[TaoColorist] Sunday Morning Reading, December 12

Published: Sun, 12/12/10

Newsletter Issue XX Tao Of Color.com
The Tao Colorist

The latest news, reviews, thoughts, and humor for professional (and aspiring) moving image Colorists and Finishers.

Listen & Learn

Part II of our interview series with Alexis Van Hurkman has been posted. You can subscribe to it in iTunes. . . Alexis Van Hurkman: director, colorist & author of "Color Correction Handbook". Scroll down for more details.

Making Connections

Do you have clients who always need to tie their iPhone and iPads into your WiFi? Here's an Apple doc on the optimum settings for your WiFi router.
Source: apple.com

Focused Intensity

For the first 18 years of our life, we spend our days broken up into tiny little blocks of focused execution (English Class, Math Class, Econ 101). Then we get a job and find ourselves constantly pulled in different directions simultaneously. If you find the latter approach to be... unproductive, then check out this little post on a few approaches to solving this dilemma. Colorists and editors will have to adjust it a bit, but there's a few kernels to work from.

Restoration v. Restoration

"BFI / Criterion" vs "French Fox / Pathe". Two restorations. Two different releases. The Film? Luchino Visconti's 1963 "The Leopard". CriterionCast.com's write up on the difference between these two restorations is pretty good. What got me wasn't how warm the Criterion version is (which is consistent across the screenshots) but that its bright and contrasty look lends a more video-y look - compared to the filmic Fox / Pathe version with thicker shadows and tamed highlights. Be sure to load up the images in different windows and toggle between them. Here's the originating blog post from BluBrew.com with more screenshots.
Sources: CriterionCast.com, BluBrew.com

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Restoration v Restoration II

Just before publishing this newsletter I just found this: Another BluBrew post with additional comparison shots, mostly nice wide exteriors. It includes a link to a Studio Daily article about the new Fox/Pathe restoration (with insights from the senior colorist). It turns out the original cinematographer consulted on both transfers. Interesting how it still resulted in two very different looks.
Source: CriterionCast.com

Really Big Brains

Philip Hodgetts of Intelligent Assitance has launched a Final Cut Studio-centric competition, "There's NOT an App For That, Yet". Basic concept: Is there an app you wish someone would build to make you job easier? Submit the idea and if you're the winner, Philip will build it. Winner gets the choice of a free license or a 5% royalty payment. Here are the full details on the contest. And if you think the winner is getting the short-end of the stick in terms of payoff... Philip's response: "What is the Value of an Idea?". People will be able to vote on the app they want created. If you voted for the winner, you'll get a 50% discount on the app.
Source: PhilipHodgetts.com

Backing It Up

LTO is currently regarded as the best reliable archival medium - especially in a world moving quickly toward file-based acquisition / post. Most of the file systems to read / write to LTO's are proprietary. Hence, many consider the open-source file system, LTFS  for LTO-5, to be good news. But is it something you'll be using in the near-term for mission-critical projects? Here's a thread on this topic from RedUser.
Source: RedUser.net via Torrey Loomis on CML-Post email list

Current Colorist Control Surface Drivers
 JL Cooper Eclipse Euphonix MC Color Tangent Wave
Software: v2.1.5 Software: v2.5.6 Software: v3.7
Color Plug-in: v 1.0.5

Firmware: v1.9
Updated: Nov. 22 Updated: Nov. 5


Holiday Buying Guides: 
Do know a kid who would love to hear from Santa? Well, Santa now has a Google Voice number and is waiting to call up and share your personal message with your favorite tyke. It's all available on SendACallFromSanta.com. Oh, and you'll want to bookmark noradsanta.com to track his progress via GoogleEarth or GoogleMaps. Here's the original blog post with full details.
Source: GoogleVoiceBlog.blogspot.com

Stream This!

Netflix has been making news by offering to pay for in-season network shows for live streaming. Jeff Steele rounds up several articles related to this story and comes to his own conclusion: Netflix Can't Sustain Premium Content
Sources: FilmClosing.com
Remember that music video with those 4 guys on a treadmill? It was a viral hit. The band is OK Go. They recently recorded an interesting interview covering a wide range of topics relevant to all independent content creators: "YouTube Income Doesn't Pay The Rent"
Source: Gigaom.com
Sunday Morning Fun(nies)

A sign of the times??
Source: PetaPixel.com

While we're linking to OK Go, here's the Rube Goldberg Machine version of OK Go's, "This Too Shall Pass" 
Source: YouTube.com

Chickens Have Image Stabilized Heads
Source: PetaPixel.com

Edumacate Yourself

Source: DefinitionMagazine.com

And The Winners Are . . .

The Hollywood Production Alliance (HPA) winners have been announced. Here are the winners for Outstanding Color Grading: Commercial, Siggy Ferstl "AT&T Legends"; Television, Steve Porter "The Pacific - Episode 5"; Feature Film, Stefan Sonnenfeld "Alice In Wonderland". Note: If you have a link to Riot's bio for Steve Porter, please send it to me so I can include it in the next newsletter.
Source: DigitalCinemaReport.com

The Next Step Is A Doozy (Gift-Giving Edition)

If a $1500 is out of your budget... or if a $1500 control surface still doesn't provide the power you want... this $79 gamers - what do I call it? - thing'y from Logitech just might float your boat. If you know who I should contact to do a review on it, just reply to this email!
Source: LogiTech.com

High Praise, Indeed

Initial review & thoughts on the "Color Correction Handbook" by Alexis Van Hurkman on the Telecine email list.
Source: tig.colorist.org

The Next Step Is A Doozy

A Step Too Far

Source: FilmmakerIQ.com

@Tao Of Color.com

Colorist Interview: Alexis Van Hurkman

  • Part 2 of my 3-part interview with author, director, and colorist Alexis Van Hurkman. We talk about his latest color grading book, colorist control surfaces, vignettes, how we see color and how that influences grading. You can also subscribe to the Series via iTunes.

Grade Naturally, Without Thinking

  • Impress clients, be a key member of the creative team, get confident, build your career. Do this by looking over the shoulder of a professional colorist and learn insider strategies to color grading like a pro. Check out TaoOfColor.com for full details. Note: I got sick this week and didn't increase the price. The price will go up very very soon (measured in hours, not days).
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