The iPad (Gigaom.com)

Is This Any Way To Run An Industry?

  • After All Our Hard Work - Colorist Craig Mieretz laments a new shark rising from the depths that irreparably harms the work colorists do... (the story he links to is the next item below) (cmieritz.blogspot.com)
  • Misuse of 3-D Digital Lens Leave 2-D Films Dim & Dark - Colorists, you need to read this terrific piece from the Boston Globe on how movie theaters aren't removing the polarizing lenses from Sony Digital 3D Projectors when projecting 2D films - cutting light output by up to 87%! The problem, due to DRM protections, is that simply changing out a lens involves passwords and security clearances. One wrong mistake shuts down the projector. (Boston.com)
  • The Dying of the Light - What's Roger Eberts' take on the previous item? Well, after quoting extensively from the Boston Globe piece (without linking to it) - and discussing how this is just a variation on the 'dim Xenon bulbs' theme - he points out that Eberfest's films look bright and are focused. Thanks, Roger. To be fair, Ebert does add several interesting quotes that further informs this discussion and makes it a necessary read. (blogs.suntimes.com)
Editor's Note: On this issue of Cinemas short-changing the movie-going public with this 'Sony 3D Lens' problem... The rah-rah 3D websites I monitor have been mysteriously silent. Just saying...
  • Pirates 3D: Box Office Not Encouraging - Nearly 70% of the screens for Pirates of the Caribbean were 3D. They generated an underwhelming 48% of gross revenues. What might this foreshadow for 3D tentpoles? Or might this just be the sputtering end of a lucrative franchise? (MovieCityNews.com via NotesOnVideo.blogspot.com)

Now We're Talking

  • Bringing Cinema-Quality to the Home TV - THX talks about their effort to bring 'better than cinema-quality' to the home theater... with built-in color management and lossless compression. (Pocket-Lint.com via @Pocketlint)

Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave

Software: v2.1.6

Mac: v2.5.7

Software: v3.8

Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.5.7
Firmware: v1.9

March 7

Updated: Feb. 18 Updated: Jan. 28(ish)
Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

  • ASCIImeo - Vimeo as ASCII text. Linked is my Before / After Reel as ASCII. Works with any Vimeo clip. Brilliant! (ASCIImeo.com)
  • How To Be A Motion Picture Director - Co-founder of the Motion Picture Director's Association (in 1915) and silent film director Marshall Neilan does a short Q&A for a newspaper on what it takes to be a Director. What do you think, are his 90 year-old answers as true today as they were then? (mlkshk.com via @facetschicago)
  • Getting the Best Shots of Your Kids: Beyond the Normal Advice - Here in the States, this is Memorial Day Weekend. That usually means fun, family, BBQ, and kids! If there are mini-You's running around this weekend - here's great advice on camera angles you might not have thought about. (DigitalPhotographySchool.com)
  • Hoax Video: Professional Stunt Driver Drifts A Drive-Through (YouTube.com)
  • Portrait, Not Landscape - How to properly hold your iPad. Or so one man says. (tbray.org)
  • 10 Modern Movies That Are Better In Black & White (Kotte.org)
Weekend Warrior
  • The Making of 9 Classic 'Universal Studios' Monster Movies - This is another of these Sunday Morning Fun(nies) that are so extensive, it's morphs into a Weekend Project. (FilmMakerIQ.com)
Gear Heads
  • Why HP Isn't Adopting Thunderbolt - One word: Imagination. (KenSegall.com)
  • Intel's Next Chip: Much Faster Video Encoding - And 50% less power consumption. (HardMac.com)
  • Sony Wants To Make It's Own Thunderbolt Connector - Surprised? Somehow, me neither. (HardMac.com)
  • Review: Steadicam Smoothie - Here's my shout-out to Notes On Video for posting a review on this Steadicam for the iPhone. (NotesOnVideo.blogspot.com)
The Business of You
  • How To Set Your Rates - This article doesn't give an actual number for you to set your rate at. Rather, it builds a scaffolding for how you should think about it. (BladeRonner.com via @magekfilmworks)
  • The Busyness Trap - Being busy and being productive? Two different things. Learn how to increase your productivity and be 'less busy'. (blogs.hbr.org)
Things My *&#$! Trojan Horse Does
  • New Malware Revives Mac vs PC Debate - Interesting, but someone needs to edumacate the author on the difference between a computer Virus and Trojan Horse. (edition.cnn.com)
  • Measure Twice, Cut Once - Daring Fireball examines Apple's response to the MacDefender outbreak in context with other recent outbreaks of bad publicity. (DaringFireball.net)

develop your skills        &         advance your career


The Power of 'Real'
  • Joplin, Missouri Tornado: First Person - I've been debating if this belongs in this newsletter. I decided to include it because it so precisely illustrates the power of audio and the power of video - each divorced from the other. Video 1 is inside a Gas Station in the minutes before, during and after a tornado hits (the link starts 2:20 into the piece). We see, literally, nothing. And it's terrifying. Video 2 is a daytime return visit showing the utter destruction. Informed by Video 1, it's also terrifying. The power of audio. The power of video. Heavy for a Sunday Morning? Yes. Not for children? Yes. (YouTube.com via ReelSeo.com)
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan: First Person - What happens when Newsweek Magazine declares your town is one of the Top 10 Dying Towns in America? Hell yeah, a YouTube video! It's 9 minutes long, 5000 citizens, exploding bridges, shot in one long, complicated take and totally inspiring. What better way to follow up the previous item. Perfect for a Sunday Morning? Yes. Great for children? YES. (YouTube.com via @PhilipBloom)
  • The Government's War on Cameras - Not inspiring. Very real. Don't be put off by the Libertarian slant. (PetaPixel.com)

Sports Talk

Tweet of the Week

  • "FCP X is running on Snow Leopard now for approx 100 or so beta testers." (@philiphodgetts)

On A Personal Note

  • Who's Shaping IP Traffic? - Verizon FiOS fiber optic internet service is a terrific service. It's wicked fast and very reliable. After this report on a study to see which ISPs are 'shaping' internet traffic... My love for FiOS has now blossomed to encompass Verizon in total. I'll be switching my ATT iPhone to Verizon just for this reason alone. (ArsTechnica.com)
  • New Speed Record in Optical Fiber - While we're on the subject... how about transmitting the contents of 1,000 DVDs in one second? (HardMac.com)

The Next Step Is A Doozy...

Stating The Obvious...

The Tao Colorist Sunday Newsletter : Stories Now Shared : 950+

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