[TaoColor] Sunday Morning Reading, August 29 edition

Published: Sun, 08/29/10

Newsletter Issue: VII the Tao Colorist
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August 29, 2010
Around the Web
News, Links, Sites, Trivia

Control Surfaces
Color Finesse 3 Supports Tangent Wave
After Effects colorists, rejoice! The Tangent Wave now works with the plug-in version of Color Finesse 3. The stand-alone version of Color Finesse also supports the Wave.
Source: synthetic-ap.com via @pauldv

Your Mac As A Touch Control Surface?

Okay. Maybe this belongs in the "Fun(nies)" section?

Source: macrumors.com via @digitalreb

Codecs Schmodecs

'Interoperable Master Format' for File Based Workflows

Think: Digital Cinema Initiatve (DCI) for the rest of us. Philip Hodgetts highlights a few of the key points and the link to the full post of this new proposal.

Source: philiphodgetts.com

Color Bit Depth Explained
"As always, an image is as good as the weakest link in the process. And an image is ALWAYS processed."
8bit, 10bit, 12bit, this is a great article on color bit depth, dithering and the many ways your working bit depth can be torched. If you're a working colorist (or aspire to be one) this is stuff you need to know. Cold.

The author of this blog is currently working for Arri as an Alexa engineer. He's got something to teach...
Source: jdvandenberghe.com


My Love Affair with the Alexa

"When the camera sees more than my light meter does, it's time to acknowledge that the game has truly changed."

A great article by Art Adams with a nice test sequence shot on the Alexa, ENG-style, at night, in San Francisco, recording LogC (a Cineon log curve) as ProRes4444 to S x S cards. They turned this around in one day for a meeting of the Digital Cinema Society.

A good Sunday morning Watch & Read.

Source: provideocoalition.com

Edumacate Yourself

Digging in the Word Mine

Alexis Van Hurkman posts about his upcoming book, "Color Correction Handbook". He answers the question - what apps will be covered? Any why? He doesn't answer if there will be a 6bit grayscale Kindle version (!).

My only constructive criticism: The sample image he shares from his photo shoot for the skin tones chapter? Sexier would have been reversing the talent and the photographer. I'm just saying, know your audience...

Source: vanhurkman.com

3D Update

Toshiba announces a 3D TV set that doesn't require glasses

Variety's David Cohen has a quick Twitter reaction to the news and a link to the story.

Source: @Variety_DSCohen

3D Filmmaking's Radical, Revolutionary Potential

Why is 3D relegated to big Tent Pole films? Where is the small intimate 3D film? How about a film that explores the camera's relationship to its subject?

Philip Hodgetts picks up this Salon (they're still around?) article asking these very questions, while pointing out the very things that make 3D so annoying.

Source: philiphodgetts.com

The Business Of Your Business

You Are Not Seth Godin

Who is Seth Godin? A NY Times bestseller on business books. He recently announced he's moving to a self-publishing model.

This article examines industries who's products can be digitized and downloaded and what that means to content creation industries. Can you succeed without intermediaries like book publishers?

I add: You can build your own passionate fan base. Just check out Scott Sigler, cross-genre horror / scifi author who has podcasted his way into publishing deals. The lesson: If you want to be a Seth Godin or (more likely) the next Scott Sigler - build an audience, then the distribution outlets will start noticing.
Source: @unmarketing
Sunday Moring Fun(nies)

The Earliest Color Footage You Will Ever See

Check out these 1922 Kodachrome motion picture tests, created 13 years before the first full-length color motion picture. And here's a blog post getting into the details of this newly restored clip. 

Note to book authors: THIS is a photo shoot!  :-)

Source: @adamkranitz
Inception Mash-ups

Regular Readers: I'm not done with Inception yet. Here are a few mashups you might enjoy:
Source: seriously, don't ask how I hunted these down. 
mostly painful. I don't think I'll try this again.
most likely.

The Craft of Filmmaking

Making Your Films Flow: Six Tips for Shooting Sequences

I just came off a 6 week gig cutting a documentary (yes, I still edit from time-to-time). I really wish our 'A' DP had read this blog post - my job would have been so much easier. 

These tips are great not just for cameramen but anyone who communicates with the DP. I especially value Tip #4.

Source: caparkinson.com

When Colorists Hit The Wall

If you're looking for in-person, high-quality training on dedicated color grading apps, then you should be talking to the guys at ICA. Of course, they also have a blog.

Kevin Shaw addresses the issue of creative apathy. What happens when you find yourself using the same techniques, tricks, and approaches over and over again? What can you do to re-energize yourself, inspire your artistry, get out of the rut?

Source: icolorist.com

 The Next Step Is A Doozy

Underwater Base Jumping

Gorgeous, gorgeous underwater sequence. And if you've ever scuba or snorkeled near the continental divide... this captures that mind trip.

Source: chrisfenwick.com

Around TaoOfColor.com

From the Forum:

Colorista II

Have you graded a job with CII yet? Dane H. just wrapped a gig with it. Head over in the TaoOfColor forum to share your impressions and answer Dane's question about the render quality of Colorista II versus Color.

UPDATE: MC Color training

On Thursday I started writing the promised MC Color training. I'll start recording by mid-week.  In next week's newsletter I'll have solid news as to how, when, and how much. Thanks for sticking around for our first product rollout!

This is the first tutorial I've created for TaoOfColor.com. It's not strictly about color grading - but since many graders also handle prepping and finishing duties, I thought this was a good tip to launch with. 
It also allowed me some quality time with my screen capture software to figure out my workflow for the more ambitious control surface training I'm recording. The above link will take you to Vimeo. 

Feedback on this newsletter is always appreciated.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!

Editor: Patrick Inhofer

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Current Control Surface Drivers:

JL Cooper Eclipse
Updated: July 15
Eclipse Ethernet Software
version 2.1.3

Euphonix MC Color
Updated: June 8
EuControl Software
v 2.5.5

Tangent Wave
Firmware: v1.9
Software: v3.7

Tangent CP 200
Software: v3.7
User Warning: CP200 Software
via Color-List

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