[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading, February 27

Published: Sun, 02/27/11

Newsletter Issue XXX Tao Of Color.com
The Tao Colorist

The latest news, reviews, thoughts, and humor for professional (and aspiring) moving image Colorists and Finishers.

 Working with 10 Fingers
  • Euphonix MC Color is now Avid Artist Color - The Euphonix name doesn't seem to be surviving the Avid acquisition. Even EUCON has been re-branded as "Extended User Control". The link jumps to the Avid Artist series product page. (Avid.com)
  • Avid Artist Color: Smoke Demo - A nice demo on the re-branded Avid Artist Color control surface and how it's been *extensively* mapped for Smoke users. (YouTube.com)

Thinking Out Loud

  • DaVinci Resolve Mailing List - I was surprised no one had done it, so I went ahead and created a Yahoo Group for chatting about DaVinci Resolve. It's free to join and you can use your Yahoo, Google, or Facebook ID to sign up. Spread the word. (groups.yahoo.com)
  • Evaluation Grade Monitoring: SMPTE-NY Meeting - This is a live blog I've posted on the Tao from last weeks SMPTE-NY meeting on reference monitors. I also include my thoughts on the LCD, Plasma, and OLEDs that were on display at this event. (TaoOfColor.com)
  • Color Grading Choices: One Colorist's Response - In a recent newsletter I linked to Oliver Peters' blog post about the various color grading app choices. Colorist Jay Friesen has posted a response detailing how his Mac Resolve rig is anything but an island (which Oliver believes is how a Resolve rig needs to be configured). He also has a great tip when switching between Resolve grading to Avid finishing on the same rig. (blog.JayFriesen.com)
  • HPA Tech Retreat - Adam Wilt has a series of 4 'live-blogged' posts for the 4 days of the HPA Tech Retreat. Make sure your coffee's been refreshed before digging in. (ProVideoCoalition.com via @hurkman)

Have a story for the newsletter? Email Us!

Edumacate Yerself

Oscar Chat

  • Color Graders: 2011 Oscar Best Picture Nominees - Who color graded this years crop of Best Picture nominees? And how were they shot? Warren Eagles at ICA has collected the data. (iColorist.org)

Tools You Might Use

  • LightWorks Public Beta - A few weeks ago I published an article on what was wrong with LightWorks. Here's a link on what is right with LightWorks: The LightWorks Public Beta website, to support the intrepid souls who want to explore this nifty piece of editorial history (while helping to move it forward). (LightworksBeta.com via hausofwheat.com)

Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave
Software: v2.1.5 Mac: v2.5.6

Software: v3.8

Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.5.7
Firmware: v1.9
Updated: Nov. 22 Updated: Jan. 19 Updated: Jan. 28(ish)

Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

  • The Difference Between RED and Arri Alexa - A very funny video from Inspiration Studios on why you should choose the Alexa. Also includes a link to the Alexa Camera Simulator. WARNING: This link includes an assault on a HDSLR rig (NoFilmSchool.com)
  • Timelapse of An Editor - Watch the editor of last week's episode of Chuck cut that show, from Dailies to Sound Mix Playback. 25 days in 3 minutes. (YouTube.com via @filmgeek)
  • ET: The Sequel - Extended Trailer. In ViewMaster 3D. (YouTube.com via FilmmakerIQ.com)
  • The Film School Thesis Statement Generator - Enter your movie title, receive a Thesis Statement. (wonder-tonic.com via shootingPeople.org)

Pass This Link Forward . . .

  • Stolen Camera Equipment - A professional ring of thieves has been behind a series of coordinated world-wide thefts of high-end camera gear, primarily targeting rental houses. Rental houses (and their insurance carriers) are getting hit up for $250k worth of gear per incident by seemingly knowledgeable filmmakers. Pass this link to your favorite rental house or DP. (stolenCameraEquipment.blogspot.com via @VisionWrangler)

Being Better Creatives

stop fiddling, start grading

ThunderPeak & LightBolt

  • Why Thunderbolt is a Game Changer - In case you missed it, Apple announced (and released) a new connection technology. (DigitalRebellion.com)
  • What You Need to Know About Thunderbolt - Most comprehensive overview of the technology I've run across (MacWorld.com)
  • and finally. . . Apple's Thunderbolt Page - With a quick pit-stop at Daring Fireball (daringfireball.net)

The Dark Side

  • The Truth about TV Ratings, Online Viewing, and TV Shows (blastr.com)

Gear Heads

  • Pre-NAB News from Panasonic - P2, Wireless MetaData, Native FCP Editing (blog.abelcine.com)

Focus On Film Master

Who Pulled the Rug?

The Next Step Is A Doozy

  • Kodak Gets FDA Approval - No, not for edible celluloid film. For a new laser projection system. Read the article as to why the FDA got involved. Bonus: the technology is very nifty. (celluloidJunkie.com)
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