[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading, Welcome to 2011 edition

Published: Sun, 01/02/11

Newsletter Issue XXII Tao Of Color.com
The Tao Colorist

The latest news, reviews, thoughts, and humor for professional (and aspiring) moving image Colorists and Finishers.

The Craft

  • Working with contrast is a fundamental tool of any visual artist. A painter working in Photoshop shares his studies on using and evaluating contrast. I bet some folks getting this newsletter will find some inspiration in it. Lots to think about. (underpaintings.blogspot.com)
  • ICA co-founder Warren Eagles has a nice write-up on a recent grade he did in Vietnam for a 45 second spot shot with 2 RED cameras that had matching issues. I especially like his description of what he went through to get the grading room setup the day before the client session. Lots of nice insights in this post. Good read. (icolorist.com)

Tools We Use

  • Looking to get a few more buttons added to your control surface? Or maybe you want an inexpensive control device to tide you over while waiting to get a control surface? Check out the X-Keys Professional USB Add-On. (xKeys.com via @ebrodeur )

Edumacate Yourself

  • Speaking of the International Colorist Association (ICA), they've found a permanent training location in LA. (icolorist.com)
  • Here's a great podcast on the difference between film, digital and the transition from the former to the latter. (ultimateAVmag.com)
  • FXphd just announced their new term. New for the January 2011 term is "Creative Techniques for Resolve on Mac". They're also repeating their Intro to Resolve course. And if stereoscoping workflows is in your future, they're offering several stereo course, including "Rotoscoping Techniques for Stereoscopic Conversion". (fxphd.com)
  • Just a quick reminder, Tao of Color offers its own training for color grading. There's no better time than the start of a new year to expand your skill set or hone your craft. (TaoOfColor.com)

Did we miss a story? Let Us Know!

Thinking in 3D

  • It turns out, people who have experienced 3DTV are LESS likely to buy a 3DTV set than those who haven't. This doesn't sound promising long term. Could it be our industry still isn't producing compelling 3D content? It's not a question asked in this article, but it covers a bunch of other findings from a recent Nielsen survery. (gigaom.com)

Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave
Software: v2.1.5 Software: v2.5.6 Software: v3.7
Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5

Firmware: v1.9
Updated: Nov. 22 Updated: Nov. 5

Whispering Sweet Nothings

  • In Clients Don't Understand Container Formats not-Bruce has a great way of discussing the need for your client to give you more specificity than, "Can you make me an .mov?".  If this a discussion you have with your clients, this is a good read. (imnotbruce.blogspot.com via secondchairvideo.com)

Link Bait
  • Isn't it annoying when a story's subheading is exactly the opposite of the actual story? That's the case with a story from Variety.com on how DSLRs and the Alexa are biting into RED's market. Or not. Or maybe... still, a decent variety of opinions from seasoned DPs on DSLR, RED, and Arri. (Variety.com)
  • Whatever you think of Jim Jannard (founder of RED), he isn't afraid is thinking long-term and speaking those thoughts - loudly. He recently posted his thoughts on the HD frame size, and why we shouldn't be acquiring at such a small frame size... not if we're looking to replace film with digital acquisition. (RedUser.net via @gnattress)

Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

  • A brilliant music video - especially if you use the Chrome browser, have a camera on your host computer, and are on either Twitter or Facebook (or both). This was a huge hit over the holidays. (sour-mirror.jp)

New Year's Resolutions

Sexy Tech

  • Would you like a DreamColor display on that laptop? How about the HP EliteBook 8000 with DreamColor? (YouTube.com)

A Step Too Far

  • What to do if you have a digital camera, an iPad, and giant mountains of piled up snow in New York City? Why... create snow art and post it on YouTube. (YouTube.com via @Gothamist)

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