[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading (Make Them Fun)

Published: Sun, 05/22/11

Newsletter Issue XXXXIII Tao Of Color.com
The Tao Colorist
Curated links of news, reviews, thoughts, career advice, and humor 
for professional Video / Film Colorists & Finishers. Delivered Sunday.

Looking to reach an engaged targeted audience of professional Colorists and Finishing Editors? No other publication on the 'Net can speak so precisely to them. Our Sunday Morning newsletter gets opened - while everyone else is snoozing.

Editor's Note: Thanks for all your support this past week!

On Seeing
  • The Inconceivable Nature of Light - Physicist Richard Feynman on that which we all take for granted. Recorded in the mid-80's. (YouTube.com via FilmMakerIQ.com)
  • Capturing Contrast and Faint Detail Simultaneously: Why the Eye is Better Than the Camera - New research shows how the photo-chemical mechanisms underlying our vision system makes this happen. (MedicalXpress.com via David Bell)

Our Business

  • Pilot Season: A Survival Guide - Hollywood Colorist Mike Most on working through TV Pilot season... and why the Alexa is popular for pilots this season. (MikeMost.com)

Tools We Use

  • Iridius SpeedGrade - A not-so-bad PR piece offering a good round-up of Iridius' offerings. Including pricing. (DigitalCinemaReport.com)
  • DaVinci Resolve on Mac OS Lion: 'Some Problems' - If you're a BlackMagic peep reading this... you might want to keep on eye on this website that claims to keep track of app compatibility for Lion (RoaringApps.com)
  • Grading On A Deadline: Colorista II and MB Looks - For the one-person-band who wants to shoot, edit, and grade without ever leaving the NLE. (RedGiantSoftware.com)
  • The ProRes Cheat Sheet - It's from ArriDigital. I was hoping for something... more. But it's a start. (ImNotBruce.blogspot.com)
  • Apple Discussions Thread On A Quicktime Bug - It effects people saving large (2 GB +) files on network drives. One poster says it only effects SMB- not NFS- drives (discussions.apple.com via @digitalreb)
  • Don't Make My Tools Easy. Make Them Fun - Word-up, bro. (VanHurkman.com)
  • What's to Rant About? Philip Hodgetts on why we all should be thankful on the FCPx re-design. (PhiliHodgetts.com)
  • The Digital Revolution and The Industry That Sold It's Soul - Or as I like to call it: The Lament of the (over-leveraged) 'Old Guard' (DCinema.wordpress.com)


  • Resolve 7.1.2 is Released - Adds real-time RED Epic support and 'general stability and performance improvements'. You may need to update your RedRocket firmware. (BlackMagic-Design.com)

Getting Ahead

  • Breaking Into 'The Business' through the Mailroom - If I were writing the sequel it'd be titled: Breaking Into The Post House through the Duplication Room. Except... there are no more dub rooms. So. The mailroom it is! (MasteringFilm.com)
  • The Resume Is Dead, The Bio Is King - What a good online Bio looks like. (the99percent.com)
  • The Worst Internship Interview Ever - Alright, this belongs with the Fun(nies) - but it fits too nicely with the previous pieces to not put it this section. Spoiler: Your MySpace page? Leave it off the bio. (YouTube.com via @miafreedman)
  • How to Steal Like An Artist (and 9 Other Things Nobody Ever Told Me) - Terrific blog post with pithy observations and nice explanations. (AustinKleion.com)

Edumacate Yer'self

  • Avid Media Composer 5.5 Tour - June 2, NYC (Cvent.com)

Outside 'The Box'

  • White Paper: Live Cinema Events - What are the major steps that gets a live event out to cinemas world-wide? Downloading this white-paper eventually requires registration. (DigitalCinemaInfo.com)

Telling Stories

  • Everything Is A Remix Episode 2:  Kill Bill - Episode 1 was VERY popular among readers. Here's the Remix applied to Kill Bill - in extensive, gory detail. (Vimeo.com via kottke.org)
Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave

Software: v2.1.6

Mac: v2.5.7

Software: v3.8

Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.5.7
Firmware: v1.9

March 7

Updated: Feb. 18 Updated: Jan. 28(ish)

Sunday Morning Funnies

  • How The Rapture Begins (and ends) - If you're reading this, then you're not one of the Saved. Unfortunately, if God is still using Windows even the Saved may also be reading this... (TheOatmeal.com via @hurkman)
  • Edutainment: "A Love Story... In Milk" - No, it's not a Milk Lobby short film. It's a Love Story masquerading as a Public Service message. Ahhh... the power of story. (Vimeo.com via ReelSeo.cm)
  • Ars Technica Review: The Sonic Screwdriver - For Dr. Who fans (ArsTechnica.com)
  • Shot By Shot Recreation of Cars 2 Trailer - . . .in Legos (FilmMakerIQ.com)
  • The Biggest Wave Ever Surfed - This is not a film or short video. Only words. I just love the narrative. (Kottke.com)
  • How Polaroid Instant Film Works - Should that read: 'Worked'? (PetaPixel.com)

And Now... A Musical Interlude

  • Relax With Mozart, 2011-style - Gather the family around for 5 minutes of soothing, classical inspirtation... for the internet generation. Most excellent. (YouTube.com via ReelSEO.com)

Weekend Warrior

  • Reprogram Your Car - Post Pro and Blogger Tej Babra has a new hobby... he reprograms his car's on-board CPU. He shows you how (and why) you can too! (TejBabra.com)
  • Darren's Great Big Camera - If the opposite of Love is Apathy - what's the opposite of a DSLR? The answer is in this inspiring short personal documentary of the ultimate DIY camera. (Vimeo.com via ReelSEO)
  • Stan Lee Presents: How To Create A Comic Book - Nope. Not under Fun(nies). Way too many videos on this page to consider it anything other than a Weekend project. (FilmMakerIQ.com)

Gear Heads

  • The Sony OLED Lineup - Mostly bullet-point technical specs with marketing-speak. Opening and closing paragraph give the writer's reaction. (ColorGrader.net via @joshpetok)
  • Samsung's New Retina Tablet Display - LCD with a white pixel, allowing the backlight to turn off in dark scenes. The only problem. It's 10". And a tablet. (ArsTechnica.com)
  • Test Bench: Top 'mid-2011' iMac Benchmarked - Apps tested: After Effects, Photoshop, Squeeze 7, iTunes (BareFeets.com)
  • Waiting For Thunderbolt - It's here. But not. (MacWorld.com)

Pass It On

The Rapture II

  • Sony's Complete 35mm Seminar from NAB 2011 - Featuring the F3 and FS100 (NoFilmSchool.com)

hone your skills                  advance your career



Inside, Out

  • The 1-Step Plan for Super-Productivity - Long-time readers should know what this plan is. And I started on it this week myself... it works! (the99percent.com)

Staying Safe

  • Keys to the Cloud Castle - If you were surprised by last week's news of how DropBox handles it's security keys - here's an interesting article by an economist on the two different ways you can have your data secured on the internet. Pick one. (Economist.com)

Filter THIS

  • Netflix Kills Unmetered Broadband - Do you watch video via Netflix? Then you're destroying broadband for the rest of us (or something like that). (ReelSEO.com)
  • Has Hollywood Won? - Netflix Traffic Now Bigger Than BitTorrent (Gigaom.com)
  • The Future of the Library - I add: It looks a lot like Netflix. (SethGodin.com)

Tweet Of The Week

  • "I read about creation of the titles for Game of Thrones. My takeaway? The artists were given 6 months. For the titles." (@hurkman)

The Next Step Is A Doozy

  • 3 Dreams of Black: An interactive film - Requires Google Chrome. 3D being rendered in real-time on your GPU. Move the mouse - see the world. (ro.me via NoFilmSchool.com)

A Step Too Far?

The Tao Colorist Sunday Newsletter: Stories Now Served - 900+

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