[Tao Colorist] Sunday Morning Newsletter, April Fools Edition

Published: Sun, 04/03/11

Tao Of Color is on Vacation this Week!

From the Editor
Hi Tao Colorist Subscribers!
I needed to take a week from Twittering, blogging, recording, grading, interviewing, and editing.
As a result - you're getting a super-abbreviated version of this newsletter (with this funky 1980's stock newsletter design).
Enjoy your Sunday. See you next week! Back at full strength and ready for NAB!
Sunday Morning Fun(nies)
April 1 was just a few short days ago! That night I sat down with my Twitter and RSS feeds and pulled some of the more interesting April Fools postings I thought you'd might like. Sit back, sip your coffee (or your wine - for you Aussies), and enjoy!
  • Advances in Eye Surgery Means No Ridiculous 3D Glasses (NPR.org)
  • Google Motion: Beta - Control GMail with your body. Do yourself a favor... watch the Overview. (Google.com via @tylerginter)
  • April Fools "By The Numbers" - Infographic (masable.com)
  • SteadiGlove - Replaces an entire SteadiCam system. Live Demo. (Vimeo.com via @Filmbot)

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