[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading, January 30

Published: Sun, 01/30/11

Newsletter Issue XXVI Tao Of Color.com
The Tao Colorist

The latest news, reviews, thoughts, and humor for professional (and aspiring) moving image Colorists and Finishers.

Editor's Note: J - E -  Well, there's always next year

Ask A Question, Get An Answer

  • Submit Your Questions for Our Upcoming Podcast! On Tuesday I'm doing a Skype interview with Bram Desnet from reference LCD maker Flanders Scientific for the Tao Color podcast. We're chatting about display technology and reference monitors. Do you have a question about LCD's, calibration, or FSI's products? Reply to this newsletter and I'll pass on your question(s).

Navel Gazing

Tools We Use

  • The Foundry's STORM - Two introductory videos on this nifty RED tool (Vimeo.com)
  • Color Correcting with Colorista II - Watch Stu grade a food spot. It's a 60 minute long screen capture as Stu grades & talks. Looks like there's some good nuggets in there. Graded in After Effects. (ProLost.com)
  • Manifesto: New Title and Rolling Credits Tool - An extension for FxFactory users, because a lot of 'desktop' colorists are finishers too... Did I mention it's Free? (SecondChairVideo.com)
  • An In-Depth Tutorial on MPEG-Streamclip - Because some of us don't have assistants to do this type of thing... (SecondChairVideo.com)
  • Squeeze 7 has been released - It seems like yesterday that Squeeze 6 was released. And the new product page for this upgrade confirms my experience with Squeeze 6... dog slow with poor multi-CPU threading. A Free Trial is available. (blog.SorensonMedia.com)

Have a story for the newsletter? Email Us!

Shameless Self-Promotion

  • New Podcast Episode: Inteview with Steve Hullfish, Part 1 - "The Skill Set of Professional Colorists" (TaoOfColor.com)
  • Blog Series: A Colorist's Diary - Moving from Apple's Color to BlackMagic's DaVinci Resolve, Days 1 - 3 (TaoOfColor.com)
  • Blog Series: A Colorist's Diary - Moving from Apple's Color to BlackMagic's DaVinci Resolve, Days 4 & 5 (TaoOfColor.com)

Work Smartly

  • Clients Don't Deserve Surprises - I can get on-board with this. (the99percent.com)
  • Linked In's New 'CardMunch' - business card to text transcription service (PhilipHodgetts.com)

The Way to A Colorist's Heart

  • Pantone Chip Cookies - Shouldn't all Pantone Chips be edible? (PetaPixel.com)

Edumacate Yourself

  • ICA's Monitor and Display Calibration Seminar - Los Angeles, Feb. 21 with Lorne Meiss (iColorist.com)
  • Podcast: Warren Eagles discusses Lorne Meiss' new digital dailies truck (iColorist.com)

Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave
Software: v2.1.5 Mac: v2.5.6 Software: v3.8
Updated: Jan. 28(ish)
Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5
PC: v2.5.7
Firmware: v1.9
Updated: Nov. 22 Updated: Jan. 19


Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

  • TED Talk: How I Built A Toaster from Scratch - Including sourcing your own iron ore, smelting with a microwave, and creating a mold from a tree trunk. (YouTube.com via FilmMakerIQ.com)
  • EyeDirect Focusing Device: Maintain eye contact, even when your subjects are looking straight into the lens. Nifty! (mcEyeLiner.com via PhilipBloom.com)

Point. Counter-Point

  • Ebert made news this week by publishing an letter from Walter Murch regarding the biological backwardness of viewing 3D films. This MarketSaw blog post links to the original Ebert post, with generous excerpts from the Murch email - and presents the opposing opinion why they're both wrong. (MarketSaw.blogspot.com)

The Next Dimension

  • Has 3D already failed? Philip Hodgetts looks at the economics of the distribution. (PhilipHodgetts.com)


  • ClipTouch - A Final Cut Server client for the iPad (Factorial.co.nz via @grempe)

Unintended Consequences


with a 16-minute short film:


Staying Current

  • Magic Bullet DeNoiser 1.0.1 - This update is supposed to fix several issues, including the terribly annoying 'unable to sample' problem as detailed in my video review of version 1.0. (RedGiantSoftware.com)

Smooth Sailing

  • An interview with Digital Rebellion - Creators of (among many great tools) the FCS Maintence Pack; on keeping your FCP system running smoothly. (PixelCorps.tv via @ChrisHarley)
  • Take Control of Time Machine, Spotlight indexing, or Dashboard: Eric Brodeur has a post on disabling these 'features' via Terminal to regain those CPU cycles.(EricBrodeur.com)

The Next Step Is A Doozy

  • TED Talk: Control a computer with your thoughts and a simple headset - Okay NLE developers, step to it! (Ted.com via @philiphodgetts @PeterWiggins)
  • Apple's Final Humiliation of Microsoft - Apple's 4Q2010 PC revenues may finally surpass Microsoft's for the first time in 20 years - but should you count the iPad as a PC? According to Ballmer the answer is... (KenSegall.com)

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