[TaoColorist] Help The Sunday Newsletter!

Published: Thu, 05/19/11

The Tao Colorist

This Newsletter Needs To Change. . .

  • Why? The reasoning for the changes can be summed up in one quick factoid (I did the calculation while writing this):
  • It's taken thirteen 40-hour weeks to create the 40+ newsletters I've emailed!
  • And I've LOVED every moment of it. It's not easy... but it's FUN. It keeps me just as 'dialed' into our business as it does you.
  • More importantly: This newsletter has put many of us in touch with each other. And as we all hook up elsewhere online - BOOM - community!
  • But... given the resources it takes to produce - it's time for the Newsletter to stand on it's own. Luckily, we hit a milestone that will allow the Tao Colorist Sunday Morning Newsletter to support itself (with your help).

The 500

  • Impressively, this week the Tao Colorist Newsletter crossed an important threshold - it now has over 500 subscribers!
  • ALL of this subscriber growth is through word-of-mouth. . . 
  • Twitter re-tweets; posts on  industry, company, and personal blogs; and Facebook 'Likes'. 
  • In other words - this growth is because of YOU. 
  • Thank you!
  • I'm not thanking all of you collectively, hypothetically. But you. The person actually reading this email. 
  • Thank. YOU!

Because of You, We Have A Two-Part Solution

  • Part 1: The Tao Colorist Newsletter is now accepting Advertising
  • WAIT! Don't freak out (yet)... keep reading...
  • The advertising will be clearly identified and separated
  • The only advertising accepted is advertising that you - the readers - will find relevant. (No Viagra ads, I pinky-swear.)
  • There are no more than 2-4 advertising slots, they'll be kept short, they'll be kept tasteful.
  • (And if YOU want to advertise on the Tao Colorist Newsletter, just reply to this email, include a link to your company's website or product / service, and I'll send you the Advertising Packet.)

But Not Just Advertising...

  • Part 2: Every June there will be an annual subscription drive. Just like public television - but without the Irish Stepdancers (sorry).
  • Why? Because if all I did was accept Advertising - over time it would be easy to forget who this Newsletter is really about.
  • It's about YOU. And us. Our careers, our tools, our industry, and yes... all of us making more money by standing out from the crowd. 
  • So. One month a year, within the Newsletter, I'll ask you to help support this publication by purchasing a non-recurring Subscription for a very nominal cost of $29 - which is about $.75 per issue (even less, if I deliver more than my minimum target of 40 issues per year).

Further Your Career, Support the Newsletter

  • If you love this Newsletter - and the career growth it strives to encourage - as much as I do, I can't ask of a more concrete way to show your support
  • To recap: Every June I'll be asking for your voluntary support of the Tao Colorist Sunday Morning Newsletter
  • And if you don't want to procrastinate... Support the Tao Colorist Sunday Morning Newsletter via credit or debit card right now! $29 - the cost of a couple of lattes (except the Newsletter keeps on giving).

Thank you for taking the time to read this and allow me to share the changes to The Tao Colorist Newsletter - and the reasoning behind them.

I literally couldn't make these changes without each and every one of you.

One last time: Thank. YOU.

Have a great end to your week. Support the Tao Newsletter. See you on Sunday! 


Editor-In-Chief, TaoOfColor.com

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