[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading, February 6

Published: Sun, 02/06/11

Newsletter Issue XXVII Tao Of Color.com
The Tao Colorist

The latest news, reviews, thoughts, and humor for professional (and aspiring) moving image Colorists and Finishers.

Call to Action!

Tools We Use

  • DaVinci Resolve: Creatively Using 'Track' Nodes - Nice tutorial by Warren Eagles on a very useful technique (Vimeo.com via @hurkman)
  • Optimizing Performance in Premiere and After Effects - A post with extensive links on CS5 optimization, after a recent 1-hour webcast on the topic (blogs.adobe.com via FilmmakerIQ.com)
  • Feature Summary: Sorenson Squeeze 7 - A nice wrap-up of SS7's new feature set. Including (nVidia) GPU acceleration. (onlineVideo.net via @zbutcher)
  • Use AppleScript to pull lots of details about your .MOVs - You'll want to file this for future use when trying to figure out details on an .mov (ImNotBruce.blogspot.com via @digitalreb)

Tao On The Web

  • Blur v. Blur - Michael Murie notes the opposing opinions on DaVinci Resolve's blur between Oliver Peters and myself. Oliver and I do agree on one point... it's not a Gaussian Blur. (NotesOnVideo.blogspot.com)
  • Tao Of Color Podcast: Steve Hullfish Part 2 - In this episode: Steve's latest Color training DVD; color theory; early versions of Final Touch / Apple Color; using Vignettes; and more... (TaoOfColor.com)

Swimming Downstream

  • Quantel Pablo PA: Software Only Conform Tool - Announced at IBC, Quantel's PA system has been released. No details on pricing. (StudioDaily.com)

Have a story for the newsletter? Email Us!


Edumacate Yourself

  • 'House' Cinematographer Gale Tattersall Launching HDSLR Workshops (16x9cinema.com)

Feature Requests

  • Tools For Color: 'Color Transfer' - Batch copy grades from one Color Project to another... and match them up via Source In, File Name, Directory Path, and a few others. Downside: It's an online tool requiring uploading. (MichaelCinquin.com via Benjamin Rowland)

Codecs, Schmodecs

  • DaVinci Resolve: Supported Codec List - A pdf went up this week detailing all the codecs Resolve can read and write. (Decklink.com)
  • Why Shoot in LOG vs Rec. 709? A video demonstration of the difference between LOG images and Rec. 709, featuring the Arri Alexa (blog.AbelCine.com)

Beyond HD

  • Sony Presentation on 4K 'End-to-End' - This is a 30 minute preso, very dry, but lays out Sony's 4k roadmap. (pro.sony.com via @aehric)
  • 4k @ CES 2011 - Welcome to the future... HD is barely dry and now a TV to display better stills. (YouTube.com via @4KTV)
  • James Cameron Wants More Light in 3D Exhibition - I'm sure the internal memos from theater owners ask: Who's going to pay for it? (blogs.wsj.com via @brucesharpe)

Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave
Software: v2.1.5 Mac: v2.5.6

Software: v3.8

Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.5.7
Firmware: v1.9
Updated: Nov. 22 Updated: Jan. 19 Updated: Jan. 28(ish)


Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

  • Rugby World Cup Promo - This is my camera. There are many like it, but this one is mine. (YouTube.com via @mikeseymour)
  • Roddenberry's Original Pitch for Star Trek - Featuring the. . . U.S.S Yorktown? (Kottke.org)
  • Hex Codes for the standard 133 Crayola Crayons (Kottke.org)
  • Act NOW: Submit A Tip, Win A Book - The Color Correction Handbook, (among others) to be precise (ProVideoCoalition.com)

Being a Better Me

  • How To Control Your "Check-In" Addiction - Techniques to keep you from being glued to email / Twitter / Facebook  (the99percent.com)
  • It's Time to Kill Multitasking - Sense a Trend here? It's all about focused intensity.(the99percent.com)

Road Warrior

  • Portable Color Grading - I don't usually link to Press Releases... but this one contains interesting details making it worth the read. This workflow features SpeedGrade. (BourkePR.typepad.com)
  • A Picoprojector, 6mm thick - 11 lumens, 800 x 400 pixels, 45 lenses. More details should be forthcoming later this month. (HardMac.com)


on a 14-minute short film:


Weekend Warrior


  • Flickr Accidentally Deletes The Wrong Account - And blows away 4,000 / 4 years worth of photos. (PetaPixel.com)

The Next Step Is A Doozy

A Step Too Far

Beating a Dead Horse? - Or - It Still Needs To Be Said?

  • I am a Avid Final Cut Ho - The Cliff Notes on this blog post: I am not a Avid / Final Cut / Premiere editor, I am an editor. I ask: Why are we still having this conversation? (theBearWrestler.com via @kev_mon)
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