[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading, February 13

Published: Sun, 02/13/11

Newsletter Issue XXVIII Tao Of Color.com
The Tao Colorist

The latest news, reviews, thoughts, and humor for professional (and aspiring) moving image Colorists and Finishers.

  • Case Studies in Film Editing - Oliver Peters has collected links 6 years of his in-depth interviews with the top film editors of our time. (DigitalFilms.wordpress.com)
  • Colorist Tip: Luma Curve - I've never had much use for Apple Color's Luma Curve and it's lack of subtlety. Arron Williams may have finally found a decent use for it. (AaronWilliams.tv)
  • What Is LOG and How to Use It - Following up on last week's LOG link, here's an earlier post with a text explanation. (blog.AbelCine.com)

On the Tao Of Color. . .

  • TaoOfColor at the DC FCP User Group - Wed., February 23 I'll be doing my Tao Of Color Grading presentation in DC. Register & join us! (Eventbrite.com)
  • Color Grading Interview: Colorist Joe Owens, Part 1 - Edmonton-based colorist and ubiquitous helper on the Apple Color support forums discusses his start as a camera shader, the evolution of our gear, and the craft. (TaoOfColor.com)
  • New Trailer: Master the Power of Color Correction - With the training series almost complete and the membership site nicely organized, I finally produced a quick trailer detailing the training. I had to channel some of my early HBO promo-editing days to get it done. (TaoOfColor.com)


Have a story for the newsletter? Email Us!


Tools of the Trade

  • Color Grading Choices - Oliver Peters rounds up the sub-$5,000 color grading space and offers his opinions on how to choose your color grading app. (digitalfilms.wordpress.com)
  • Color Grading in Colorista II - A roundup of the Stu Maschwitz tutorials on grading in Colorista II (NoFilmSchool.com)
  • Creating Real-Time Vignettes in Avid Media Composer (community.avid.com via ScottSimmons.tv)
  • Lightworks is free... and nobody cares - After lamenting the ignorance of youth, Mike Jones gets to the point: "Lightworks is Powerful and its Free but it's also archaic and illogical; the wrong tool at the wrong time doing the job the wrong way." (MikeJones.tv)

Squashing Bugs

  • DaVinci Resolve 7.1.1 - General performance and stability improvements (Decklink.com)

Gear Heads

  • Flash Cuts the CPU, Teams Up With GPU - Adobe is bringing Flash into the new decade - off loading processing to the GPU. But it might be some time before we all see the benefits. (Gigaom.com)

Working Smarter

  • The Sounds of Hard Drives Failing - Literally. Now, someone needs to turn this into an app to automatically identifying your hard drive sounds. (NetworkedBlogs.com via @mangababe)
  • What's Your Back-Up Plan? - Tips on preventing irreparable data loss. (the99percent.com)
  • How to Ergonomically Optimize Your Workspace - Good solid tips. (LifeHacker.com via @the99percent)

Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave
Software: v2.1.5 Mac: v2.5.6

Software: v3.8

Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.5.7
Firmware: v1.9
Updated: Nov. 22 Updated: Jan. 19 Updated: Jan. 28(ish)


Sunday Fun(nies)

  • Troubleshooting SoundTrackPro: The Cliff Notes Version - Funny observation on Apple's Support Notes for troubleshooting STP. (imNotBruce.blogspot)
  • The Last Roll of Kodachrome: Frame-by-Frame - Photographer Steve McCurry acquired the last roll of Kodachrome to roll off Kodak's Rochester, NY assembly line. Check out the images he shot with that film. (VanityFair.com via @petapixel)
  • The Many Faces of Woody Allen - Nice poster (Flickr.com via kottke.org)
  • Dr. Who Cheat Sheet - Great infographic for the uninitiated (flickr.com via kottke.org)


  • Another Overstatement That 3D Won't Work - Remember Roger Ebert's blog post using science (and James Cameron) to claim that 3D will fail? On his personal blog, Cineform's David Newman uses science to prove Ebert wrong. (cineform.blogspot.com)

Getting Down to Business

Swap Meet

Weekend Warrior

  • February is: "Benchmark Your GPU Month" - Who knew? From the looks of it, it'll take a weekend to figure out which Benchmarking tool to use... compile it... upload it. That might explain the lack of posted results. (StreamComputing.eu)
  • Shooting 360-degree Video with Four Go Pro HD cameras - Of a World Record DodgeBall game, nonetheless. A true weekend warrior project. (Punkoryan.com)


stop fiddling with those filters

Obligatory Post-SuperBowl Links

  • Super Bowl XLV Ads: Winners & Losers - Featuring the awesome "The Force" commercial. (Gigaom.com)
  • The Making of "The Force" Commercial - Bloopers / Deleted Scenes (log.EricAlba.org via @Todd_Gill)
  • Before / After "Best NFL Fans Ever" - Nicely shows all the roto / matchmoving work in the NFL spot featuring retro TV characters wearing NFL jerseys. (theDenverEgotist.com via @videoaaron)

Calling Dr. Darwin!

  • Man's Body Rejects Surgically Attached Camera - Attached to the back of his head. He forgot to clue in his auto-immune system (PetaPixel.com)

The Next Step . . .

  • Roger Deakins Predicts the End of Film - A-List cinematographer has been shooting with the Alexa for several months. Read what he has to say. (FrankGlenCairn.wordpress.com via dcinema.wordpress.com)

The Last Word

  • Behind the Scenes: The Cinematography of True Grit featuring Roger Deakins - I don't usually link to these, but after the previous item - and because it's terrific hearing him talk about his work... (FilmMakerIQ.com)
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