[TaoColor] Sunday Morning Reading, September 5 edition

Published: Sun, 09/05/10

Newsletter Issue: VIII the Tao Colorist
Found an article for inclusion in this newsletter? Email: newsletter@taoOfColor.com
September 5, 2010
Around the Web
News, Links, Sites, Trivia


DaVinci Resolve: Mac Configuration Guide

BlackMagic must be getting close to a release. A pdf for how to configure a MacPro & MacBook Pro for the Resolve is now available for download.

Source: blackmagic-design.com

Grading a Movie with Apple Color

A nice "tick-tock" color grading story with some good Before / After shots. 

Also: If you're in the UK - you should seriously consider ICA's first Resolve UK training class on Sept 22 - 24.

Source: iColorist.com via @hurkman

Edumacate Yourself

Calibration Training

Looking to expand your services? Calibrators are in short supply. THX and ISF both offer training.

Source: hometheatermag.com

Walking Up-Hill, Both Ways - or - Drop It, Break Your Foot

Getting a 2-inch Quad Tape to Play

I love this stuff.

Source: YouTube

Tip & Tricks

Motion Tracking in Apple  Motion

I'm always surprised by the power of Apple's Motion. This is a short tutorial on a sky isolation by tracking mask points in Motion and making the final color tweaks in FCP.

Source: geniusdv.com

Tapeless Workflow + How to Make Smooth Motion

Shane Ross posts two tutorial: One covering FCP's Log & Transfer tapeless workflow and one covering getting smooth slow-motion at 23.98 or 29.97 from 60fps footage.

Source: lfhd.net

Sunday Fun(nies)

The Wilderness Downtown: An Interactive Film

More a music video than a film. Less interactive and more interpretive. But still - a breakthrough that should have you smiling and re-playing for your significant other.


PS - Follow the on-screen advice, close everything down but that window. It brought my non-Intel iMac to screaming halt.

Source: via @artguillotine

Boston Globe Tailors Print Edition for Three Remaining Subscribers

It's funny 'cause it's true. (not really true) ((not yet))

Source: The Onion via Daring Fireball

The Craft
Ira Glass "On Storytelling, Part 1" 
"Between a half and a third of everything we try... we go out, we get the tape, and then we kill it . . . . not enough is said of the importance of abandoning crap."
This four-part series on YouTube is fantastic. About 20 minutes in total. In Part 3 Ira Glass does a great critical evaluation of his own work. Very funny.
Source: YouTube via DocuLink Mailing List
Script Inception: Story or Character?
Quick thoughts on developing a screenplay and where do you start: story or character?
via @TheScriptLab

Steve Job's "The Past / Present / Future of Apple: 1997"

Why is this link under "The Craft"? It's all about telling stories:

"It's not to talk about Myths & Megahertz . . . It's about core values"

I could have also filed this one under: #Wardrobe #FAIL

Source: New York Times via @philiphodgetts

The Next Step is a Doozy

Hackintosh Leaves the MacPro in the Dust

Think: 12 CPU core overclocked to 4.2 GHz, 7 PCI-e slots, (2) SSD striped boot drive, and a whopping 500 watts of juice to feed this monster (under full load). The number of fans to cool this thing is ridiculous, forget about keeping it in the grading room.

Source: secondchairvideo.com via @digitalreb

Philips: Glasses-free 3D TV by 2013

Hmm... maybe this one should be filed under 'Vaporware'?

Source: broadbandtvnews.com via @Variety_DSCohen

Around TaoOfColor.com

Training Update

Euphonix MC Color Training

This is a special week at TaoOfColor.com. This week we launch the Private Alpha of the Euphonix training. Initially, the only people having access will the be the folks who are entitled to the training for free (from the promotion I ran back in July). If you're one of those people, you'll get an email from me with details. You'll be guinea pigs helping me test out the membership system and the streaming video delivery system.

After that we'll move into Limited Beta; I'll have a limited number of slots on a First Come, First Serve basis. I'll need to test out the payment system before the training goes into wide-release. An email will go out to Newsletter subscribers (that's you) once we enter Limited Beta, giving everyone an equal chance to get in 'under the wire'.

Once I'm sure the bugs are worked out, then our doors will be wide open.

Control Surface Training Update

TaoOfColor.com got its start from a very simple PowerPoint presentation on color grading & theory. I decided to start with Control Surface training for a variety of reasons... one of the biggest reasons is: I'm a total evangelist for control surfaces. It's a part-time passion. 

I want everyone using control surfaces so we can get more hardware choices at more price points and more software designed to leverage that hardware... all for the express purpose of liberating post-production professionals from the flat confines of a screen and mouse. The less we think about our interfaces the more we can focus on the creative, fulfilling aspects of our work - turning us from worker bees into craftsman.

I've been thinking deep about what all my control surface training will look like, beyond just "push this button" training videos. Right now, I want to share with you... this is starting to look like an actual business - and not just some crazy half-implemented idea. I'm really excited about what is rolling out over the next few weeks! I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Thanks for reading this far!



This is the first tutorial I've created for TaoOfColor.com. It's not strictly about color grading - but since many graders also handle prepping and finishing duties, I thought this was a good tip to launch with. 
It also allowed me some quality time with my screen capture software to figure out my workflow for the more ambitious control surface training I'm recording. The above link will take you to Vimeo. 

Feedback on this newsletter is always appreciated.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!

Editor: Patrick Inhofer

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Current Control Surface Drivers:

JL Cooper Eclipse
Updated: July 15
Eclipse Ethernet Software
version 2.1.3

Euphonix MC Color
Updated: June 8
EuControl Software
v 2.5.5

Tangent Wave
Firmware: v1.9
Software: v3.7

Tangent CP 200
Software: v3.7
User Warning: CP200 Software
via Color-List

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